dollMaker wrote:
You show your colours more clearly now.
The clinic in question was the only one for the entire UK, was grossly under funded, struggling to bring appropriate healthcare to young people who needed its services, in a building starting to fall apart, and rightly it failed a review. The medical system failed and as such way too many people had been let down, a review of services showed this up (why it took so long is down to a lack of interest coming from government) and a regional (England, Wales, Scotland, NI) model has been proposed to replace it, time will tell if funding is actually made available to bring appropriate healthcare to the increasing number of young people and adults who desperately need help.
If the physical, mental health, and well being of Trans people was being taken seriously, there would be no need for Trans people to protest and demand their human rights, no need for any kind of activism.
What you think of me is irrelevant to this discussion, except insofar as ad hominems are not in keeping with the spirit of it.
You sidestep the issue of experimental child castration to opine about underfunding. You do not cite your sources. Are you aware of the Cass Report into the Tavistock, which was the driver for the clinic's closure after years of whistle-blowing? Dr Cass recommended that long-term outcomes be monitored, which the Gender Identity Development Service at the Tavistock was not doing. That doesn't seem like 'appropriate healthcare' to me. To quote from The Times: 'By moving the care of vulnerable, trans-identifying youngsters back into the NHS fold of mainstream children’s hospitals and shifting the focus away from interest groups obsessed with queer theory and back on to boring old things like evidence-based medicine and clinical research, Dr Cass has done these children and their families a great service... The full scale of the damage [the Tavistock] has done may never be known' ('Cass report vindicates years of concerns over Tavistock', Times, July 28 2022).
Generally speaking, those who support gender identity ideology don't seem to have considered, or are unwilling to consider, its far-reaching consequences, many of which are factually deleterious. Trans people need support, rather than an ideology imposed on them from activists. Helen Joyce:
'This powerful new lobby far outnumbers the trans people it claims to speak for. And it serves their interests very poorly. Its ideological focus means it seeks to silence anyone who does not support gender self-identification - which includes many post-operative transsexuals, who are under no illusion as to how much bodies matter... Its overreach is likely to provoke a backlash that will harm ordinary trans people, who simply want safety and social acceptance. When the general public finally realises what is being demanded, the blame may not land with the activists where it belongs.'
I have been consistent in my posts here that my concerns are to do with trans activism, rather than with trans people. It is a shame that some of those who support gender self-ID are unwilling or unable to get to grips with what I've been saying in these posts. I think this is because some people are more comfortable with beliefs rather than with facts.