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Do You Feel Pressured To Show More Of Your Body Online?

MsLas​(sub female){- rope -}
1 year ago • Oct 11, 2022
- In the past recent years. Have you begun to take/share/post more sexual pictures of yourself?
Yes, starting in Dec 2021.

- If so, what do you think has helped play a part in that?
I have more confidence, and I discovered an exhibitionism kink.

- Was it something you grew into?
Yes, I started with a few basic erotic pics and a couple of pictures of the marks from play sessions. I now have approximately 160 out there… and counting. 😉

- Is it simply for attention?
Primarily yes. I’m an exhibitionist… I find the entire process of taking the photos arousing, from getting ready to take them to responding to the comments I receive on them. I get an endorphin rush when I post a picture for the very first time and see the reactions. I love to flirt and tease and joke with the ones who leave comments. I enjoy that interaction and they seem to as well.
I also do it because it makes it easier for me to meet new play partners. Many of the Tops I play with recognized me at clubs and events because of my pictures online.

- Was it something you've always seen yourself doing?

- Or did you feel pressured by seeing other women doing it and felt that you needed to do the same?
Not at all.

- Or was it something that you weren't comfortable with at first but then began to grow into more?
Yes, for the reasons stated above.

Thanks for the post. It’s an interesting discussion. 🙂
1 year ago • Nov 1, 2022
I'mME • Nov 1, 2022
Bunnie wrote:
Personally, yes, I do feel pressured. I’m 40. Not only do I feel within myself that I am transitioning from youth into something else (I’ll just say womanhood for the sake of ease), it also feels like society is shifting its perspective of me based on this transition also. How much of this is real and how much of this is my own perception, I’m not quite sure… but it has been interesting… and if I’m completely transparent, confronting.

Couple that with the fact that times are simply different now from when I was in my late teens or early twenties. Girls are much more comfortable with their bodies and sexuality. As much as I love this and am thankful that my generation could play a part in creating that for them icon_smile.gif, it makes the gap feel even bigger than perhaps it may have been in previous generations (?). I didn’t grow up to have the confidence to flaunt my body or my sexuality, and I envy those who can with such a beautiful ease.

I guess my point is that at this time in both my life and our society, there is a pressure to not feel like I’m simply disappearing. The need to be desired has never been something I’ve strived for, but it does seem to be presenting more and more. Will that ever lead me to posting pics of myself more than I already do (which is pretty rarely)? I’ve actually been thinking about this lately. It’s something I’ve been contemplating exploring, to be honest. A fear to perhaps overcome. Sometimes I think, a girl just wants to feel wanted icon_smile.gif

Oops, to answer your questions more specifically, I believe that the thinking is different nowadays. I grew up with a mindset that subtlety was sexy, things were left to the imagination… books were the gateway to imagination… entertainment was about creativity. There was a very distinct understanding of what was real and what wasn’t. That has shifted more towards a desire to know what exists behind the curtains. No one wants to believe in magic anymore… they want to know how it’s done… see behind the curtains. Imagination, subtlety, leaving things to remain unknown, are concepts of the past I think. We see this in all areas, so I think it makes sense that we would see it online also.


Well stated and I'm in agreement. I'm 53 yo and while it may not be rock solid evidence, I feel what you described (losing or being relegated to the back) and part of it is done by the generations dominating the social platforms, I have witnessed younger females calling women in their 40's and 50's OLD, saying we have not contributed anything to society, just did what we were told and kept our mouths shut. I was floored, then proceeded to recount some history for them. 😂

I have done some pictures for myself. There is pressure from all sides. To keep up, men wanting them, to not lose our sexuality (for me) .
I believe it's a personal choice. And a good rule of thumb may be to blur the face or mask. Because there are unscrupulous people everywhere.
Byrdie​(switch female){rl only}
1 year ago • Nov 1, 2022

Re: Do You Feel Pressured To Show More Of Your Body Online?

Secret Mind wrote:
And for the woman/men who haven't or don't post such provocative things, why haven't you? What keeps you from wanting to do such things?

When I say "provocative" pictures/ videos. I mean nudes of yourself, topless, bottomless, full nudes, and half nudes. Not sexy lingerie pictures.

Pictures posted online have a way of being taken out of control of the photo's owner, and I'm not interested in that.

if someone wants to see more than my cleavage, they can be local, be compatible with me, and we can see if we click.

