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At which age did you realize your submission or Dominance?

3 years ago • Oct 25, 2020
Ehmma • Oct 25, 2020
Well, unconsciously, from a very young age, I played tying my wrists.
Then at 17 some friends tied me up playing and they played with me for a while, after that I started looking on the internet, watching movies of tied girls etc etc
Mystery Man​(dom male)
3 years ago • Feb 12, 2021
Mystery Man​(dom male) • Feb 12, 2021
lithiumlips wrote:
My boyfriend dressed up as V (from V for Vendetta) and pretended to kidnap me. He tied me up and blindfolded me since V wouldn’t want to be seen naked. He loved it, and I did too in a totally different way! Lol
I was 16 then

Now this sounds like some fun! Would love to chat and hear more about you! See my profile on how to contact me.
spankmechokeme​(switch female)
3 years ago • Feb 12, 2021
I was probably 18 maybe younger. I tie alot of childhood trauma to it but it didn't come til full twist until I got with my first dom. He was good to me. Bedroom time would be different at times. Didnt ever pressure me. Was roughly gentle. Made me aroused in ways I thought didn't exist. Then just went from there. Some bad some okay. But haven't had a great one since him. And that was in my early 20s. I'm 33 now.
ToasterTwinkie​(sub trans man)
3 years ago • Feb 12, 2021
I've had ~spicy~ fantasies since I was little: getting tied up, tortured, brainwashed, kidnapped, etc.. When I hit my teen years they started to turn into more explicitly sexual fantasies. I didn't realize till a couple years ago (I'm 23 now) that these fantasies aren't mainstream. Apparently not everyone wants to be tied up and brutally ravished? Who knew.

Looking back I realize why my favourite scenes in the Princess Bride were the ones where Wesley gets tortured.
ChristmasEve​(other female)
3 years ago • Feb 12, 2021
ToasterTwinkie wrote:
I've had ~spicy~ fantasies since I was little: getting tied up, tortured, brainwashed, kidnapped, etc.. When I hit my teen years they started to turn into more explicitly sexual fantasies. I didn't realize till a couple years ago (I'm 23 now) that these fantasies aren't mainstream. Apparently not everyone wants to be tied up and brutally ravished? Who knew.

Looking back I realize why my favourite scenes in the Princess Bride were the ones where Wesley gets tortured.

This resonated with me a lot. I've also found myself looking back at fantasies from my young teens and realizing they were certainly not mainstream! I've been curious to find out more about BDSM for a year or so, and only just plucked up the courage to peek behind the curtain.
SubmissiveUnicornUwU​(sub female){Permanent }
When I was 16 one of the older guys at my work (early 20s) lent me the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamilton. Soon as her character Nathaniel made his appearance my fate was sealed. I realize now said dude was a fake Dom grooming me. Luckily I had a boy friend at the time who was an ACTUAL Dom who scared him off.
3 years ago • Feb 13, 2021
Lockhurt • Feb 13, 2021
26 when I realized I loved sex with my gf at the time. She was a sub female and I didn't know it nor did I think I was a Dom male.
LilMissB​(masochist female){Tradesman}
3 years ago • Feb 13, 2021
14, when I first discovered BDSM and watching the videos I did, I found myself desiring to be the person serving, submitting, sitting at the feet of another person, receiving the punishment.
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
3 years ago • Feb 13, 2021
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Feb 13, 2021
When I was thirteen years old, I began to consider that most of my sexual fantasies at the time touched on overpowering my partners, either through physical superiority or intelligent manipulation. I would be turned on watching horror films, seeing attractive women in predicament and their vulnerability. As I got older and began to date, I explored these interests as much as I could. My partners, whether kinky or not, always seemed to appreciate my pursuits and their own involvement. Once I met my current nesting partner, we came together with mutual interest and our own experiences with kink and began to develop a relationship in with kink played a greater role. We had a series of experimental dynamics, never quite finding the full contentment (her little typically felt unfulfilled, as did my sadist) until we began to explore polyamory and found that once the unnecessary pressure of being the sole provider for one another was no longer there, we were able to freely explore the interests we shared and have built an eccentric and highly fulfilling connection alongside our vanilla relationship.