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Punishments and Rewards

A Cloud​(sub female){Owned}
2 years ago • Jan 7, 2022
May I ask, what tone does your practice of reward and punishment take? Is it playful (funishment) or severe? Is it psychological or physical? Is it negative (taking away/withholding something of enjoyment) or positive (adding/ performing a disliked task) punishment?

If it is corrective punishment, forced accountability would promote growth. Things such as correcting mistakes, restoring balance, practice at a task. The 2002 film Secretary shows this very well when she is forced to proofread her written document.

If it is funishment; well, there are so many kinky possibilities for that. Specific instructions for risk-taking tasks, sexual/physical services that both enjoy, Social, physical, sexual (denial, edging, predicament) or intellectual challenges (written piece, persuasion, social engineering).

Reward (positive) - time spent doing a favourite activity, specially planned day/evening, favourite/desired sexual acts, orgasms, personalised gifts, worship/devotion.

I think there are so many possibilities and the most interesting are those that are contextually relevant and creatively conceived and facilitated.

This post started my brain thinking in all manner of avenues - thank you. Enjoy your expedition.
harleyqt​(sub female)
2 years ago • Jan 9, 2022
harleyqt​(sub female) • Jan 9, 2022
Previous punishments I had from a former Dom:

Writing. Lots of writing. Mostly about why I broke a rule or didn't complete a task. It had to be detailed and so many pages long. I had to sit bare ass on a hard chair and write with paper and pen. If I made a mistake I had to start over. If I really did bad he'd have me sit with a bullet on clit leaning hard into the chair not allowed to cum (its hard to write neatly when you're about to explode)

Then there was the old school clothes pins on the nipples. Lol

Orgasm denial for dayyyys. But having to edge 3 to 4 times a day.

Or...having to orgasm over and over until he told me that i could stop.

Cold showers.

Wearing a vibrator out in public or while doing tasks/ chores.

Cleaning the floors on your hands and knees with a tooth brush.
LongerJohnny​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jan 9, 2022
LongerJohnny​(dom male) • Jan 9, 2022
RedKat wrote:
Longer Johnny, don’t you think that is a little much?? Shit, my mouth, language, my talking without thinking... I would never be complete from that

Of course any punishment or reward should fit the act, so I would never give the water punishment I mentioned for something minor like neglecting to wear a certain color of socks.
Rewards can be lavish or extravagant as well. And either thing can be small. But as far as I am concerned whatever happens must merit the reward or punishment.
And the OP was merely soliciting random ideas after all haha.
Susie Q{Daddy Ant}
2 years ago • Jan 10, 2022
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} • Jan 10, 2022
I’m a bit confused how punishment can ‘freshen up’ a dynamic. Punishments are to be avoided at all costs. Maybe look to different disciplines, but even that isn’t really an area that brings freshness to a relationship.
No Body​(dom male)
2 years ago • Jan 11, 2022
No Body​(dom male) • Jan 11, 2022
The one I always loved was making her sit next to me with a toy inside her as we watch a movie. She could not turn it on she could not touch it and she could not wiggle or move with it in her. I always had to have a towel under her, but the lesson was learned for a time. I was told that the one thing she hated most was when I put a remote vibe in her and I would flic it on now and then while we walked the mall and had dinner but just for a few seconds. Just enough time to get her wet again ... or more so.
Susie Q{Daddy Ant}
2 years ago • Jan 11, 2022
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} • Jan 11, 2022
No Body…. That’s not a punishments it’s a reward!
harleyqt​(sub female)
2 years ago • Jan 11, 2022
harleyqt​(sub female) • Jan 11, 2022
creidsinn wrote:
No Body…. That’s not a punishments it’s a reward!

I thought the same thing lol rawr
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker}
2 years ago • Jan 11, 2022
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker} • Jan 11, 2022
harleyqt wrote:
creidsinn wrote:
No Body…. That’s not a punishments it’s a reward!

I thought the same thing lol rawr

I notice that often times there's no distinction made between real punishments versus playful funishments. It would be helpful if we could make that determination when someone asks for ideas - the OP noted that she wanted ideas to freshen their dynamic so its's possible the intent was for the latter maybe.
nuli​(sub female){Unkolared}
2 years ago • Jan 11, 2022
LongerJohnny wrote:
Reward - Daddy/Dom gives sub/little a bath, dries her off, brushes her hair, and puts her in the new bedwear that he bought for her to sleep in.
Punishment - Sub/little on her knees with an eye dropper must transfer one glass of water drop by drop into another glass. The amount of water depends the level of infraction.

OMG that had me screaming!! thankfully i am rarely punished and when i have been its never been that bad!
Susie Q{Daddy Ant}
2 years ago • Jan 12, 2022
Susie Q{Daddy Ant} • Jan 12, 2022
House of Tailion

I’m not sure I’d want to use soft limits in the punishment arena. Pushing limits can be exciting and should be an area that brings a dynamic fulfillment and pleasure. There’s a lot of trust that a dominant won’t push those soft limits too hard and when they do…to me…it wouldn’t be good to say ‘and today we will push your limits because you disobeyed’. A punishment is something to avoid and pushing soft limits is almost required. Imo