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Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
4 years ago • Dec 26, 2020


Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account • Dec 26, 2020
When responding to an ad or a profile very often it happens that there is no response in return. It is understood that the inbox may be flooded. It is also understood that there may be a lack of interest. And sometimes there may have been interactions with some unsavory individuals who are here for kicks or to get off using abusive language or flashing their goods right and left. But there are also serious individuals looking for a kindred spirit. And it gets really discouraging when in responding to someone you get no response at all. Even if it is to say thanks but no thanks. At least you know where you stand. As for the abusive and impolite ones blocking is there for a reason. As a community of like minded people i believe that a modicum of courtesy goes a long way and responding to someone indicates courtesy. Even if it is in the negative. If I've been rambling or hurt someone's feelings I'm sorry . I'm not targeting anyone in particular. Hopefully a change in situation for many of us. Peace.
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MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account • Dec 27, 2020
It never hurts to reply.
I don't use this method but I know several Dom/mes/subs that have a cut and paste letters pre-typed on why that person isn't for them.
A reply doesn't need to have great deal of effort behind it.
BUT it is always nice to remember that is a VERY real person on the other side of the keyboard.
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
wildbabe • Dec 27, 2020
I agree, I reapond to every comment. Even to the creepy ones.

I don’t like follow-ups telling me that as a sub I don’t have the luxury to wait to respond etc

And I don’t like the ones that keep messaging after a clear NO, that’s harrassing and I don’t stand for it. I blocked and reported a few so far.
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account • Dec 27, 2020
That's the right thing to do. It just doesn't seem right to ignore someone who has responded to what you have posted. But people should also learn how to take no for an answer and move on.
Virginie​(sub female)​{lcpw}
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
i do my best to give an answer to every message, but honestly it's 99% pervy, creepy dreck. i dont cut/paste. I realize not everyone here feels comfortable going to the live chat or maybe they dont have BOND..but its easy to overlook someone with a flooded inbox too. Maybe the person doesn't jump out at me, and i'm here for other reasons and by the time i see the message its days old. i would like to be able to say i remain well-mannered and polite regardless, but people don't make that easy.
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account • Dec 27, 2020
Virginie I agree with you. Lots of creeps. But also one should not put all the eggs in the same basket.
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
Voldemort​(dom male)Verified Account • Dec 27, 2020
I for one am not a creep. Lol. And there are others too. ?
OraclePollon​(sub female)​{NotYours}
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
I agree that if someone takes the time, they should get some time in return. However, when the subject line has more words than the body of the message, I wont respond. To others, I try to make my statements clear and appreciative, but uninterested. I also believe that there is too much animosity these days. Too much ignoring something until it goes away, that leads to ghosting and breaking up via text message. Some people just don't want the drama or the "requirement" of having to respond, but it is being kind and sorry, actually makes you a more well rounded human who can face things head on. These are important life skills.

So next time you wonder why you have such a hard time communicating, try sending that return email. Try confronting things, bad or good, you will get better at it over time. Good place to start.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 years ago • Dec 27, 2020
Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 27, 2020
Responding to an ad is one thing. They should reply even if not interested, and at that point it helps a great deal for the one who responded to an ad be capable of taking "No Thanks" for an answer..


But the other half of your opening sentence, "responding to a profile", first I take it you mean seeing a profile you like and sending a message.

In that event a response to you (rhetorical) would be the option of whoever's profile one is writing a message to.

Unlike a personals ad, a profile is part and parcel to membership here and any other social site and a message out of the blue is an unsolicited one and again, it's the prerogative of whomever receives such a message to reply or not.

The best thing to do is just "love" (I prefer "like" but such is the jargon in this place) a profile you are interested in. If they want to respond they can. Or not.

I have received many unsolicited messages from those who have not thoroughly read my very brief and succinct profile and miss one tiny little detail: I'm Not Looking.

Sometimes I'll respond, other times I won't... but at all times, it's my decision.