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Hair or Bare?

4 years ago • Apr 15, 2020
ThirtyFourPointFive • Apr 15, 2020
Bare.. so much better to give oral sex.
Hollylolly​(switch female)
4 years ago • Apr 15, 2020

Re: Hair or Bare?

Hollylolly​(switch female) • Apr 15, 2020
Reverse goatee, or at least that's what he called it.
Just a little patch front and center. Everything else front to back smooth and shiny, so as to keep the playground extra sensitive icon_wink.gif I like the fellas smooth and shiny too. I'm quite the messy little cock gobbler and don't like any hair in my way.
4 years ago • Apr 15, 2020
MasterTrainerT • Apr 15, 2020
Groomed yes bare No! To me girls are bare women have hair. I'm not a full bush guy but a little to me is attractive. When i take on a new sub I instruct her that when she is ready to move from the scene play. And commit to being owned she is to stop shaving her pits and take that as her first mark of ownership. Why? 1. It is a daily if not constant reminder of who's she is and the choice she made. 2. Will be noticed by some but can be hidden. 3. It acts as a tool to help her get past fears. 4. It can temporary, since I usually take on inexperienced subs or cuckold couples the non permanent factor usually allows them to step out of scene play and commit earlier. Just my thoughts.
GoodGirlSubAAA​(sub female)
4 years ago • Apr 15, 2020

Bare, but hair

Hair on a guy is h-o-t imho. I prefer the bare look on women, but do not shave or wax myself (I just "neaten"). Everytime I try, my skin is too sensitive and I end up being so uncomfortable! I'm glad there are guys who think it's attractive. icon_smile.gif
Canned Heat
4 years ago • Apr 17, 2020
Canned Heat • Apr 17, 2020
Definitely Bare.

If I'm going to have sex with a woman, I don't want to take her panties off to find something that looks like a small animal has been stapled there.
MasterRon​(dom male)
4 years ago • Apr 17, 2020
MasterRon​(dom male) • Apr 17, 2020
Well I like bare. Two reasons, it's smooth and feels good to touch and second it removes the last layer of cover and for a sub that can be an important psychological thing to know she is completely exposed
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
4 years ago • Jun 16, 2020
I prefer bare (like little_bunny on both) but I'll settle for clipped. Lets face it maintenance can be a hassle. Reality can also be a bitch and cause lumps. bumps, nicks and rashes no matter the method. Some times you just gotta say to hell with it and go with "almost" to save the insanity.
PawPawGirl​(sub female){Azzabackam}
4 years ago • Jun 16, 2020
I love a little friction. I love to run my fingers through my Dom's hair...from the top of his head down. I love how his pubic hair catches and holds our collective juices. Nothing is sexier to me than the taste and scent of us.