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Time wasters?

Heero​(dom male)
1 year ago • Apr 24, 2023
Heero​(dom male) • Apr 24, 2023
darlingdiana wrote:
i have said enough....You are well onto the path of enlightenment...or a game of chess ; )
So mysterious!

This does remind me of a joke though:
If your girl asks you, "would you still love me even if _______?" The answer is ALWAYS "yes"!

Someone then commented, "What if she asks 'would you still love me if I were my sister?""

Then you're dealing with a woman playing chess! Haha. Tread carefully!


BTW, the solution to this paradox is to deflect to some thing else. Do NOT say you would love her even if she looked like her sister!

Bae: Would you love me even if I were 3 feet tall?

You: yes, baby, I would love you even if you were 3 feet tall.

Bae: Would you love me if I were an alien from another planet?

You: yes, baby. I would love you even if you were an alien from another planet.

Bae: Would you love me even if I looked like my sister?

You: babygirl, I would love you even if you looked like a worm!
darlingdiana​(sub female)
1 year ago • Apr 24, 2023
darlingdiana​(sub female) • Apr 24, 2023

in Chess...

property- If love had a price without numbers, what would You pay?
Master- There is no cost too high for the price you will pay
property- Would You love me if forewarned love has nothing to do with it?
Master- That is exactly why I would love you, and you would belong to ME
MasterDaddyFrank​(dom male)
1 year ago • May 1, 2023
I disagree, although I think you are in the realm. “Price” does not imply money, “Cost” does. “Without numbers” implies something other than money. So, the question really is, “Of what would you give of yourself for me?” The wise master would know the only true answer would be, “All of myself”.
I did not understand the second example, pls explain.
1 year ago • May 2, 2023

Re: Time wasters?

I'mME • May 2, 2023
Heero wrote:
DMoney wrote:
Anyone else on here, had to deal with time wasters before? Like say you hit a person in their inbox letting them know you interested in them, they reciprocate the energy back and you trying to see where things could potentially go. Only not even a few days after they just stop talking to you out of nowhere with no explanation whatsoever?

I’m sorry but that irks the hell out of me man like why even bother responding if you not even gonna follow through days later you essentially just wasted my time and lead me on to believe you were interested. What’s the point in doing that like seriously?
**Concerned and heartfelt sigh**

Take a seat pal. Sure, you can grab a drink if you want. Make it strong.

What you described happens so often that there's a name for it: ghosting.

Yes, it is wasting your time. And no, you can't always see it coming and prevent it with absolute certainty.

Some people just do this, for a multitude of reasons. There is little else to do than move on. Having conversations, or putting this in your profile that this is not something you like, can make things a bit easier (on you, emotionally).

So, to answer your question: MANY people on here have dealt with this. We accept it as a reality and a cost of finding your person, and we move on.

Sorry this happened to you, bud. I wish I could say for sure it would be the last time...


I'm going to disagree with what the OP describes and labeling it ghosting.
If 2 people have a month in of chatting in depth, couple hours a day, then one disappears, I would consider that ghosting.

But if someone chats awhile, then a couple days later chats a bit more. It is annoying if the other is giving of the vibe that they are into you and you feeling the same and poof, they are gone without a word.
Me I would appreciate "Hey I don't think we yada yada yada.''

It's becoming easier for people that are wired a certain way to forget they are dealing with human beings when this is how the communication begins.
I remember the time before the word ghosting became a thing.

We just usually said, Well , 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬 use your imagination. Don't forget the parts behind the tape. 😂🤣
Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • May 2, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • May 2, 2023
I'll cut to the chase. I skimmed the 41/2 pages, 4 of them seem to be posts by one dude, the one in the snappy suit. But hell, that's what a forum is about... Contributing.

Now having leapt tall walls of text in a single bound, I'll just go straight to my humble opinion even if it is reflected on other posts:

Time wasters. You could say that except if I didn't have idle time to piss away I wouldn't come in here. So, if someone Inboxes me, yaps for a bit then vanishes like a fart in the wind, that's fine. Goes with the territory, Jack.

... and oftentimes I like it when a fart leaves my immediate vicinity.

A true time waster is one who engages here (or anywhere online) gets into seemingly honest and meaningful convo to the point where you both set up meet-in-person.

