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Villanelle​(staff)Verified member
Villanelle​(staff)Verified member
8 years ago • May 19, 2016
Villanelle​(staff)Verified member • May 19, 2016
Thanks for the feedback everyone!  This is exactly the sort of details we are working on resolving as we continue our beta period.
explorer​(switch male)
8 years ago • May 19, 2016
explorer​(switch male) • May 19, 2016
All done, thanks for your help Assaf, I still wasn't successful on my iPhone, but I did manage to get it done with the PC. Not being technically gifted, I'm not sure why this is, but I have been able to change what I wanted so thanks.
I did change my profile pic using my phone before, so I'm not sure what I did differently. Hey-ho!! icon_smile.gif 
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
8 years ago • May 19, 2016
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member • May 19, 2016
Glad to hear you managed, but why not email me the photo that couldn't get in place and I'll try to investigate some more?