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How likely is to be real?

Xavier Rehnquist​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jul 20, 2020

How likely is to be real?

I was wondering what proportion of conversations are real here.

What i mean is, if soneone is talking about meeting up in real life. How often does it actually happen and how often do people eventully realise it to be a form of extended roleplay?
Aquarius Dom​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jul 20, 2020
Aquarius Dom​(dom male) • Jul 20, 2020
In my experience only very rarely and then only after quite a lengthy time talking and exploring !

You can’t select a Ds partner in a couple of chats it’s just not possible !

Though if they are a member of the 50 shades wannabe dom/sub club only interested in tie-flog-fuck then carry on !!! Lol
3 years ago • Jul 21, 2020
Bunnie • Jul 21, 2020
My personal experience has depended on how close we are in proximity. People I’ve met on here that are close by, I’ve met within a week or two. Others further away, it’s taken a bit longer. Those on the other side of the world, I’m still waiting to meet :/

I think a lot of it comes down to how long and how active someone has been in their local community. Off-line experience tends to take away the “boogeyman” aspect of meeting someone, so you have in place a system, and use it. It’s the same old thing... if we have nothing to go by, our minds make mountains out of molehills.

A certain amount of caution is definitely ideal, however I have come to realise that those who seem to have an excessive amount of paranoia are more likely to be your “on-line only” people.
slaveMikayla​(sub female){MstrJ }
3 years ago • Jul 21, 2020
Bunnie's answer is very valid.
However, i think I understand your question differently. I believe you are asking about how many people are being honest with themselves and others about how invested and willing to move to real they are...

If that is the case, I would say that online in general I've got a 50/50 percentage with people I have spoken to and discussed meeting irl in the last 17 years... and I couldnt for the life of me tell you what it was that was the deciding factor.
I think Bunnie has a very solid point about people who are active in their local communities... those people tend to be real if they say they are in, they are. The wild card comes with people who have never done so.

I wish I could even look at you and say "well, it is an investment thing." If someone is invested time and other resources into a relationship then they will be invested in being honest about the reality of it.... but that is not the case. This applies to new and long term established relationships. I've had two long term relationships over a year which have discussed meeting, made specific plans, and in one case bought a transatlantic flight ticket .... and still that went to sh** pretty much immediately. Yes, there were extenuating factors, but no one can tell what the truth was....whether cold feet/extended roleplay or fantasyland were a part of that disintegration.

Take it slow.... expect your effort to be matched in actions as much as words. If you are putting in time, expect them to put in time. If you are investing emotionally or financially expect the same. If they are close to you try to work out a mutually safe way to at least "see the whites of their lies... I mean eyes" sooner rather than later if nothing more than for a hey hi how are you. If it is long distance then maybe temper your expectations a bit.

Good luck on finding what you are looking for!

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JohnBond​(dom male){Kitten}
3 years ago • Jul 21, 2020
Bunnie wrote:
My personal experience has depended on how close we are in proximity. People I’ve met on here that are close by, I’ve met within a week or two. Others further away, it’s taken a bit longer. Those on the other side of the world, I’m still waiting to meet :/

I think a lot of it comes down to how long and how active someone has been in their local community. Off-line experience tends to take away the “boogeyman” aspect of meeting someone, so you have in place a system, and use it. It’s the same old thing... if we have nothing to go by, our minds make mountains out of molehills.

A certain amount of caution is definitely ideal, however I have come to realise that those who seem to have an excessive amount of paranoia are more likely to be your “on-line only” people.

I think Bunnie has it on the nose here, My kitten and I met on here a year and a half ago (gosh dang the time flies) and we met shortly there after and have been together ever since (Recently moved in together) so it varies. We've met a few people from here but really proximity was the key.

We both knew we had an interest in moving a relationship from online to RL though so that common interest / desire helps as well