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Defender​(dom male)
2 years ago • Oct 30, 2021
Defender​(dom male) • Oct 30, 2021
I always take "Under consideration" as short-hand on a profile for:

"I am currently talking to someone, and don't want any more messages from Doms for the time being, please".

Otherwise, just forget the term and proceed as one would in any new relationship.
alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY }
2 years ago • Oct 30, 2021
Just my two cents

In mho regarding " under consideration " does seem a bit odd sometimes by how ppl atleast here seem to take what it means.
To many it seems to be a get to know each other period . To me why would any one want to be under consideration by someone they dont know well enough to know if they want to be together..??

Look here from my experience with Wolf we talked for 10 months as friends. Was never a "under consideration " it was just talking that started out as emails here ( there was NO BOND messaging then) then while chatting one day after bond was started I was why dont u just call me would be much easier to have this chat. That day we exchanged phone # and talked on phone for 3 +'hours and during that call we both shared real names and Facebook information , becoming friends there, and facetimed . To me this is the getting to know each other stage.

By the time being considered was ever mentioned it was only said once and never put any restrictions on any communication on either person nor put in ( ).and in all fairness we really already knew we wanted to be together at this point and about a month later he asked me if I would give him the honor of being my Dom.

* during this time he and I talked about everything and anything under the sun , I saw pictures of not only him but work, and his family. And the same for him about me
2 years ago • Oct 31, 2021
DrWakko • Oct 31, 2021
I don’t use under consideration in the beginning of a relationship. I use it as the period between training collar and formal collar. When she is no longer in training and almost ready for the formal collar.

I also see under consideration to be used instead of dating. I think it’s more of a cyber thing to go from “hi” to “in collar of x”. In my experience in real life it takes more than a few days to get collared.
alawey​(sub female){(OWNED BY }
2 years ago • Oct 31, 2021
I also agree it takes so much more than a day to be collared. And personally I worry for ppl who are collared within a few weeks, even those that take a month .

And those that get " under consideration " within weeks of joining any site and then collared a week or two later
SubtleHush​(sub female)
2 years ago • Oct 31, 2021
SubtleHush​(sub female) • Oct 31, 2021
DaddyPP​ in the old days, we used to call them the velcro collars. Someone would show up and do everything they could to "get you off the market" while they enjoyed the fantasy of you or more.

I saw them as the same as pre-engagement rings as far as the idea is,

she is sorta taken,
but not entirely,
just enough for other men to stay away.
2 years ago • Jul 2, 2022
I'mME • Jul 2, 2022
SubtleHush wrote:
Sophie's secret​(sub female)
4 hours ago • 10/30/2021 9:26 am
Could be the Dom is testing the sub's worthiness of HIS dominance which is quite arrogant in my point of view....

Agreed. I do not tolerate anyone testing anyone. To administer a test means you are at a level with which you can do that. It is presumptuous to test anyone as if you matter that much.

Years ago, I was told this guy was interested and would I please call him. He was a friend of a friend so I did. The first thing he said was "So tell me why you are worth my time."

I answered. "If you think your time is more important than mine, clearly I am not worth your time." And I hung up.

As the years passed I learned more about the guy. He was as big a jerk as I thought he was and had only a few short-term relationships over many years.

Testing is a huge red flag.

Good For You. At the beginning of this journey, I had a profile out [not Fet] and I will never forget the first time I read something resembling their time and what was I going to do to earn his time.
LMAOFFR, I wrote him back a 4 page answer and although it was filled with suggestions, they had did not pertain to me. [Laughing , remembering]

I do not know if he read those 4 pages, he missed out if he did not, because there were some good suggestions and definition in there.
2 years ago • Jul 2, 2022
I'mME • Jul 2, 2022
Defender wrote:
I always take "Under consideration" as short-hand on a profile for:

"I am currently talking to someone, and don't want any more messages from Doms for the time being, please".

Otherwise, just forget the term and proceed as one would in any new relationship.

'Doms' do not pay attention to a profile being marked as taken, not looking, owned, however anyone wants to express themselves, then I do not see that ''under consideration'' would prevent them from contacting anyone.
2 years ago • Jul 2, 2022
I'mME • Jul 2, 2022
DrWakko wrote:
I don’t use under consideration in the beginning of a relationship. I use it as the period between training collar and formal collar. When she is no longer in training and almost ready for the formal collar.

I also see under consideration to be used instead of dating. I think it’s more of a cyber thing to go from “hi” to “in collar of x”. In my experience in real life it takes more than a few days to get collared.

To label someonem under consideration after a Dom has been ''training'' them would be a slap in the face to many subs. The expression 'under consideration' sounds like you bought a brand new car, put 50K miles on it but you are still thinking about it because you may want to return it.
Same could be said for someone that labels a relationship ''under consideration'' at the beginning, one is thinking about buying a new car but maybe they will or maybe they won't.
IMO, that is not how someone should think or treat another human being.
2 years ago • Jul 3, 2022
Notely • Jul 3, 2022
Under consideration can be good or bad depends on the person in my words Is like some Competition in a potential depends on the person but I never use it. Some Fallon Dom’s have used it play a game with girl making her put she under consideration but if he not putting anything in his profile then he taking to others seeing who fits that’s not how it goes some just playing games with subs for sex no effence. Ones do not respect the lifestyle have ruined under consideration why many can’t use it because under consideration any Fallon Dom will still bother a sub they think it’s temporary. I had ex that make girls put under consideration but he would put in his profile this was in a virtual world I learned he was playing games I looked in search of his names if girls put his name in profile it came up I told them he making others do the same these girls thought they were the only ones . The Dominant should be winning the Sub over showing in effect not forcing her to do task that are silly. Someone wan’t to be part of you they will show it. The one thing is if Dom gets Interested you talked for months he earned the heart and trust as both it should be courtship nothing forced like ownership or under consideration. Etiquette wide you can put not looking not single two people don’t have to put the person name so on just say happy the way it is because names people can even bother some full can try to get sub or Dom make trouble if one is jealous. Not saying hide a status but until you fully more this still getting to each other until you go real see it works as online meet each other back in forth in year in a year then put you are Together. You can say your in courtship not looking for anything both should goes both ways no hiding everything should be up front but depends what you agree to. If they just coming around for sex making go on can do sex acts this when you need to hang up walk away. Good one would respect you not force sex acts not just come around with they are horny or disappear. It’s usually married men or ones that will never settle use the lifestyle to off on so they may approach you as gentlemen then turn the tables never go by sweet words go by sweet effect with blue prints. Know your boundaries with your mind speak 🗣 up your allowed to. If does not feel right you don’t feel comfortable you can vacate from them stop all
Communications. Anyone ever tells you or don’t do these task go on cam sex acts they won’t be your Don this just a game to play with your mind it’s a red flag. They start calling you names cause you won’t the silly things hang up and block them. You hold the power to yourself it’s not about one person it’s about two and comes with respect once trust broken can never be. Just cause they get pissed not your problem they are the problem of thier
Sexual fetish your not fetish with them Bon voyage block delete them every where start over it you feel need to copy your things don’t show your face maybe a smile or just bottom part photo dye your hair wear a wig you can put even photo on top like rose 🌹 photo and transparent they can see some of you not all it so only show so much make it keep to the imagination until someone respects you.