MissBonnie(dom female){oz}
4 years ago •
Feb 4, 2020
4 years ago •
Feb 4, 2020
I used to get a lot of DommeDrop in the early days when I first started out. Now I'm a little better spotting it and taking care of myself. I'm also older, wiser and more experienced. In this case thank you maturity for something useful. While "DommeDrop" sounds all sugary sweet like a treat, I found it horrible. I'm a sadist my primary sub a maso, I'd end up thinking afterwards all kinds of terrible things. I'd doubt myself and my actions towards my submissive/s. My normal confidence would end up shattered and tattered for awhile. I knew it was stupid but you tend to just go with what your feeling if your..well clueless to what happening. I knew my play was consensual but I'd get that nagging self doubt whispering in my ear "why'd you do that to him".
It took me a few years to understand, what was happening was the brain takes a while to realize there are no more external stimuli present and then begins shutting down production of those chemicals in order to attempt to bring the chemical levels back down to a level state. What it does however is it completely shuts down production… so much so that the levels often drop below normal after the fact, usually by the next day. When this happens, there is usually a period of depression like symptoms associated with lower than normal chemical levels in the brain, then as the brain realizes the levels are low, it begins production again, but over produces once more to compensate, not nearly as much as when in a scene, but still, which leads to a period of happiness and giddiness once more. I've found over the years if I attend aftercare of the submissive, my own DommeDrop is less. I use it to re teether myself back to earth if I have Domme spaced. My primary is also good now at spotting it in me and will give me what I need int he way of space, food and loving care. I still get the odd crap day after play where I know I'm dropping but its easier to handle, when you know its happening and why. I find exercise and sleep are all I need and I'm good to go again in a day on those now rare times that it does occur.