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Stupid Questions for Men

VuudooMan​(switch male)
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
VuudooMan​(switch male) • Aug 2, 2023
VuudooMan wrote:

As one with those scraggly beards/sides, I use a shampoo and conditioner daily. Just daily maintenance is all it takes. Wish I had a longer one, but mine grows in short and curl any which direction it chooses. Take nice wash to it with a brush and or comb

I don't have any PERSONAL recommendations (it's been a long time since I've been able to do Shave Service) however, here is the top 10 list of 2023..

Thank you, looking at top ten list recs for 2023.
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
autisticbarbie • Aug 2, 2023
Love this thread. My question is: how important is a woman's appearance to you in a romantic relationship? I get that appearance is not everything, but you all seem to really be into the visuals more than I am. Can you quantify into a percentage please v. other personality and economic aspects, status, kindness, humour, whatever? Appreciate it.
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
balloonkotinsp • Aug 2, 2023
Well, to Submissive Jewish girl,
I would put other factors above the shape of a woman's vagina, every time. Personality, sense of humor, humility etc. Without a doubt. It's merely from a physical perspective that the question arose. As I remember. I would hope most men would agree. It's the love that lasts, the physical stuff is a side bar.
Oxyacetylene​(dom male)
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
Oxyacetylene​(dom male) • Aug 2, 2023
submissivejewishgirl wrote:
Love this thread. My question is: how important is a woman's appearance to you in a romantic relationship? I get that appearance is not everything, but you all seem to really be into the visuals more than I am. Can you quantify into a percentage please v. other personality and economic aspects, status, kindness, humour, whatever? Appreciate it.

Speaking only for me I'd say physical appearance is about 50% important in the beginning. It's meant to get me interested in her, but not enough to pass. After she attracts me with her looks the next biggest factor would be kindness. In every relationship there's a give-and-take and I have proven to be a self-destructive giver. So I would need her to know that and not take advantage of that fact. After appearance and kindness my list goes; How she deals with problems, how weird we can be with each other, humor, her spending, and lastly parenting style.
tallslenderguy​(other male)
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
submissivejewishgirl wrote:
Love this thread. My question is: how important is a woman's appearance to you in a romantic relationship? I get that appearance is not everything, but you all seem to really be into the visuals more than I am. Can you quantify into a percentage please v. other personality and economic aspects, status, kindness, humour, whatever? Appreciate it.

i like this question and don't think it "stupid."
This is not a criticism for me that most men seem very visually wired? i sometimes wondering if part of what makes my wiring different as a gay gay is how much weight i put on emotional connection? i am absolutely visual, but that's mostly a surface and initial thing with me... i can go to the gym and drool all day looking at all the beautiful Men, but even doing that, i will find while doing my own work out that i'll find other things that make me more attracted to some than others... attitude, demeanor while they are working out, interacting with others if they are with someone, all become more important to me.
When i am on gay dating sights, i am notorious for writing stupidly long profiles (my profiles are alive and always seem to grow over time), in my efforts to attract and find emotional/intellectual connection to go with the physical. i see a ton of profiles from guys saying they are looking for relationship... and often the profile says nothing more? Which frustrates the hell out of me lol. I think: "don't they realize they have to give us some idea of who they are and what they are looking for?" Is it because they are relying on the visual (their pic) to attract? Though many profiles have no pic!! Or is it because they do not want or know how to put a piece of their self out there to attract another? i feel many men either do not know how, or do not want to be open/vulnerable, even in response to my own emotional openness. i find a good amount of guys who really like and are attracted to my openness and vulnerability, but almost none respond in kind?
sorry, hope i didn't go too far into left field, your question pushed a button in me. icon_smile.gif
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
kaoh • Aug 2, 2023
submissivejewishgirl wrote:
Love this thread. My question is: how important is a woman's appearance to you in a romantic relationship? I get that appearance is not everything, but you all seem to really be into the visuals more than I am. Can you quantify into a percentage please v. other personality and economic aspects, status, kindness, humour, whatever? Appreciate it.

Short answer, no, it cannot be quantified (for me). Beauty is as they say, in the eye of the beholder. I don't know that I have a type, but the blonde bimbo is a definite turn-off. Beauty catches the eye, of course but if you find you are talking to "dead wood" it is time to move on. I have dated and been in LTR with "unconventional" beauties. If there is no intellectual connection, there is no amount of makeup or hair-dye that is going to change that. On that topic, I tend toward the "natural" beauty a with little to no makeup. I don't care to date a painting.
Defender​(dom male)
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
Defender​(dom male) • Aug 2, 2023
People wiser than me who have apparently studied this matter, suggest that females (initially) are attracted by status, whilst males (initially) are attracted by looks.

This is clearly a generalisation, but I do wonder how many female lovers Mick Jagger would have had, if he had been a refuse collector for the local Council all his life.....?

Best thing about being a man?

Being stoic.

Worst thing about being a man?

Being far too stoic.
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
I'mME • Aug 2, 2023
Little Vixie wrote:
Stupid question, but kinda funny:
Do yall ever just play with yalls self because yall are bored? Like just swing it around?

Little Vixie
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
I'mME • Aug 2, 2023
Oxyacetylene wrote:
To Little Vixie,
Yes, I would say almost all men play with their dick without it being for masturbation or sexual pleasure at least once in their life.


But do you just swing it around?
1 year ago • Aug 2, 2023
I'mME • Aug 2, 2023
balloonkotinsp wrote:
I'm not sure if playing with it is what I'd call it. But I definitely check to make sure he's ok, and comfortable from time to time. Lol. If that helps,

To make sure he's okay.... I love it.