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SweetSirRendering​(sub female)
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
KinkyJ wrote:
When a desire or fetish takes a potentially dire turn or could lead to a serious chain of events, it's time to step back and re-evaluate and either cast it aside or seek a way to acheive a similar sensation but in a different and safer way.

So yes, you are right to be concerned and try to talk her out of it. Its a bad idea from every aspect.

these are my thoughts as well, J. hi btw!
Srbearcat​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
Srbearcat​(dom male) • Jan 10, 2020
Are you kidding. She must be crazy to even consider this.
In the event of a fundraiser amongst people who are know is far enough much less the possibly and most probable harm to befall it.
I am in love with pain as a sadist but some common sense is required here.
MasterRon​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
MasterRon​(dom male) • Jan 10, 2020
Emma the graceful wrote:
That is not the idea behind it Bunnie. The idea was going online Auctioning herself off for money for two years so that she is not alone.... If that makes any sense? She is not really slave material.

Well this sounds really scary and dangerous. I would not be against the idea of a consensual auction (for fundraising or the likes - just like many others have pointed out) but this seems like way too far and extremely risky.
Meg​(dom female){NotLooking}
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
Yeah, auctioning is a completely insane idea, unless it's in a munch of well respected BDSM practitioners who have known eachother and have reputations for being respectful of boundaries, to raise money for snacks or charity. And even then, just for a night, or a day or whatever. Like a regular, vanilla, eligible bachelor auction.

A 2 year global thing? That's fucking death wish. I don't even meet an international friend unless I've known them for at least a year. If she's actually considering this, she should seek help from a mental health professional, because there is something wrong in her head.
HcPhil​(dom male)
4 years ago • Jan 10, 2020
HcPhil​(dom male) • Jan 10, 2020
I do not think auctions are good. There is no telling the number of bad situations one could be putting themselves into.
Samsea​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 6, 2020
Samsea​(dom male) • Feb 6, 2020
Any update as it's been a few weeks, I just wondered if she turned up in someones Santa Sack over Xmas... only joking
But seriously has anything happened an update would be good just to see if it was a serious question, however I am not doubting you Emma, just wondered if she was pulling your leg so to speak.

indiansub​(sub female)
4 years ago • Feb 6, 2020
indiansub​(sub female) • Feb 6, 2020
I think, if its in for sort of a play it might be interesting. One of the doms I was with used to hold it but with a very very limited set of ppl. So it became more of a play act than an actual auction. I assume thats what the topic of the thread was. Real auction to unknown ppl is trafficking. and going that far takes u away from this lifestyle to the world of crimes.
Emma the graceful​(sub female)
4 years ago • Feb 6, 2020
It was not meant as play, but as a lifestyle choice limited to two years. That is what I came to realize as it led me to trafficking sites. So now I am probably flagged by various intels 🙄.
JD Dom​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 8, 2020
JD Dom​(dom male) • Feb 8, 2020
I can easily see how your friend could romanticize such an arrangement. It would be nice to live in a world that was safe enough for a young lady to sell herself in exchange for opportunity or cash, or sponsorship while she was going to college... whatever. But we don't live in such a world as that, so the risk is too high.