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7 years ago • Aug 2, 2017
plaisirnoir • Aug 2, 2017
Actually.. can OP please clarify what castration play would be like for you? I'm curious. There are definitely folks out there that I think the world can benefit from if they were castrated.. icon_wink.gif (And I think we can all name a few. HA!) I personally would love to try that whole open up the sac and fondle the testes for realsie scene... but I don't think anyone would be into that.
7 years ago • Aug 2, 2017
Villanelle​(staff) • Aug 2, 2017
If you are really planning to be castrated or castrate someone else I'd recommend getting some mental health assistance immediately. This extreme type of self harm would be life threatening and likely criminal for anyone you'd care to involve. Sorry to be a killjoy but when reading this sort of thing I feel compelled to add some sort of caveat before commenting further, even when it's posted in the most playful, fantastical sense,

Okay now that that's's what I think about the FANTASY of being castrated. Bear with me....

I once saw a documentary about a prodomme who spoke about clients who enjoyed scat play. Scat is one of those things I've never been able to understand. Why would anyone want to play with shit? I wish I could find the link to this film (any help here?) but the prodomme did a great job of explaining the attraction. Of all the taboo things you can do, scat might be among the most extreme. We are deeply wired to have an aversion to our own body waste and that of others. To cross that boundary WITH someone else feels (as the prodomme described) intimate, exciting, and dangerous. It was the breaking of the taboo that was exciting to her client, not the scat in particular. I finally felt like I had a bit of insight in to the fetish, although I still have zero inclination to explore it myself.

Castration fantasies are also extreme. Dangerous. Intimate. Forbidden. They arouse all sorts of emotions. What would it be like to be so utterly and irreversibly emasculated? I get why it's an interesting place to go in your head.

As far as exploring it in roleplay, I once saw photos of a guy who was quite heavy tape up his cock and balls in a...sorry no nice way to say this...roll of fat. And then his domme took pictures for their entertainment. Maybe something like that might be fun. But don't forget, sooner or later you might find you need your balls for something or other. Best to hang on to them icon_smile.gif
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Taramafor​(sub male)
7 years ago • Aug 23, 2017
Taramafor​(sub male) • Aug 23, 2017
It can tie in with roleplay I suppose. But I'd never be willing to permanently lose my junk with the real me. Maybe that's the appeal of it. To have someone do it to you even if it's not actually done to "you" as it were. Actually it is kind of you if it's "Online you making posts with trusted company" but basically my point is the appeal might lie in the conflict of the scenario and testing each other to the point that you'd still be there despite the events happening.

I remember a time when someone castrated me in a post. Someone I was with online (in the relationship sense). I went with it (It wasn't planned on either side). She didn't like me being a horn dog. We remained together despite that. So I think the appeal with something like this is "I'm here even at your worst" or something.

She doesn't mind that I'm a horndog now though. It's just how I am with close company. And not a "just fucking" thing. Some might class me as demisexual. I kinda skip the "friend" part though (eg: I need to be that close to feel it). I think it's for these reasons that castration holds zero appeal for me. But if one is the type to fuck around a lot (which people can wish they weren't doing even if they're doing it) then it might perhaps hold more appeal. Castration isn't the only way of resolving such a thing though.

Just spit balling some thoughts on the matter. May or may not be on the ball.
errand sub male
7 years ago • Aug 23, 2017
errand sub male • Aug 23, 2017
Wow so many vanilla Dom's on this site. Millions perhaps have been castrated through history by choice and not. Its not a big deal. I absolutely can't respect any decisions based in religious belief, I see religion as fantasy roleplay and religion should not be taught to children it should be illegal