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The Tattoo

Sasa​(dom female)
3 years ago • Jul 15, 2021
Sasa​(dom female) • Jul 15, 2021
I have another point. I have seen quite ugly brandings and tattoos made by dominants or cheaply made in studios exactly according to their personal, excuse me, "childish ideas of design". Do I like to see it when they split? No, I don't like it. I'm not the only one. Be wise and think before you decide something like that. It shouldn't become something like a kind of impulse buying at the department store check out cause people are high of their emotions.
Cressida Clytie​(masochist female)​{Taken}
3 years ago • Jul 15, 2021
You're right Sasa. That's why I will not do names or crappy design and will be sure to visit a professional artist. It's going to be with me forever, it should be aesthetically appealing.
I_am_the_Sea​(sub male)​{One Day}
3 years ago • Jul 15, 2021
I've been pierced by my master. I have been tattooed by master. She stated she intended to have me branded at some point.

Each was an act of ownership and incredibly intimate. One I could never fully adequately put into words.

She passed this year yet her marks remain keeping me bound to her. It makes me happy and sad at the same time.

I would recommend never doing so lightly. Only through great thought and deliberation. The scars remain long after the person is gone. And that is where all your strength comes in. The strength to carry those marks with pride and bare the heavy loss of what once was. And some days all your strength...all your will is not enough.

But with that being said. I wouldn't change any of them for the world. Even despite their burden. There are few acts of intimate surrender as heady as being marked and owned...

smeagol​(switch male)
3 years ago • Jul 17, 2021
smeagol​(switch male) • Jul 17, 2021
Most of mine have something to do with my life and mindset...i got the triscilion symbol "in my profile pic" done 20-25 years back when i was more on the UK Social Scene more and represented my Lifestyle choice.
RedKat​{Not now }
3 years ago • Jul 17, 2021
RedKat​{Not now } • Jul 17, 2021
Branding is hot in my opinion, although I have only had the temporary ink, thank goodness. But, I enjoy getting a tattoo and fighting off the urge or kink, however you want to label it, I think tattoos for the dynamic is hot...
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Jul 19, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 19, 2021
I'm not cattle.. Nor am I chattel..

I cannot emphasize this enough.. Life and relationships are forever fluid.. "In Flux" if you prefer.. Body markings, AKA tats or at the extreme, brands-- oft (but not always) outlast the relationships which inspired them "in the moment".

I have no tats, and no piercings (even though i like sensual pain) -- Nor ever will I -- for that very reason.

For those inclined-- I encourage you to wait a bit and see if the relationship for which you would want to get tattoed to celebrate-- is going to last.

The boilerplate horror story is the dude who gets his girlfriend's name tattooed on the space above his cock--

and 3 days later she dumps his ass.


Hoo boy.. Have fun with that, Studley!
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Jul 25, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 25, 2021

Be very careful about that. Nothing in life is more permanent than a body marking.. tattoo, brand, whatever one wants to call it.

You get the "tramp stamp" to his liking and one of you moves on.. Now you're stuck trying to enter a new relationship and/or dynamic all the while the tramp-stamp you did for your now "Ex" is still there and while tattoos can be covered over or "removed"-- it makes a total shit-show of your lower back.

Think... Think... Think..!


A rather extreme example but is hardly rare... When I was back at school, dudes and gals alike got tats favored by their partners.. and lived to regret it a relatively short time later.

In this example, the butt-head who tied one on and got his "forever girlfriend's" name stamped on his ass cheeks...

They broke up.

Poor fuck.


Speaking for myself, I have neither tattoos nor piercings (not even my ears) and (strange coming from a masochist but still...)

-- And I never, ever will.

If any given partner insists, I say no and if they threaten to leave-- I simply say:

"Don't let the doorknob fuck you in the ass on the way out.. It's not lubricated."

(But not a big deal, anyone who's read my Profile knows-- I do not do relationships.)

However, in my case, no dominant or when I do vanilla, no partner will ever be worth me having graffitti stamped on my body or punching holes where none were naturally.

But, of course, as often seen on TV crap-commercials: "Your results may vary"

Take the advice for what it's worth, consider it's largely my opinion regarding my own bod.. and use your own best judgement for yourself.

My two cents.