You get all happy and shit, go to the appointed place and wait--------- and wait ------------and wait--------- until you figure out this "sincere contact" changed (presumably) her mind and left you there dangling like a dick over a urinal.

THAT, me-bucko is a Time Waster. Be happy they vanish rather than punk your ass.

[NOTE: I am a perennial and incorrigible smart ass. Please don't read any disrespect into my Wasabi-seasoned words of potential wisdom]
1 year ago • May 14, 2023
autisticbarbie • May 14, 2023
I agree with Miki 100%

Lots of folks here say I'm sexist, but I see it more as common sense. Either way, I'm biased. I have to reserve the right to cut off anyone at any time unless I have a written contract with a Dom. Being a woman on the Internet is a lot. Most guys can overpower me if they try and probably kill me. That would suck. And I think most women get messages on here all day from random guys trying to have phone sex or hookup. Many of these message are super low effort.

I'm putting my personal safety as a woman and mom ahead of any guy's feelings any day of the week. Spidey sense goes off; you're getting blocked. Sorry bout that not sorry.
1 year ago • May 17, 2023
I'mME • May 17, 2023
submissivejewishgirl wrote:
I agree with Miki 100%

Lots of folks here say I'm sexist, but I see it more as common sense. Either way, I'm biased. I have to reserve the right to cut off anyone at any time unless I have a written contract with a Dom. Being a woman on the Internet is a lot. Most guys can overpower me if they try and probably kill me. That would suck. And I think most women get messages on here all day from random guys trying to have phone sex or hookup. Many of these message are super low effort.

I'm putting my personal safety as a woman and mom ahead of any guy's feelings any day of the week. Spidey sense goes off; you're getting blocked. Sorry bout that not sorry.

Whats up with the sexist comments? In what way are you being sexist when you listen to your inner voice, or you didn't like they way they came off or what they wrote ?
I wish people could just stop for a week with wanting to put humans inside of a neat rectangular box.

I'm not rectangular , you probably aren't either. It sounds stiff and uncomfortable

What say you
cutiepatootie​(sub female)
1 year ago • May 17, 2023
cutiepatootie​(sub female) • May 17, 2023
Just to add a slightly different perspective. Everyone on here is in different spaces with different levels of experience. There are so many reasons why people ghost/block. Sometimes, I think it's about the space the person who's blocking is in. They might truly believe they're interested and then feel scared, or nervous, or self conscious, or ashamed, or a multitude of other things that mean they feel uncomfortable continuing to talk. The ideal would be that when they notice this, they bring it up and talk it through. The unfortunate reality is that not everyone is ready to do that.

I personally have been guilty of ghosting. Sometimes, it's because the person has said something inappropriate. Other times, I have been so scared of trusting or becoming emotionally invested in someone that I have felt like cutting off all contact is the only way I can feel OK. My growth and learning has been that it's helpful to communicate boundaries and needs in both scenarios. I work really hard to do that and expect it of myself now.

Yes, become self-aware. No, don't assume it's always you. Being ghosted sucks and it's totally OK to feel frustrated and disappointed. Being hurt is valid and its important to know what you need to help yourself through it. Thanks for sharing your experience, it's a great reminder try and be kind and respectful.
cutiepatootie​(sub female)
1 year ago • May 17, 2023
cutiepatootie​(sub female) • May 17, 2023
Also, to give context, I once blocked a person who said he was a Dom. When I communicated that I wasn't interested, he told me that he would use my IP address to hunt me down and hurt me. I'll save you the details, but yikes. Sometimes, what women deal with is downright scary and it's no wonder we approach with caution. If you don't have an established relationship, trust, and an enthusiastic yes (SSC), then you are not being a Dom, you're being a jerk. Don't be that guy (or girl). It's not endearing. It's not cute. Just don't.

If you sent a first contact message and you don't get a reply, or it's not an ongoing conversation, sometimes it's just a time thing. Occasionally, the sheer number of messages can be overwhelming to reply to properly. Send a thoughtful message, or one that shows you've read their profile, and you're probably more likely to get a response.

Anyway, that's enough rambling! Good night x
Slavehandler​(dom male)
1 year ago • May 18, 2023
Slavehandler​(dom male) • May 18, 2023
I think it is common and it goes both ways. There are plenty of subs who do this too. And the worst ones are the ones who are suggestive and sexualizing the messages, and even verbally stating things that end up ignoring you because you return the vibe despite them starting it.