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Who discriminates against older slave wannabe's ? who just want to prove them selves to potential ma

goddessMistress​(dom female)
4 years ago • Oct 26, 2020

Who discriminates against older slave wannabe's ? who just w

I just want a chance to prove myself, but those chances never happen, I am sure i am not alone. I will do almost anything to satisfy my master. All I need is a chance.
Please offer any suggestions to slaves who have no master. Thank you.
Kara​(sub female)​{Dark Roast}
4 years ago • Oct 26, 2020
You want a Master, so that narrows down the field of potentials to gay men. You are an older slave, so that narrows down the field of potentials to gay men wanting a relationship with someone over sixty. You discuss your kinks on your page, so that narrows down the field even more to gay men looking for a slave over sixty with those specific kinks. Whew, is that a small amount of men.... You’re not being discriminated against; a small amount of people are looking for someone with your criteria and you’re going to have to put in a lot of work to be found.

Join all the many BDSM sites out there. Keep revising your profile to attract the person that you want. Get involved with your local kink community and start getting to know people that might know people. Consider the your willingness to relocate because a wider geographical net does help. Take service classes to develop skills so that you have more than bedroom skills to offer. Lastly, be patient and give things time.
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tommy s​(sub male)
4 years ago • Feb 7, 2021
tommy s​(sub male) • Feb 7, 2021
I have been lucky enough to find a master we have met just once he is 5years older and I'm looking forward to the journey
House Talion​(dom male)
4 years ago • Feb 7, 2021
House Talion​(dom male) • Feb 7, 2021
Kara wrote:
Join all the many BDSM sites

Sure, if you want to be scammed and verbally bashed by ubber-doms and wannabes. The rest of what she said was accurate, but dont join all the sites. Fetlife is only good for groups and events irl, but it's like high school. Collarspace is a bunch of ads n videos, craigslist app is just good for sex if you dont care what they look like, knki app doesnt exist anymore, vanilla umbrella app is 99% bots, and everywhere else is either specified to ppl you're not or a pay site. Of course of you happen to find your Master at any of the above mentioned places theb you apparently have more luck than most ppl here, but theres a few things you need to prepare for your future Master

As all slaves want to do practicly whatever they can to please their Master I'm sure youd also want to ensure you dont do anything to add stress and anxiety to their lives, so make sure you have everything ready and prepared for physical and psychological acceptance. Handle your Doctors and medications, and make sure everything for your death is handled. It has always been a general agreement that as slaves are not allowed to own anything that all the pre piously owned is thus owned by their Master, but if you do well enough without them to handle such matters then they may command you to handle such things continuosly
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account
4 years ago • Feb 8, 2021
MissBonnie​(dom female)​{oz}Verified Account • Feb 8, 2021
Also an idea might be to re skill yourself. What additional skill could help YOU to be of service to a Dom. Waiting to be molded into a slave is great but doing a little ground work doesn't hurt either as House Tallion said so your a attribute and not a potential drain. The more you offer, the more use and appeal you have.

Think of it like a job resume. What skills do you have that fill up that resume? can you cook? drive? do household repairs/car repairs? build play equipment? massage? reki? bootblack? leather care? rope making? dance class? The list is as endless as your imagination and so many skills are transferable to a BDSM setting. BDSM is great but even 24/7 your still going to have down time. There are loads of things you can do to be proactive while waiting to be reactive to a Master and who knows you just might find someone while your busy improving yourself.

also get involved with your local dungeon or skill share. Volunteer be of use and let it be seen. If you do want this lifestyle it is out there but you have to put in the effort. Use everything at your disposal.
3 years ago • Apr 25, 2021
LucasBaglein • Apr 25, 2021
My situation is similar. I'm also an older submissive male, searching for a dominant man who is my age or older. And, I live in a relatively small town. Obviously, a limited number of options, but I'm optimistic and will definitely continue my life search.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Apr 25, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 25, 2021
Do: --search beyond and outside of the boilerplate Meet and Beat the Meat sites. A lot of nonsense in there not just for gay men but men in general. They outnumber females better than 75 to 1, and that's a conservative estimate.. As noted above the "pool" shrinks for older gay men looking even more. What you could end up with is a site that has "free membership" but you have to pony up to contact or reply to anyone who reaches out, and the odds are that the "person" reaching out to you is a shill. Pay up, respond... listen to crickets.

Not that this is always a bad idea, just have it as a back burner "hope for the best, expect an empty stocking on Christmas morning" approach.

Do: (Post Covid is implied) --find and attend munches or even clubs and bars, especially those with a larger gay clientele, see and be seen. if you're in a small town like "Goat's Crotch, Arizona" you'll have to expand your range a bit to somewhere with a poplulation of humans.

Don't: --jump out of the box on the kink topic. If and when you find what might be a connection, get to know the dude first. See what he is into. Could be of course you might find a vanilla gay guy but you never know until you try, but opening with "I like it rough." can turn people off who want to be more than a roll in the sheets. Especially beyond a certain age, "keepers" with feelings and connections outside Le Boudoir get more results. The physically oriented "Meet my Meat" is found among the early-mid 20s set, sometimes referred to as "Twinks".

I know and work with a number of gay guys. It's a tough prospect the older you get, with many of them saying in one form or another, that for gay men, age 30 is the doorstep to the elephant graveyard.

As with a lot of social and intimate interaction, it's still very much a youth-oriented thing.


Don't: -lose heart. It may be tougher for the middle age set it is not impossible. Just approach it wisely, keep your expectations reasonable and one day you may very well be pleasantly surprised. Most likely when you're not expecting it.

And as I write often:

Let the flow go its way. It's No Good if You Gotta Force It.

That's my usual schpiel regarding any and all relationships, preferences and so-on. I should het a tee shirt with that printed on it.


Only one crappy penny for my thoughts. I personally have no experience in your area. I just go by what I see and hear.