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I can't figure this out!!

No Body​(dom male)
4 years ago • Apr 9, 2020
No Body​(dom male) • Apr 9, 2020
OK on the right side of your screen at top look for your name and click on the spot to get your profile up. You should see a plus or minus so just hit the plus and it will take you to your pictures just pick one.
4 years ago • Apr 9, 2020
Villanelle​(staff) • Apr 9, 2020
Thanks HeyLittleOne - photos in blogs are indeed a Premium feature. You can see the differences between Basic & Premium here:

Our chatrooms are usually a Premium only feature however we've opened them to all for the time being.
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Lucyinthesky​(sub female)
4 years ago • May 19, 2020
Lucyinthesky​(sub female) • May 19, 2020
Hello! I’m a premium member but unfortunately I still cannot post a picture on my blog. Should I be using my laptop? I normally visit here from my phone. Thanks!
4 years ago • May 19, 2020
Villanelle​(staff) • May 19, 2020
@Lucy, our tech guy, Cage Monkey, will respond asap to get this sorted icon_smile.gif
Cage Monkey​(staff)
4 years ago • May 19, 2020
Cage Monkey​(staff) • May 19, 2020
Uploading a photo to the blog from a mobile device works like this:
When editing a post, click on the Style button to open the toolbar, then click on the image button. That's the last one there. The click "upload images.." to upload a photo from your device. At that point it is added t o your "drive" and from there you can select any picture you've previously uploaded to be embedded in the blog.

I hope it helps icon_smile.gif
3 years ago • Aug 29, 2020
truckstopjunkie • Aug 29, 2020
How do I post from youtube on my blog?