hiraethslave(sub female){unavailabl}
6 years ago •
Feb 20, 2019
6 years ago •
Feb 20, 2019
I'm going to hop back to the original question "So, how should the outdoor D / S relationship be handled?"
*should* it should be handled within the limits of the couple involved. Now how *would* I handle it?
First, I tend to but kink and D/s into two very different boxes. The above answers mostly have to do with kink. I'm going to address the stated question D/s.
In public I am exactly the same as i am 90% of the time at home. it's all about polite quiet respect. I tend to be very cussed on my Dominant, all eyes on him. My best friend/one time Sir asked me once if I was even aware of x thing, I replied honestly, no... I was entirely focused on you. He says I get "googly eyed". I tend to be a bit quieter, but my facial expressions are very open. I have no wall or mask up. I tend to be very attuned to his body language and react to it, whatever that means for the situation, be it to be more physically affectionate, or not. I also tend to wait, allow him to be the first to speak. my gait changes as does my pace of walking. Yes, when I am in a relationship, I prefer to wear a day collar though it is usually clear it is a collar of consideration or training. Types of collars have meaning. I had never intended to accept more than one slave collar/ownership.
Lastly, I take any direction as an order. If I'm told x thing, I do x thing without hesitation. I would never ask him to have to debate, discuss, or wait in public. It should be seamless, it should not need to draw attention.
Now, kink in public is another matter. I do not engage in overt kink in public. Discrete kink, yes, but overt no. Kink is something I will not discuss on open forum. The concept here is very much the same as the person who stated that the public can not consent. I agree. Unless you are in a place where consent is understood and you can guarantee children will not be present. NO. Hard limit. However, if it is something that should be able to be hidden *yes, please.*