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Dumb sub brain

minimoo​(sub female)
2 years ago • Mar 10, 2022

Dumb sub brain

minimoo​(sub female) • Mar 10, 2022
So normally me and my dom have relations pretty much every night and recently I had a 4 day hiatus due to some circumstances. And the night we finally did it again it was crazy it was like I lost all sense and went carnal. Normally afterwards I'm calm and snuggley this time was hyper and talking nonsense. And the whole next day I could barely form a sentence and my brain was like stuck. Now I've heard of subspace but dumbspace? I'm just curious cuz I've never experienced this.
IowaDom​(dom male)
2 years ago • Mar 10, 2022
IowaDom​(dom male) • Mar 10, 2022
Sounds like he fucked your brains out .... icon_razz.gif
    The most loved post in topic
tallslenderguy​(other male)
2 years ago • Mar 10, 2022
i'll venture a response lol.

To me this reads like you were in a hyper emotional place. i don't see that as "dumb" though. Our emotions don't always make sense or have a rational explanation. Our senses process input through the amygdala before going up to the areas of the brain where reasoning takes place. To me, it seems our reasoning brain doesn't always know what to do with our feelings, or how to articulate those feelings, so it may come out as 'nonsense.'

i think we can do feelings disservice by labeling them in a negative way, as though they are bad or wrong or "dumb?" They are there for complex reasons, just because we do not understand them doesn't necessarily make them dumb?
A Cloud​(sub female)​{Owned}
2 years ago • Mar 10, 2022
I think there are many heightened/transient spaces that our conscience can access and many different ways to get there.

For me, I 'lose myself' when my mind is consumed by the scene and/or sensation. It can feel like floating, melting or sinking (personal interpretation - everyone experiences these spaces differently). The conceiving and building of desire is more likely to take me to greater heights or lower depths - both are delicious ☺️.
DewofHermon​(sub female)
2 years ago • Mar 12, 2022
DewofHermon​(sub female) • Mar 12, 2022
Sweet Marilyn wrote:
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.. maybe you got so hyper that what your body needed was complete rest. Sounds like a healthy balance to me 😊

Everything about bdsm is over stimulating and hyperintensive
2 years ago • Mar 12, 2022
Bunnie • Mar 12, 2022
@ IowaDom,

lol! Best response ever icon_biggrin.gif