Iamenough wrote:
Often a firm believer in the notion that people will only change when they realize that what they are currently thinking and doing is fundamentally wrong - wondering in this lifestyle and within the BDSM context is that a notion I should hold on to or give up?
Like anywhere else, you'll gext mixed results. But more importantly, if people are ignorant then challenge them.
If they can only complain and whine when they make excuses to be dismissive, then perhaps they can't handle the truth. Ask questions. Challenge logic. Some people will be closed minded. Others will love you for being observant.
Keep in mind some things can only be proven through action as well. Even if people have doubts/concerns beforehand I get them to have fun. When they actually make an effort to find out. Everyone that's tried would say they enjoyed themselves. The rest are left with their ignorance.
It can be frustrating when you come across ignorant idiots that don't consider your viewpoint. Just at least try to show you have a brain and make it about what isn't known (as opposed to what is). And maybe put things like hypocrisy in a silver light (if being honest about it makes things better, great). There's a few "tricks" you can do to make things go smoother with people. Provided they at least think about/consider your viewpoint.
More often then not people are simply ignorant. I've had an exception when someone even says being closed minded is a good thing. I call this person an idiot because I know open minds go further. Frankly, it's more considerate. And makes it about the understanding. The moment they said open minds are overrated I took it as an indicator that they're lying to themselves, let alone me. And assume far too much. Which they do. I am not the past. I am not others. The future is not yet known. Only an idiot speaks with certainty about those things without context.
Frustrating isn't it? At least most people I know keep me in mind. Just because you don't like a situation and THINK you know it doesn't mean you're "in the right" about it. Ignorance is the deciding factor. I honestly have more respect for someone that degrades and talks down on me (in a none playful manner). Because at least then I know I get people to realize they're being hypocritical. Even if not directly said showing an understanding nature proves it.
Consideration. Keeping others in mind. Considering their viewpoint and that maybe, just maybe you're not as "right" as you assume. It's too hard for some people. I used to be that person. Frankly, hate the old me. What "is" known isn't where the answers lie.
The answers lie in what "isn't" known instead. It's where the "new information" is. Which is not what you're telling yourself over and over when you're ignorant and close minded. I just had to face one of those types recently myself. I might give up on them. But I know plenty of others I know that can handle the pursit of the truth which results in good things and being happy together. So when you ask yourself if you should give up, I remind you of this. Honesty. At any cost. And beware of those that claim to value it when their deeds betray their words.