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A little disappointed

3 years ago • Dec 11, 2021
Zvengali • Dec 11, 2021
shahh......No one, including me demeaned anyone. Its my opinion and you have yours. So lighten up Francis....In all my years, this site is no more or no less diverse than the ones twenty five years ago. Just a lot more people now days whos feelings get hurt easily. then try to use out- house first year college psychology to try to "straighten them out" because your butt hurt. So if your momma gave you Spinach when you were little, and you would nt eat it because you hated the taste? Means that you should eat it anyway, because otherwise you would hurt our feelings because we do like it. ? If I hate spinach, no one will ever make me eat is...never
3 years ago • Dec 14, 2021
shahh • Dec 14, 2021
Zvengali wrote:
shahh......No one, including me demeaned anyone. Its my opinion and you have yours. So lighten up Francis....In all my years, this site is no more or no less diverse than the ones twenty five years ago. Just a lot more people now days whos feelings get hurt easily. then try to use out- house first year college psychology to try to "straighten them out" because your butt hurt. So if your momma gave you Spinach when you were little, and you would nt eat it because you hated the taste? Means that you should eat it anyway, because otherwise you would hurt our feelings because we do like it. ? If I hate spinach, no one will ever make me eat is...never

Your replies absolutely crack me up as they're so far fetched, almost incoherent, emotionally charged and generally entirely missing the point. Your spinach reference is the perfect example. You don't have to hate something or label it or call it evil and wrong to not want to indulge or partake in it. That's the key point you're seemingly intent on missing. Not wanting to do something does not equate to having to completely disrespect or insult it. I find it interesting that a person with such vast experience and knowledge that you profess to have cannot grasp that simple concept. I appreciate all of your replies through this and other topics though. I encourage all sub ladies with any interest in you to read them all... And then try and keep their shoes on while they're running for the hills away from you.
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
Zvengali • Dec 15, 2021
Your replies absolutely crack me up as they're so far fetched, almost incoherent, emotionally charged and generally entirely missing the point. Your spinach reference is the perfect example. You don't have to hate something or label it or call it evil and wrong to not want to indulge or partake in it. That's the key point you're seemingly intent on missing. Not wanting to do something does not equate to having to completely disrespect or insult it. I find it interesting that a person with such vast experience and knowledge that you profess to have cannot grasp that simple concept. I appreciate all of your replies through this and other topics though. I encourage all sub ladies with any interest in you to read them all... And then try and keep their shoes on while they're running for the hills away from you.


The "Grumbletonian" speaks.....
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
shahh • Dec 15, 2021
Zvengali wrote:

The "Grumbletonian" speaks.....

Case and point. Haha. Cheers
acquiesced​(sub male)
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
acquiesced​(sub male) • Dec 15, 2021
We are the 1% of the 1% of the 1%, and TC, in all it's glory, is another 1%. So set your expectations accordingly. It's just math.
Dominus eius​(dom male)​{LittleLott}
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
acquiesced wrote:
We are the 1% of the 1% of the 1%, and TC, in all it's glory, is another 1%. So set your expectations accordingly. It's just math.

This is a good way of looking at it. Something I wish more people realised.

Out of the human population, those into BDSM/Kink (pick your own term) are few. Of the few who are, there are only a few who are going to be actively engaged. Again, of those, the terms cover such a huge range of interests - you will only find a few who align with your personal interests.

People seem to join this (and other) sites and immediately expect someone who fits them to fall into their lap. They somehow miss the fact that it’s a needle in a haystack, even once you’re within the “community”.

Patience and communication are great assets……
Spellbound Wytch​{Mr. Parker}
3 years ago • Dec 15, 2021
Dominus eius wrote:
Out of the human population, those into BDSM/Kink (pick your own term) are few. Of the few who are, there are only a few who are going to be actively engaged. Again, of those, the terms cover such a huge range of interests - you will only find a few who align with your personal interests.

People seem to join this (and other) sites and immediately expect someone who fits them to fall into their lap. They somehow miss the fact that it’s a needle in a haystack, even once you’re within the “community”.

Patience and communication are great assets……

⬆️ ⬆️ ⬆️

All of the above - AND please don't feel marginalized or ostracized if that person doesn't materialize in the time frame you had hoped for and expected.
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Dec 16, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Dec 16, 2021
Zvengali wrote:
Solace wrote:
Hello Jesseyfaymes. You are welcome here. You don't have to go somewhere to find people who will include you, though I do encourage a diversity of circles for everyone.

If you find understanding and enjoyable company lacking on this site, then that is exactly why we must implore you to stay so that you may help grow the community in ways we are weak. Despite being a fairly open minded group of people to others needs and kinks, we can be somewhat involved in our own sometimes to the extent that others suffer for it.

So it is YOUR opinion that just because no one wishes to have this type of person with this type of dynamic that this person wants to call themself . We are all weak because we as people either dont understand or are NOT interested in the THEY/THEM Non Binary type of person ? Its our choice, but it doesnt make any of us or this Lifestyle WEAK....

Usually I get a laugh from such incoherent nonsense and then immediately move on in lieu of wasting any further time on it. But I think you may have missed the point of what (I believe) Solace said, and it is a good point to clarify and reiterate.
My interpretation is that the statement "that is exactly why we must implore you to stay so that you may help grow the community in ways we are weak" was not a condemnation of persons who do not like a specific type of dynamic, or a particular "type" of person. I think it was a recognition of how like any community or group of like-minded people we are imperfect, and though we have many great strengths we also have things that we, as a community, could improve on. I believe the point was that the more diversity we have the stronger we can stand together, NOT that any single person or opinion alone makes all or any of us weak.
Your statement "because no one wishes to have this type of person with this type of dynamic that this person wants to call themself" is not only horribly shameful it is plainly incorrect. If that were remotely true there would be no forums about it, no personals for it, no groups dedicated to it - and no profile category for it. Seemingly reducing a person or lifestyle to nothing more than a "type" may just be a pattern of speech, but claiming that NO ONE wishes for it?
You may wish to better your communication skills, or to refrain from speaking on behalf of anyone other than yourself.
If Solace would care to correct my interpretation I would welcome that because only he knows what was meant by his statement.
And to jesseyfaymes - never change yourself to suit anyone other than yourself. Stay here with us, and very best of luck.
A Cloud​(sub female)​{Owned}
3 years ago • Dec 16, 2021
Adding to Johnny's on point explanation, I would also like to mention the diversification of the world in general, which inevitably influences all sub cultures and lifestyles. Holding on to what was is a futile exercise in nostalgic idealism. Refusing what is for the hope of what was (according to individual perspective - also problematic) is setting yourself up for bitterness and frustration. The only constant is change itself. We can choose to embrace change and work towards a best life for the 'us' or we can stubbornly hold to our personal views and shout them from the roof top till we have a divided community where many feel isolated and angry. I ask you to consider, who does that serve?
I choose the pragmatic and realistic approach of being willing and open, diplomatic and respectful and to think more as 'we' and less of 'I'.

Big love for you Johnny - you always brighten my day 🥰.

LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Dec 16, 2021
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Dec 16, 2021
Betty Tails wrote:
Big love for you Johnny - you always brighten my day 🥰.


That is very kind.
Definitely thanks for your support of me, and the OP, and our community, and our shared nutty lifestyle. How cool are we!
We all need each other, even those times when we disagree.
And it is always a pleasure to be in the company of people whose jokes - like my own - ARE funny!