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What makes a Good Daddy (in opinion, of course)

Little Lokii​(sub female)​{nooope}
3 years ago • Jan 5, 2022

What makes a Good Daddy (in opinion, of course)

Helloooo, everyone and anyone who may stumble upon this with some opinions of their own! I am relatively new to the scene and I identify as a little within a DD/lg dynamic (not currently in one) and I am simply just hoping to start a conversation about such icon_smile.gif

Soooo, in all... my question to you would be:

What makes a Good Daddy?!^^

Thank you in advance if you happen to share your thoughts and opinions icon_smile.gif I am sure all will be valid.
Gaiawolf​(sub female)​{RogueWolf}
3 years ago • Jan 6, 2022
For me personally, my Daddy is the best because of being him lol
He keeps in constant contact with me whenever possible.
He encourages me to be myself, playful, crabby, thoughtful, and even difficult at times. My feelings and needs are valid no matter what they are.
He encourages me to make changes -I- want to make. He never tells me anything about myself is not good enough for him and needs to change.
He listens and hears me. No matter how stupid or trivial I think something is, he wants to hear it and be privy to my thought processes.
He is gentle and loving, yet harsh and primal. Again for us this combination is perfect.

Basically, what makes Him a perfect Daddy is we click, on all levels and have 100% open and honest communication on any topic at any time.
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account
3 years ago • Jan 6, 2022
LongerJohnny​(dom male)​{B&C}Verified Account • Jan 6, 2022
I don't think that there is a specific, universal answer to your question but my thought is that what things make a good Daddy are essentially the same things that make a good friend or a good partner or a good person, but tailored to fit your specific dynamic.
Caring, nurturing, protecting, loving.
Sharing his thoughts and feelings and likes with you, and taking an active interest in all of yours.
Being available when you need him for something, and being able to tell you when he needs you.
Intelligence, passion, compassion, honesty, creativity, sense of humor, open mind, Etc.
All of the same things that we hope to have in all of the people in our lives.
But tailored to your dynamic.
    The most loved post in topic
A Cloud​(sub female)​{Owned}
3 years ago • Jan 6, 2022
What they said.

I personally think of a daddy as someone who is wise, sees the inner workings of their little and is invested in facilitating their desired growth with knowledge/learning, integrity and respect, honesty (to all including self), attention, support, empathy, accountability, openness, love (expressed selflessly in action), care, compassion, lust/desire, recognition and appreciation .

🙄 Ummm..... Just someone who is superhuman apparently. Wow! Didn't I raise the bar in 2021. No worries - I like my own company and am very patient when I want to be.
IronWorld​(sadist male)
3 years ago • Jan 6, 2022
IronWorld​(sadist male) • Jan 6, 2022
I used to consider myself a daddyDom before all this age regressive noise took hold and my personal understanding of the role was basically a Dominant who left the sub in a as good as or better place than when you found her.
Spellbound Wytch​{Mr. Parker}
3 years ago • Jan 7, 2022
IronWorld wrote:
I used to consider myself a daddyDom before all this age regressive noise took hold and my personal understanding of the role was basically a Dominant who left the sub in a as good as or better place than when you found her.

I've never identified as a "little" but I'm 100% up for my man giving me a bubble bath, brushing my hair, reading/telling me a bedtime story (preferably kinky) and hot chocolate with peanut butter cookies and all sorts of other delightful indulgences. Especially after a particularly rough impact scene. As such, I'm not that savvy on the terminology used but you seem to be saying that DD/lg is "age regressive" yet I've heard several littles on here make it a point to say they are not into "age regression". Do YOU make any distinction yourself? The way I read this is that you do not.
Conan​(dom male)
3 years ago • Jan 7, 2022
Conan​(dom male) • Jan 7, 2022
A myriad of nuances.

In the broadest terms:
IronWorld​(sadist male)
3 years ago • Jan 7, 2022
IronWorld​(sadist male) • Jan 7, 2022
WytchyWoman wrote:
Do YOU make any distinction yourself? The way I read this is that you do not.

I've yet to be convinced that I should make a distinction.

That said, aftercare is as important and should be as relaxing as any scene is intense. I am seeking my own means of keeping water warm in standard bathtubs through mechanical means and contemplating making my own bath oils.
Berlin​(sub female)​{Collared}
3 years ago • Jan 7, 2022
I think what makes a good Daddy is being a great listener and observer. Listening to things I want to work on in regards of sexuality or everyday life. Holding me accountable to those things and being stern on rules while being compassionate and encouraging. A good Daddy doesn’t try to change natural things of what makes up his submissive like weight, style, tastes or shuns her for being herself. He rather provides a safe and breathable place for her to flourish in herself. Accepting but also stern on boundaries. Ability to observe the slight tone or body language in his submissive to tell if something is wrong or right. Never to coerce or abandon. But build up admiration and respect from his good girl at a non sexual level. At least for me, that’s what makes a good Daddy. Also, physical touch and cuddles are a must.
Spellbound Wytch​{Mr. Parker}
3 years ago • Jan 7, 2022
IronWorld wrote:
WytchyWoman wrote:
Do YOU make any distinction yourself? The way I read this is that you do not.

I've yet to be convinced that I should make a distinction. That said, aftercare is as important and should be as relaxing as any scene is intense.

My preferred aftercare might present to some as babyish or "little" type behavior but I'm *not* into claiming any label for myself. I move very easily in and out of various headspaces without wanting or needing to pigeon-hole myself as any one type. I'll admit to being confused when I see someone who identifies as a little go on to say they're NOT an age regressor, though. I thought maybe you might be able to explain how you differentiate between them but as it turns out you *don't* make any distinction. Thanks for your time but I guess I need to keep wondering.