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forum notification e-mails

evergrey​(sub female){Ashigeru}Verified member
6 years ago • Jan 21, 2018

forum notification e-mails

evergrey​(sub female){Ashigeru}Verified member • Jan 21, 2018
Hello there!
So, if I get a BOND message or a private message, I get a nice little graphic e-mail with clickable links!

If I get a forum reply notification, however, I get text with links that I cannot click.

You are receiving this email because you are watching the topic, "You Know What They Say About Assumptions..." at . This topic has received a reply since your last visit. You can use the following link to view the replies made, no more notifications will be sent until you visit the topic.
If you no longer wish to watch this topic you can either click the "Stop watching this topic link" found at the bottom of the topic above, or by clicking the following link:"

I'm using Yahoo Mail Classic on my computer, the updated app on my phone. Same situation in both.
Villanelle​(staff)Verified member
Villanelle​(staff)Verified member
6 years ago • Jan 21, 2018
Villanelle​(staff)Verified member • Jan 21, 2018
I'll poke Cage Monkey and have him respond icon_smile.gif
    The most loved post in topic
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
6 years ago • Jan 22, 2018
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member • Jan 22, 2018
Sorry for the delay, that's strange, I'll have to check it out shortly and fix what needs fixing.

There's an historical reason for the two sets of notifications living side by side in the site system, I shouldn't bore you with the details.

Please, if you can - forward the forum reply notification mail you received to,

Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member
6 years ago • Jan 28, 2018
Cage Monkey​(staff)Verified member • Jan 28, 2018
Got it and it looks okay on my mail client, but I would still find the differences between the different notification messages that the site send and fix that icon_smile.gif