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Men, what you need to know.

PrecorX​(sub female)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
PrecorX​(sub female) • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle wrote:
Watch the video and then we can talk about it. Otherwise you have nothing to say.

I’ve spent many hours watching Good Ol’Kevin. He’s polarizing for sure. This video barely covers the full scope of his views.

But before we can talk about his views, I have a question.
Do you meet all of his criteria to be considered a High Value Man?

To recap, here are Kevin’s requirements for you to be considered high value man
1. Earn more than 10k/mo. That’s a min of $120k annually
2. Have consistently made above $120k for the past 3-5 yes
3. Other men who meet ALL of these criteria recognize you as meeting the requirements
4. You have a solid network of high value men.
5. Hold a visible position as a higher earner recognized on the top professional online network
6. Other high value men rely on you

If you meet the above requirements, I would love to engage in conversation with an experienced high value man.

If not, then perhaps experienced should be gained in order to have an intelligent discussion.
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male) • Nov 18, 2021
Precor, I'm not here to justify myself to you. You more than likely wouldn't believe me anyways. So let's stick to the subject. Stop deflecting.
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male) • Nov 18, 2021
Precor. Stop being disingenuous. If you were actually looking to talk, you would have messaged me personally. Try again.
PrecorX​(sub female)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
PrecorX​(sub female) • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle wrote:
Precor, I'm not here to justify myself to you. You more than likely wouldn't believe me anyways. So let's stick to the subject. Stop deflecting.

Regurgitating the views of another is easy and bears little weight nor is it a value add.

One who can speak from experience, has the potential to add value.

My ask was not a deflection. It was necessary to determine whether you speak with first hand knowledge or are regurgitating someone who has met all of his self-defined requirements.

Perhaps this line of conversation is best reserved for a different forum thread hosted by you.

This thread was about vulnerability. Kevin does not engage in discussions around vulnerable authenticity. It seems the thread has gone astray.
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male) • Nov 18, 2021
I am not regurgitating. This is how men feel, save for a few. Men are afraid to tell their women these things. Kevin is just the most popular at keeping it real with women.
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle wrote:
I am not regurgitating. This is how men feel, save for a few. Men are afraid to tell their women these things. Kevin is just the most popular at keeping it real with women.

Dom Pinnacle I have to thank you, and apologize.

I was sure that this entire conversation wasn't going to make me anything but mad.
I thought there was nothing positive that I could take away from your argument.
I was sincerely convinced that there was no way I would be able to find anything worthwhile in your comments.

I was wrong. I admit it openly.

I watched that video and I was transfixed. I couldn't' take my eyes off off Mr. Samuels or stop listening to his words.
I was blown away!
Again, I thank You.

Because it was one of the funniest fucking things I've ever seen. I laughed my ass off. Really, I was laughing so much I was afraid the neighbors might call 911. Yes, I understand that it isn't a serious show but it almost comes off like one. Very entertaining.

He reminded me of a guy on TV who is always making up conspiracy theories, and telling people they are legitimate. Then he sits back and waits for the true believers to swear by it.

He's the kind of guy who does a podcast swearing that if you can't accept how you and everyone (not himself of course. He's too quality for that) are anally probed by 3 aliens every night then YOU are in denial. Then he sits back and waits for the true believers to swear by it.

He is the sort of misogynistic, deluded asshole that knows all the best, hostile buzzwords to spit at the camera. Then he sits back and waits for the true believers to swear by it.

He knows his target audience and panders to it like a good little bobble-head.
And he's good at it too, just like all witless hustlers aspire to be.
All the best conmen know how to create the bullshit then patiently wait for idiots to believe it doesn't stink. And wowee does he work that routine perfectly!!

To be fair, I opened my mind and watched or listened to the whole thing to make sure no one can claim that I am ignorant of Kevvy's message.
So that no one can make that claim about you, you should take your head out and open your eyes.

Because any man who buys this reprehensible shit and thinks it is acceptable for his partner to value him over his own children (lookin' and you kev-kev) needs to have his cock gnawed off by an angry, rabid jackal.

So, Dom Pinnacle, thanks for the laugh.
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female)​{LJ}Verified Account
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
ButterfliesAndCuffs​(sub female)​{LJ}Verified Account • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle wrote:
Butterflies, boo f'in hoo. That video is direct and true from a mans perspective. Women have been coddled and made to believe they can do no wrong for too long. The time for accountability is near. So wake up.

Correction: This is a view from a misogynistic asshole’s perspective.
Since when do women think we do no wrong? Maybe actually get to know some women.
“Men” that spout this nonsense don’t actually like women. They like bodies. Bodies change.
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
Dom Pinnacle​(dom male) • Nov 18, 2021
You last two don't even know what misogyny means if you directed it to myself or Kevin Samuels. Having standards as a man is now met with deflection, insults, and a need to be right. Obviously longer Johnny enjoys big women and that's cool. Just say you prefer your women obese. I got no problem with that. For those of us that don't, we need to speak up.
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Nov 18, 2021
PrecorX wrote:
Perhaps this line of conversation is best reserved for a different forum thread hosted by you.

An excellent suggestion from a high value woman. Well done!
Jareth​(dom male)
3 years ago • Nov 18, 2021
Jareth​(dom male) • Nov 18, 2021
So, Pinnacle, you have mentioned that you would have an adult discussion about this topic. Alright, let’s have a discussion. In order to do that properly, some clarification from you is necessary.

First, earlier in the thread you mention that you have never said anything about weight to a woman that hasn’t asked your opinion. Except in this thread of course. The video segment I watched seems to imply that this is a standard all men should expect and demand from their women. Do you agree that it should be demanded or do you think it should only be approached if she specifically asks an opinion?

You have repeatedly spoken of accountability. Do you think accountability on the issue of physical appearance should only be on the woman or do you think she also has the right to hold her man accountable for his physical appearance?

The video also mentions that a woman should not have any trouble losing baby weight after nine months. When this was brought to your attention, you said, “boo f’kin hoo” So is it your contention that a woman having trouble is simply whining? Also, is this an example of how you think women should be held accountable? With snide remarks?

The video also states that the husband should come first. Before the children. Do you agree with that statement?

Lastly, are you of the opinion that name calling someone who disagrees with you is a dominant quality?

I look forward to your answers.