Otherwise, why? I'm not an exhibitionist, so why should I pretend to be one online?

Also, a light touch of gymnophobia.
1 year ago • Nov 2, 2022
primerose • Nov 2, 2022
More people are aware of, and discovering their kinks. Exhibitionism is simply a kink. For those of us who enjoy it, it feels natural.

I, for one, especially enjoy exhibitionism because for most of my life it *never* occurred to me that I was hot.

Exhibitionism was always lurking under the surface though.

Post breakup self-discovery led me to realize I would be naked all day everyday if I could - and to my surprise, I have yet to meet a person who does not appreciate that.
Even my gay male pals allow me to be naked all over their homes/assist with shoots without complaining. They are disturbingly judgemental of naked bodies, but not mine.

Not pressure at all. Validation. Liberation. And most importantly - fun.
atyourservice​(sub male)
1 year ago • Nov 2, 2022
atyourservice​(sub male) • Nov 2, 2022
I think it depends on the situation as sharing can be freeing and a great way to explore and express yourself. But I feel there are some people these days looking to use them for bad intentions that it makes me much more cautious about sharing them with people I meet online. I think it depends on the person if they are ok letting their images free on the internet.
1 year ago • Nov 2, 2022
primerose • Nov 2, 2022
1 year ago • Nov 2, 2022
I'mME • Nov 2, 2022
MuzzledCrown wrote:
And for the woman/men who haven't or don't post such provocative things, why haven't you? What keeps you from wanting to do such things?

A. A fear of having those pictures used against me or come back to haunt me later in life.
B. A twisted sense of modesty.
C. The simplest answer is it wouldn't make me feel good.

number 3, good for you at recognizing that.
1 year ago • Nov 8, 2022
LordofPain56 • Nov 8, 2022
Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • Nov 8, 2022
Miki​(masochist female) • Nov 8, 2022
MuzzledCrown wrote:
And for the woman/men who haven't or don't post such provocative things, why haven't you? What keeps you from wanting to do such things?

A. A fear of having those pictures used against me or come back to haunt me later in life.
B. A twisted sense of modesty.
C. The simplest answer is it wouldn't make me feel good.

Both A and C. Defintely not modest otherwise.

An absolutely iron-clad law of the Internet: Once online it stays online.. somewhere.. until Hell freezes over at least... and one can pretty much count on it popping up down the road to bite you in the ass. There is to be NO expectation of privacy.

Side note.. Be wary of dudes who ask for nudes within hours of "meeting" online. I don't get all huffy, I just remind them of that fact followed by.. "Really, dude?"
Jennabird​(switch female)
1 year ago • Nov 8, 2022
Jennabird​(switch female) • Nov 8, 2022
Yes pressured in general for sure by people I don't know. My partner and I started a profile on the forum of XNXX and it was exciting he liked the idea therefore I definitely wanted to indulge him. I of course love giving him anything that excited him. Also exhibitionism is a fetish for me so I was very interested and the fact that he wanted to show our sexual scenes off. I of course was excited to as well because my former partner and I had sexual encounters in a way that seems like otherworldly. So we got an XNXX they have a forum you can make a profile and they have couples profiles so we did this and would upload pictures and you have a wall and you can have a picture for your profile you have a photo album people can come through and comment on them. So I guess it was pretty fun no matter what nobody is going to troll you.You get a lot of compliments both of you do. Majority are going to be men in complementing the lady. Usually when men pm they addressed the PM to the male out of respect. They say things like your lucky man or I would like to see more or can we do a video chat with you. And they're all kinds of different outlets on that forum . So here's the rub. My relationship with that person is over and I still have access to the profile which is a couples profile and I cannot change that. Also you don't own your stuff anymore if you care. People can copy it and put it anywhere and then retag it with words in it on other sites that may not be very flattering. I had a profile on XVideos that's where the videos went originally and the XNXX was more of a picture posting and talking thing yet the videos that I posted on xvideos are on xnxx somebody copied them and put them on there and tagged them with more derogatory descriptions. Anyway that stuff is everywhere I don't really care. XVideos actually has a counter on how many people have viewed your videos and my stats worldwide so far is 357,895 currently. And that's just our xvideos and they were copied to XNXX by somebody so I guess I'm trying to say is nobody's ever come up to me and said I've seen you in amateur porns online.