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Never masturbates !?!

2 years ago • Feb 16, 2022
sweetbutsour • Feb 16, 2022
I think it’s not uncommon for girls to refrain from masturbation. I did it when younger but stopped for a long time for religious reasons. Certain culture also teaches abstinence.
Blue Kat
2 years ago • Apr 28, 2022
Blue Kat • Apr 28, 2022
Everyone MasterBates . especially if your A Woman over 30 .Or A man in your 20.
moll​(other female){owned slav}
2 years ago • May 15, 2022
Since I'm not a male, but I am a slave, I asked my Master if I may respond with something about him and the Masters that we know...ok, even the non Masters we know and he said it was OH HELL YES THEY DO. Sometimes it's been a part of of "playing."
Mister Anderson​(dom male)
2 years ago • May 15, 2022

Re: Never masturbates !?!

Mister Anderson​(dom male) • May 15, 2022
swleopard~ wrote:
So, recently I was messaged by a sixty-something guy on a more vanilla site ( rhymes with ok stupid). Several of his answers to sexual questions posed by the site were "I don't masturbate". Example, What if your partner walked in on you masturbating, what would you do? His answer " I don't masturbate".

Obviously we didn't match and I didn't ask him why he never masturbates 😸 He did answer one question about sex drive with " I have an average sex drive".

Okay Cagers, I've never met nor heard of an adult man who doesn't masturbate. I'm beyond curious. Any males here who never masturbate? Anyone with some anecdotal story about a man who never jerks off?

I almost never masturbate, when I'm eating.
2 years ago • May 15, 2022
I'mME • May 15, 2022
Miki wrote:
You're seeking input from guys but I gotta throw in this cliche:

90% of men admit that they yank the one-eyed serpent, sometimes more than once a day. The other 10% lie. (Usually dudes stuck in holy-roller environments. For a man to pull his meat is a sin).

But the dude you ran into is 60. Chances are his jizzum delivery system.. can no longer stand and deliver.

To be fair, a lot more of us women rub 'em off than will ever admit to it. Too many think it's beneath them.


First, let me say that jizzum I have not heard until the last time that I used it. LMAO. Love it.

It's not a 100% truth that 60 yr old males will have trouble getting hard, staying hard, or blowing some jizzum. There are a number of things that can factor into the process.

I love older men, always have, mmmmm . My eyes just got hazy.
2 years ago • May 15, 2022

Parents, masturbation, and little boys

I'mME • May 15, 2022
*Some parents used extreme methods to prevent a male to masturbate. Which at the time was a health issue (masturbation leads a life of alcoholism, debauchery, and laziness, etc)*

You forgot one, blind, the told boys you will go blind.

quote="Duke Montefort"]I have heard of men who don't masturbate. In the Victorian era, and a little after. Some parents used extreme methods to prevent a male to masturbate. Which at the time was a health issue (masturbation leads a life of alcoholism, debauchery, and laziness etc). The children who grew up that way developed powerful resistance to masturbation, but terrible resistance to other temptations. Temper issues, compulsive buying etc. When we go through a conservative bent. Some overly conservative parents or formally overly loose parents reuse this method. However, most people despite this method find a way around it. This case is rare, but it does exist.[/quote]
2 years ago • May 16, 2022
I'mME • May 16, 2022
You don't think girls masturbate much.

I going to disagree 100% with this statement.
Girls, women play with themselves, whether they are doing it for themselves, a partner, exhibition purposes, getting paid, whatever reason, women masturbate.

They may be reluctant to admit it, but that falls back into societal folks busy telling others what they should and should not be doing how to do it, and who to do it with.

sweetbutsour wrote:
I think it’s not uncommon for girls to refrain from masturbation. I did it when younger but stopped for a long time for religious reasons. Certain culture also teaches abstinence.