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another alternative to sir thread

alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY }
2 years ago • May 12, 2022
Maybe it's just me. But before we moved In to our house. I would just call Wolf by a nickname i had for him it was one i had for him even before we were an item . But it was how i said it and the meaning behind it that mattered. In fact I still call him this even now .when it's just us because on the shhh special meaning to us
2 years ago • May 12, 2022
Bunnie • May 12, 2022
I’m wondering if perhaps it’s a struggle to find a word to show the respect you both desire, a gesture may be an option?
A small curtesy can often be a show of respect, understanding and acknowledgment of a request.
Or a lowering of the eyes and a small nod.

These are a few ideas that came to mind straight away, I’m sure there could be a plethora of others. I just thought I’d share to perhaps open the possibility of looking beyond it necessarily being solely focused on finding a word?
B L O N D I E​(sub female)
2 years ago • May 12, 2022
B L O N D I E​(sub female) • May 12, 2022
The gesture is a really good idea. The Japanese bow comes to mind. You could also use an honorific from another language such as "San", "Sensei", or "Señor" if none of the English ones are doing it for you. Personally, I would steer away from "Bwana" or similar.
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker}
2 years ago • May 12, 2022
Spellbound Wytch{Mr. Parker} • May 12, 2022
rieunleashed wrote:
You could also use an honorific from another language such as Señor if none of the English ones are doing it for you. Personally, I would steer away from "Bwana" or similar.
Si, señor? 😉
2 years ago • May 13, 2022
DrWakko • May 13, 2022
Keep it simple. “Yes Dan”