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Antidepressants and subspace

GregW​(dom male)
1 year ago • May 22, 2023

Antidepressants and subspace

GregW​(dom male) • May 22, 2023
My wife and I are planning to see if she can reach subspace. I have read a number of articles about it, she read two of them, and she is willing to try. However, does anyone know how antidepressants affect the sub's journey? What about other meds?
1 year ago • May 23, 2023
Bunnie • May 23, 2023
Great question. I look forward to following and seeing what responses pop up icon_smile.gif
Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • May 23, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • May 23, 2023
I am neither in, nor inclined to enter into relationships / dynamics.

But I do have clinical depression. My meds keep me on even keel, but with a side effect of blunted "finer" emotions. I can get pissed off with the best of 'em, ditto for mirth-- but no attachments or appreciating fall leaves or sunsets. My reactions are uniformly "That's nice."---

All that was by way of a qualfier.

My suggestion would be not so much her meds, although they can play a role-- but more importantly, how all this may or may not interact with the reason for antidepressants. Depression, whether "just" depression or BPD is a tricky thing.

If she wants to try, go ahead, especially if those meds work well for her-- and make sure you are very much aware of how she feels each day. (and providing she's open about these things) and if there are any adverse effects, make sure she knows that it is very much "OK" to pull the plug on the trial in such a situation. That she need not "put up with" adverse effects in the least so as not to "disappoint" you.

But yes.. I'd put more weight on the reason for the meds, then the meds themselves when considering this.
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GregW​(dom male)
1 year ago • May 24, 2023
GregW​(dom male) • May 24, 2023

Thank you for the advice. Rest assured that she will not feel any obligation to go along with it for my sake. I am doing this for her sake (and maybe a little ego rush if we are successful), but we talk about these things regularly, so if this is not working for her, we won't pursue it.

Sasa​(dom female)
1 year ago • May 24, 2023
Sasa​(dom female) • May 24, 2023
If she is in a real subspace it's an heavy overdose of hormones. Our smart body is recognizing this "problem" and is stopping the production until we have far to less, and restarts after that. It takes up to a week. Means a drop is mandatory. I have no clue about the use of antidepressants, but about the normal chemistry of our body. As long as you both know about the drop you cant be surprised.