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Rituals and High Protocol

Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • Sep 4, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 4, 2023
TopekaDom wrote:
The word rituals has been cooped by religious factions to help portray their ridiculous ideals.

Sometimes you have to let words mean to you what they mean to you and not what others would say they mean to you.

Guess I was being too literal. I learned that "ritual" came from the Latin ritualis -- having to do with "rites" and there's a religious angle to that, so my mention of the occult and "Devil shit" was rather one sided. I guess it just looks "ancient" to me.


But in that context it simply describes a set of actions completed in order and at specific times or on certain days or in certain places.


@satindragon. While not one who gets affected much by semantics, yes, "habits" or "tasks" can be more palatable .

But in any event I was only curious as I have not nor will experience "relationships" that can be strengthened by such activities and I'm OK with that for myself.
1 year ago • Sep 4, 2023
I'mME • Sep 4, 2023

a series of actions or type of behavior regularly and invariably followed by someone:
1 year ago • Sep 4, 2023
LordofPain56 • Sep 4, 2023
Don't know if you'd call it a ritual or protocol, But my list of Rules calls for her to accept (and expect) the traditional rules of chivalry at all times; thus she is not permitted to carry heavy loads, they should be turned over to me to carry. Master always opens doors for her and seats her at the table. If we are walking on the park trail, Master should be oriented toward the curb-side of the walkway and they should be holding hands as they walk, etc.
There are many other things like this throughout the profile (not on this site), but they were intended to be permanent routines.
I always preferred a more rigid structure to life. the good thing is; she'd always know what to expect and know what was proper behavior in the relationship. The bad thing is; most people get tired or bored with routines (I don't). But that doesn't mean that there would never be surprizes (maybe even scary ones) during adult playtime....hehe.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 year ago • Sep 4, 2023
Miki​(masochist female) • Sep 4, 2023
@LordofPain56 Well explained. I did not intend to be dificult.

I have seen you around the forums and as a girl who grew up around dudes into cars I acquired knowledge and a definite curiousity for vehicles of the era your profile pic suggests.

Although off topic I totally have to ask. '56 Bel air or Impala?" Curious minds wanna know.

Did/does it have the special issue 283 cube V8? A big deal at the advent of muscle cars-- as you already know.. I just wrote that to let you know I know some.

Growing up, my parents expected me to hang out with my piston-head cousins and, well, "learn about a car before you drive one"

Their advice has served me well throughout the years in that there really still are mechanic dudes who see me coming in my dress shirt and black mini-- and try to bilk me for shit that ain't broken.

(There are a select few of those "mechanics" left. This is no diss on the industry as a whole)

Meanwhile, have a Happy!
aPeepingMom​(sub female)
1 year ago • Sep 4, 2023
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Sep 4, 2023
TopekaDom wrote:
Sometimes you have to let words mean to you what they mean to you and not what others would say they mean to you.

So very true! And yet at the same time, understanding how words are defined and understood by others can really expand one’s point of view. Joining The Cage and learning how words and phrases mean different things to different people has helped me grow in my journey in ways I wouldn’t have imagined.

I’d say there should be a healthy blend of letting words mean what they mean to you, and also being open to understand what they mean to others. 🥰
1 year ago • Sep 5, 2023
tickleboy • Sep 5, 2023
As a submissive, I like established and agreed upon protocol as it clearly lets me know, besides the obvious, what’s expected from me. Rituals are wonderfully enhancing to the connection developed in any given D/s relationship, and can really raise the bar erotically and passionately (if that’s what one is going for). I crave them before and during tickle torture sessions (leather boot & glove worship before, objective sacrifice and prolonged endurance during, with Mistress taking on a High Priestess identity, conveying Her power and mercy/mercilessness over me.

Great topic/inquiry, BTW.
11 months ago • Oct 22, 2023
Sololoquy • Oct 22, 2023
Interesting topic, and something I've started to explore more. I only have one new one that's developed fairly organically, which I think is important, or I'd find it less meaningful.

Before bed, I put some ambient erotic music on. I blindfold myself and get down on my knees for boot worship. I love boots and the smell of leather and they connect me to my Dom side powerfully. I feel not only at my most submissive at that point, but the sensual, the sexual and the spiritual all seem to converge. It's quite a heady experience.

As I finish a few minutes of boot worship, however long it takes, I move the boots away from me and feel the sensation of absence of that connection for a moment or two, gradually shifting my headspace. I start to take a slightly sadistic relish in the fact that I am feeling discomfort at coming out of that deep connection and I shift my posture. I start to raise my head, relax my body, and I think of how much devotion has just been bestowed.

I get up. I remove my blindfold. I sit confidently in my recliner and I put my boots on, enjoying their warmth and the feelings of self-love that arise.

I spend a few minutes sat relaxing to the music, thinking of whatever comes more to my Dom side and just enjoying the moment until I'm ready to ease back to myself, at which point, I take off my boots and get into bed.

I really enjoy this ritual because it takes me all over the map and it doesn't even occur to me to judge how it all looks. I've stopped worrying about that in general anyway, but it just feels even more vulnerable and empowering than anything else I've explored so far.