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How to manage BDSM when online?

6 years ago • Sep 15, 2018

How to manage BDSM when online?

Nana{uncollared} • Sep 15, 2018
I got used to be a real time Submissive. I know how it works about a control, how to behave on sessions and how to show my devotion. Now I think about a virtual experience or at least a virtual start, but I feel a bit awkward.
How does it work in general?
Is it possible to give a power online?
curiouskittyy​(sub female){GentlemanX}
6 years ago • Sep 15, 2018
Hi Nana,

I understand what you are saying completely. I’m not used to the whole “online” thing, and can feel a bit insecure or awkward at times, compared to real life. For me, i find it helps getting to know someone really well .. probably sounds too simplistic right? but feeling comfortable with someone and moving at a slow pace is key in my honest opinion. Hope it works out for you x
6 years ago • Sep 15, 2018
Nana{uncollared} • Sep 15, 2018
Oh, thank you, dear!...
So, must be not only my hands are shaking a bit when it's no real strong hand nearby, just a messenger.
I`ll try to let it be in a calm temp, as you advice.x
6 years ago • Sep 15, 2018
bighairydaddy • Sep 15, 2018
Online can come across as "what's the point?" but if you're new to this or not sure if you can trust someone, it can really serve a purpose. Also, if your location is somewhere where finding doms/subs near to to you is hard, then online can be an option too. It also depends on what you are looking for. If your looking for a situation where you are controlled, that can just as easily be acheived online as in real life. How it works would depend on the situation agreed. I've subbed online (via skype) and a roleplay scenario was worked out beforehand. We followed this through for 4 or 5 sessions before it reached its natural end. Of course, video isn't the only form of online. Email is also possible but its more about mental submission than physical. In a way a successful and honest online relationship is the purest type of submission. What I mean by that is that if you have a Dom(me) with a sub that they can completely trust to do what is asked/demanded whilst out of sight, it must be something extremely special. In the same way that a Total Power Exchange would work. That said, online isn't going to work in every situation or for everybody.
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Babygirlucy​(sub female)
6 years ago • Sep 15, 2018
Babygirlucy​(sub female) • Sep 15, 2018
I think if you have had the real thing it would be hard to have online. I have only had experience online and I must say it ihas been intense fo me. I think there is s different level of trust that has to happen. But I really think if the person is very serious about the relationship then it would work.

It isn’t for everyone. And I so wish I could experience it in real life but unfortunately I am in a position where that isn’t possible right now.
6 years ago • Sep 16, 2018
Nana{uncollared} • Sep 16, 2018
Thanks, Babygirlucy​(sub female). It`s really not that simple to imagine sugar when you know it`s taste.)
Hope you will succeed to have it 24/7 soon. It`s amazing thing.
And I will try to be serious even on a virtual level.x
6 years ago • Sep 16, 2018
Sybil • Sep 16, 2018
having the need of physical touch, I find online to not give me complete fulfillment. I always feel I’m Lacking or missing something. I haven’t quite master the online thing yet but I know it’s possible just have to work at it and it requires a must higher level of trust.

Wish you luck in finding it
6 years ago • Sep 18, 2018
LordofPain56 • Sep 18, 2018
Can't help ya there. I don't get it. I am not a virtual man, I am living breathing human flesh. Whenever I see an ad posted by someone who wants "online" domination, I don't read any further. I don't understand how anyone can find any fulfillment in any kind of online relationship. If you can, more power to ya.
6 years ago • Sep 18, 2018
Nana{uncollared} • Sep 18, 2018
Hmm... Sounds quite pessimistic and very close to my inner thoughts about it.
In any way, thank you, LordofPain56.)