simplylaura(sub female){djinni} |
4 years ago •
Dec 30, 2019
4 years ago •
Dec 30, 2019
simplylaura(sub female){djinni} • Dec 30, 2019
Congrats. You read my profile, which indeed has a moral imperative listed. Is it a generalization? Probably. But I also stand by the empirical evidence that indicates a lack of compatibility. I'm intrigued that you equate size to ability to tolerate pain. The hardest players I know are small women, while the biggest baby I've ever met is a 6''5 350lb stacked dude (who acknowledged it). See what I did just there is offer you anecdotal evidence, which is exactly what you did, except you offer it as fact. Men are typically bigger and have more general strength than women. However, that does not equal greater pain tolerance. That is an entirely different subject requiring looking at multiple facets of a person. Remember, small people with uteri have been birthing babies since the dawn of time unmedicated. I happily secede my thrown as a heavy masochist to any person who has let a big as baby head rip open their cunt with no drugs. That's another anecdote. To keep on topic, however, I still find umbrage with your annoyance with tops/Dom's checking in on you during play. Within the context of your personal, defined, and consented to relationships you can have whatever you want. However, the general use of it is a safety mechanism that needs to not be disparaged so people can continue to consent during a scene. Again, what you negotiate in your scenes is yours, but it does not indicate insecurity on behalf of the top/dominant. I play hard, harder than my current partner has played in the past and we both need those check ins. They build security and let us connect. It has nothing to do with her thinking I can't take it or vice versa. What's important is that it works for us and for lots of others out there. Belligerently, Laura |