SemperDominus(dom male)
3 years ago •
Jul 29, 2021
3 years ago •
Jul 29, 2021
I wanted to offer a few suggestions.
Firstly, the issue in this scenario is not anything criminal (most likely), but rather that it might be used to the opponent's advantage in the divorce or child custody matters.
To be clear, in at least some jurisdictions (or with a creative approach), BDSM activities or related evidence could be useful, or could be used somehow to influence the outcome, or tip things in the person's favor, by using a creative approach. I have seen this done a few times.
Regarding evidence and digital content, profiles...
This can be a double-edge sword, because if he already collected the evidence (as people tend to do, before seeking legal action), if she destroyed it, then he could claim that she destroyed evidence -- which would weigh against her. (In some jurisdictions, he could actually sue her for this additionally).
A lot of this depends on how much content there was... Are we talking about a profile, some emails, etc.? ...or are we talking about countless photos, videos, posted online, with a terabyte of content on her computer? (The approach would be different, based on how much of it, and exactly what existed).
Note: I would advise against permanently destroying evidence.
You never know when you might actually need to have that evidence to defend/prove/save yourself.
For example, if he might claim something critically damaging, it might be essential to save yourself by showing that proof, otherwise, a claim (or false evidence) would go without a credible challenge (which could be catastrophic).
Instead of actually destroying everything; I suggest putting any digital content in an invisible encrypted file vault on a separate drive (VeraCrypt is free software that enables you to do that).
Anything that was on the web, will always be on the web, it just depends on how well they search.
I have seen facial recognition software used to search the web and identify/match pixel by pixel of a persons appearance, to find unknown porn that someone did briefly many years ago, that was assumed to not exist.
I have seen old versions of past websites and profiles, be found, including as it was on a specific date.
I have seen phones, computers, websites, any so much more be searched and find evidence.
Do not tap on any link, pdf, or photo, in a text message -- this could have spy software that will remain invisible, while completely live, and having access to real-time calls, message, location, everything.
That app "Kik" that everyone uses, is actually one of the worst options for privacy (use Telegram only, if you want secure privacy -- not Kik, not SnapChat -- only Telegram).
Before deleting, save copies of everything -- to be hidden, in case needed.
Yes, emails and records from sites, and even text messages or call records can be required to be produced (or legally can be obtained in some cases).
If she only has a profile, copy the profile info, and eliminate any description details. Any photos should be saved, and taken down.
Any digital files could be put on separate drive (SSD, or flash drive), in an encrypted file vault -- and then put that in a locked container of some type (in a faraday bag before put in container, is even better).
Take that locked container with the drive, out of the home, not in a storage unit, and nowhere it might be readily found.
Eliminate everything from any computer, web account, phone, or device -- but transfer it to that separate drive first.
The more content there is, the harder it will be.
She needs to go into this scenario, as if preparing for war -- be paranoid, but smart -- because I can guarantee that I he has the right people on his side, a near-paranoid approach is warranted.
I have seen people go to extreme lengths, for years, before, during, after any legal case, just to be safe (similar to the level of actual spies).
Especially in divorce/custody cases, this tends to be merited more than you might think.
In conclusion...
I may add more details to this, but as a bit of preliminary guidance, I hope this might help.
Let me know if there are any specific issues or concerns, because I can probably answer/provide guidance/or ask some of my staff, if I'm not familiar with the issue (tech, law, business, etc, etc).
A lot of this depends on: (1) where (e.g. each jurisdiction is different); and (2) exactly what content exists/or ever existed.
I hope this helps. Let me know if there are any questions; and I'll try to help, if I can.