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michelebbwsub​(sub female)
6 months ago • Jan 17, 2024
michelebbwsub​(sub female) • Jan 17, 2024
Hi icon_smile.gif

My name is Michele. I'm looking for like-minded friends that can provide me with knowledge. I've always been submissive in the bedroom, but am considering even more of a power exchange dynamic.
6 months ago • Jan 23, 2024
Villanelle​(staff) • Jan 23, 2024
Welcome everyone! Great to see so many new faces inside THE CAGE!

Make sure to check out our Magazine for all sorts of help articles on BDSM and THE CAGE. You'll also find answers to many common questions in our Help section.

We hope you enjoy your CAGE experience!
Drinfear​(dom male){Owns PFP}
6 months ago • Jan 23, 2024
Everyone in My life calls Me Dom, even My siblings and work badges.. *LAUGH* (YES, really) Tomorrow will mark My 30th Anniversary living the Lifestyle.. I have been as active as possible in the Lifestyle Community wherever I have lived since.. Atlanta, Minneapolis, Phoenix, Columbus, Oh.. Wherever. I was introduced to the site this past week by a former slave from 17 years ago, and MUST say, I'm loving having a place to gather My poetry and stories together, as well as having an outlet beyond chat rooms to teach newcomers to the lifestyle the basics that will help spot red flags and see what to expect in the Life, or just give advice when possible..
My mail is always open, if anyone wants/needs to talk.. I look forward to getting to know more of the community here and forging (HA! Blacksmith humor) some solid relationships over the coming years.. The girl in My picture is My little. Her name is Natalie and I have been fortunate enough to call her My wife since Dec 2017.. She just turned 27 back in Sept, and has asked Me to come out to bring a Poly Household together if possible..
6 months ago • Jan 25, 2024
ghostieLust • Jan 25, 2024
Hello my fellow kinksters I'm new to this site I'm usually on fet however trying to seek more sites to find more like minded people and friends
About me I'm a switch poly and non binary . Want to talk feel free to dm icon_smile.gif
5 months ago • Jan 30, 2024
Villanelle​(staff) • Jan 30, 2024
Welcome everyone and thank you for sharing a bit about yourselves. We hope you have a great time inside THE CAGE!
5 months ago • Feb 4, 2024
SCiamthefoxtv • Feb 4, 2024
Uh hey ladies and gents. Foxamilli here and I'm still learning how to work this site. Completely brand new to such a thing lol. Anyways I'm 32 years old, in college and live in Dallas Texas.
Princess and Daddy{ DD/lg }
5 months ago • Feb 6, 2024
Princess and Daddy{ DD/lg } • Feb 6, 2024
Good morning.
We aren't new to theCAGE, infact we found each other on this site.
So dreams do come true.
I do have another subscription but I have decided to make this one (PrincesAndDaddy) seperate and specific to the DD/lg dynamic enjoyed with Princess.
I am in the process of transfering Princess and Daddy posts overfrom to this Blog (and creating new ones) once the Payment option is fixed by theCAGE support.
Hope you enjoy.
SublimeC27​(dom male)
5 months ago • Feb 9, 2024
SublimeC27​(dom male) • Feb 9, 2024
Hello all,

Currently I live in a cozy town on Long Island NY and enjoy a healthy work-life balance working on various aircraft. At the time of this introduction I'm 30 and single (never married, no kids) which has had a wonderful side of giving me time to really take an introspective look at myself, work out what I want in life and who I want to be. Some hobbies that I've come to love include gardening, being a (almost) professional level taste-tester at home, laughing so hard it hurts and learning new skills. A particular skill I'm enjoying learning at the moment is playing piano. It's been far from easy and hasn't come naturally,  but the satisfaction of playing a tune or song correctly after struggling so hard at first is very high indeed.

My friends and family have all at some time or another joked that I'm an old soul, and I won't deny it so we laugh together. I enjoy listening to Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, but never so loud that I'll develop hearing impairment as a result. Another contributing factor to this accusation is that I'm a romantic at heart. I don't judge those who are different then myself, but I want to meet someone who wants romance in our relationship. To build a life together.

As a teen I learned to fly before I learned to drive, in college I thought I knew a lot more than I actually did and over the past few months I've been recovering from a laproscopic hip surgery for a labral tear. In total this February will make 2 years since I originally tore my labrum and experienced a massive reduction in mobility since. In some ways this has been an opportunity however, as it has given me the chance to slow down and absorb my surroundings. To take humor in how the less I talk the more I learn, and appreciate the family and friends that guided me in tough times. At the present I'm nearly fully healed. I have been going to pt, started working out again and recently went jogging for the first time since February 2022. In other words, a full recovery is on the way.

During the time I spent incapacitated I looked introspectively quite often. At first I was a bit harsh on myself, questioning how I could let this injury happen... But over time I looked at other aspects of my mind. It had been a while since I read a good book, so the pages began to turn once more. It was through reading that the fire of wanting someone to build a life with was renewed.

I haven't had many partners as I view my body as something that I want to save for the right person, but one of the few people I was with introduced me to kink before we knew what it was. This was something that has scratched and clawed at the back of my mind ever since, and I would like to have a healthy dose of mixed into a healthy relationship.

My experience physically is that of holding down, light bondage, teasing, impact play and being worshipped. All of this occurred over the course of a 3 year relationship, and I have mixed feelings on all of it. There are aspects that I know to be enjoyable such as the overwhelming feeling of euphoria when releasing all the stress from my partners body and the intense sense of how the connection to the person I was with was on a deeper level than I had ever previously thought possible. I would be over the moon to share a relationship with a partner who shares my desire to have all aspects of a relationship. Many aspects of which will require time, effort and energy. Some traits that I seek in a partner include honesty, emotional maturity and a good sense of humor.

Kink related topics that I'm interested in exploring and learning more about include a deeper dive into bondage, teasing, impact play and over the knee spanking. I'm open to trying more areas then just these as well, but am writing these for now as it's what I have the most personal experience with.

I'm happy with where I am in life and am at the point where I want to share my happiness with that special someone. That being said I realize that includes always continuing to learn about myself and life in general (kink sure, but especially non kink related), potential partners and especially should I be so lucky, my future partner. I will never put pictures of my face on here for professional privacy, but I'll be happy to share pg pictures should we develop a mutual interest in each other. Would describe myself as an attractive German Italian ginger man with the German showing in my skin, and the Italian showing in my appetite lol. I'll be happy to talk more as we get to know each other, and will be happy to listen. How else will I learn how to be a better partner and offer greater value?

If you've read this far thank you for reading and if something struck a chord or made you smile please reach out.
Zaptivate​(dom male)
5 months ago • Feb 9, 2024
Zaptivate​(dom male) • Feb 9, 2024
Hi Everyone!

I'm Zap. I first started in the community about 15 years ago, but had recently taken a break for a couple years for health reasons. Getting back in now and was told to try out this site. Looking forward to exploring!