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Trump Supporters

Max Sterne​(dom male){Morley}
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
Aurelia wrote:
I'm coming out here. I was thinking about making a blog post about this.

I confess. I'M A TRUMP SUPPORT. I support the President.

One of the sexist D/s relationships that I have had was with a male sub who disagreed with me politically. The juxtaposition of our opposing views created such arousing sexually tension. All I could think about was sitting on his liberal face with my MAGA hat on. He would coax me by calling me racist and saying that I hate women (which I don't btw). I degraded and humiliated him calling him Soyboy and challenged his masculinity saying wish he had the ball Donald Trump has. It was so much fun

I live in DC. Being conservative, I'm in the minority. I encourage everyone to reach out to people on the other side of the aisle. You never know what you will find out about yourself once you engage that way.

The BDSM is an open community that embraces the unusual. Isn't that what it's all about. We are opening our minds to the possibilities, right? It is very discouraging to see that political opinions would have you shunned by certain people. Let's talk. Have a conversation. Persuasion is the game, isn't it?

Except of course for Trump supporters it is one sided. That much is clear. Trump supporters love to talk about being inclusive, but then throw in with neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Ever notice no Trump supporter condemns Trumps easy association with them? Kinda funny that. Makes you wonder why they are so selective about what the condone and what they condemn. Obama? Believes people are equal, but condemned by Trump supporters as an evil socialist who hates America . Trump? Idolizes Kim Jong-il and Vladimir Putin, yet Trump supporters say he is a patriotic America who stands for freedom. The hypocrisy begs the imagination.
maid4ever​(sub male)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
maid4ever​(sub male) • Jul 3, 2019
throw in with neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Ever notice no Trump supporter condemns Trumps easy association with them? Kinda funny that

Whats funny is that this is clearly a straw man question

Trump supporters dont condemn Trump BECAUSE is not a support of Nazis or White supremacists. That's a 3 year media narrative.
dollMaker​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
dollMaker​(dom male) • Jul 3, 2019
Wondered how long it would be till some actually hinted at the 'fake news' mantra.
BrunettePrincess​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
Is it American to respect a President simply because of his title or is it more American to stand up for what’s right in terms of social justice? I for one will not give any one respect, they must earn it. Anyone who jokes about sexual assault, disabilities, and treats will minorities that way, AND abuses the very Constitution he swore to protes will NEVER have my respect. This is because I respect our flag, I respect America, and I respect the values we were founded on. He for one must have forgotten we are the land of the free not bigots
Aurelia​(dom female)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
Aurelia​(dom female) • Jul 3, 2019
Max Sterne wrote:

Except of course for Trump supporters, it is one sided. That much is clear. Trump supporters love to talk about being inclusive, but then throw in with neo-Nazis and White Supremacists. Ever notice no Trump supporter condemns Trumps easy association with them? Kinda funny that. Makes you wonder why they are so selective about what the condone and what they condemn. Obama? Believes people are equal, but condemned by Trump supporters as an evil socialist who hates America . Trump? Idolizes Kim Jong-il and Vladimir Putin, yet Trump supporters say he is a patriotic America who stands for freedom. The hypocrisy begs the imagination.

Trump doesn't support Neo-Nazi or White Supremacist. He condemned them. Please read the transcript. The news media took it out of context.

Also, Trump's daughter is Jewish and his grandchildren. Do you think he would support a group that hates half his family? Another thing, if Trump's association with Neo-Nazi was so obvious, don't you believe Isreal wouldn't have said something about it. Even condemn the United States as an ally.

When it comes to Kin Jong-il and Putin, we don't have all the details to understand what is going internationally except for what information the media tells us. I think Trump is playing 4D chess. I'm just glad we are not in a war with either of those countries, right now. Who knows what will happen.

I wasn't trying to get politic here. The Cage is an escape. I see it like this, everyone Left and everyone Right are consuming the same information and seeing two totally different movies. I based on this thread; I'm seeing this highlighted so clear. Everyone is just arguing to be right and not to understand where the other is coming from.
Soulweaver​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
Soulweaver​(dom male) • Jul 3, 2019
@Aurelia​(dom female)

You can piss in my ear all day long and tell me it's raining, I am intelligent enough to know the difference.

Furthermore, Trump has been a racist all his life, just as his father was before. The evidence goes well beyond his recent actions, comments or faux apologies. I still remember what he said and did in regards to the Central Park five, a group of 5 young men of color who were falsely accused of gang raping a white woman and were convicted of a crime they didn't commit. They were not only completely exonerated, it turned out their "confessions" were coerced. Trump a piss poor real estate "broker" at the time, put a full page ad in the New York Times calling for the death penalty for those innocent young men. Something he has never apologized for, nor disavowed and in fact he has never even admitted it was mistaken.

Furthermore, just by happening to have Jewish relatives, does not make him free of racism nor white supremacist views/sympathies. Strom Thurmond, an avowed segregationist (and in my opinion racist) had an African-American mistress and fathered a child with her. He consistently defended his segregationist views, despite having a bi-racial child (whom he never openly claimed). And please name one avowed American white supremacist the nation of Israel HAS condemned?

All I can add is denial is not just a river in Egypt. There will be people actively denying climate change, while the water is lapping at their ceiling, that level of denial is far from new. Charles Lindberg stated up until the United States declared war on Nazi Germany, that the Nazis were not a threat to the U.S. So it is apparent that "psychobabblec is far from a recent phenomenon.
sweet november​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
I believe that people are mostly good, I may believe in people too much, but that's ok.

I hoped to create a bridge and I believe that this post may have with some people, because, again, I believe most people are good.

And I've met my share of very bad people, and they've brought me to my knees. But what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, right?

I hope to end this discussion on a positive note, trump supporters or not, please look at the individual. After all, we are all going through life trying to make the best of it.

I believe that we should all strive to be better and better understand each other.

If that's not possible, I leave you with the Beatles song "Let it Be"
maid4ever​(sub male)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019

Social Justice

maid4ever​(sub male) • Jul 3, 2019
BrunettePrincess wrote:
Is it American to respect a President simply because of his title or is it more American to stand up for what’s right in terms of social justice? I for one will not give any one respect, they must earn it. Anyone who jokes about sexual assault, disabilities, and treats will minorities that way, AND abuses the very Constitution he swore to protes will NEVER have my respect. This is because I respect our flag, I respect America, and I respect the values we were founded on. He for one must have forgotten we are the land of the free not bigots

Wki defines it as "justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society.
"individuality gives way to the struggle for social justice"

Does Social Justice sound like an American value? Equal opportunity through the ability to create ( by creating value for others) own and control/defend ones property/wealth/assets. Thats an American value/dream surely? Sound so me like your re inventing American history or values into a Socialist model and then claiming anyone who doesn't value socialism is Anti American. Social Justice is Socialism or Communism is it not? A re Branding exercise. The US Gov is Socialism, forced income re distribution.

Social Justice is a joke.
Lotus​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jul 3, 2019
Lotus​(sub female) • Jul 3, 2019
Sometimes I wonder if Trump is a member of The Cage And has been reading this thread the entire time. His kinks would be golden showers and DEFINITELY public humiliation!

But he surely would have chimed in by now to defend himself. 🤷‍♀️