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Cello Trance
4 months ago • Feb 25, 2024
Cello Trance • Feb 25, 2024
Yes. It was Cello caster.
Satindragon{Not Lookin}
4 months ago • Feb 25, 2024
Satindragon{Not Lookin} • Feb 25, 2024
As you know I usually avoid this topic like the plague!! It causes me great a great deal of stress. However I can speak from experience on both the good and the bad.

If you are curious about erotic hypnosis go to Amazon Kindle and look up erotic hypnosis. There are several books there that will enlighten you regardless of which side of the slash you live on. It will also help you understand trigger words and the terms used. It will give you a glimpse of what COVERT HYPNOSIS is as well.

I totally trusted my Dominant, I had a love and connection with him that didn’t need hypnosis. We primarily used it for long distance play. I could have the same feelings and sensations as when he was here. Sounds crazy but true. He didn’t need a remote vibe. I could be on the phone or with him and he could say “cum for me” and there was nothing I could do to stop it. He also helped me through shoulder surgery by suggesting a radio dial for pain level to help with pain. But he also insisted that I take my pain meds as prescribed.

Now the bad. The man was as poly as the day is long. I told him I wanted a monogamous relationship. He tried but when I found out he was talking to other women he started little by little introducing things to get me to accept it.

The longer we were together the deeper our connection became until we had a discussion about him using hypnosis to help be become his slave. I told him no! That I wanted to get there on my own. A few weeks later during a session he tried to insert trigger words for me to do everything he said when he said it. Something in my subconscious broke me out of trans. We had a huge fight and I put a stop to any hypnosis. Even the fun play. He broke my trust. Which led me to the research and discover of all the lies he had told me. Once trust is broken it’s just gone.

So my advice is to proceed with caution.

Now I shall retire to my cave and deal with my demons. Thanks Cello, just what I needed this morning. Don’t message me.
    The most loved post in topic
Cello Trance
4 months ago • Feb 25, 2024
Cello Trance • Feb 25, 2024
4 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
I'mME • Feb 26, 2024
Satindragon wrote:
As you know I usually avoid this topic like the plague!! It causes me great a great deal of stress. However I can speak from experience on both the good and the bad.

If you are curious about erotic hypnosis go to Amazon Kindle and look up erotic hypnosis. There are several books there that will enlighten you regardless of which side of the slash you live on. It will also help you understand trigger words and the terms used. It will give you a glimpse of what COVERT HYPNOSIS is as well.

I totally trusted my Dominant, I had a love and connection with him that didn’t need hypnosis. We primarily used it for long distance play. I could have the same feelings and sensations as when he was here. Sounds crazy but true. He didn’t need a remote vibe. I could be on the phone or with him and he could say “cum for me” and there was nothing I could do to stop it. He also helped me through shoulder surgery by suggesting a radio dial for pain level to help with pain. But he also insisted that I take my pain meds as prescribed.

Now the bad. The man was as poly as the day is long. I told him I wanted a monogamous relationship. He tried but when I found out he was talking to other women he started little by little introducing things to get me to accept it.

The longer we were together the deeper our connection became until we had a discussion about him using hypnosis to help be become his slave. I told him no! That I wanted to get there on my own. A few weeks later during a session he tried to insert trigger words for me to do everything he said when he said it. Something in my subconscious broke me out of trans. We had a huge fight and I put a stop to any hypnosis. Even the fun play. He broke my trust. Which led me to the research and discover of all the lies he had told me. Once trust is broken it’s just gone.

So my advice is to proceed with caution.

Now I shall retire to my cave and deal with my demons. Thanks Cello, just what I needed this morning. Don’t message me.


I'm sorry to read of your experience, your loss.
Cello Trance
4 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
Cello Trance • Feb 26, 2024
I am as well. I have known about this. I do want to point out though, even though I don't want to defend myself, but I do want to defend the kink. Hypnosis itself is not to blame. Within any kink in this lifestyle, there are those that abuse others. We all know this. It is the practitioner, the individual, that chooses to do harm to someone else.

Hypnosis is a gift that I received and developed. And I think in a large part it's because I am a musician and go into a trance state when I play my cello. That's the best explanation I have for it.

Have I been perfect? Absolutely not. But I strive to do what's right.

One of the other arguments I hear against hypnosis is that I'm not a licensed professional… But the weird thing about that is with the other kinks they don't seek professional sex workers. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't think it has much to do with it,

I am a professional musician and have been for many many years, but I also play with people that aren't professionals and they are very very good. What makes somebody good at something is not if they are professional or not, but if they put in the time, care, and love into the Craft.

I also don't look down on anyone that plays music, but is not professional. That is a specific calling on someone's life to devote themselves to Music as a professional. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm sorry.

I was on the cage for a while and then left for I don't know maybe a year and a half or so, and I knew satin dragon and talked to her. I love her and she is a wonderful wonderful person .
Sweet Escape​(sub female)
4 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
Sweet Escape​(sub female) • Feb 26, 2024
Cello Trance wrote:
I am as well. I have known about this. I do want to point out though, even though I don't want to defend myself, but I do want to defend the kink. Hypnosis itself is not to blame. Within any kink in this lifestyle, there are those that abuse others. We all know this. It is the practitioner, the individual, that chooses to do harm to someone else.

Hypnosis is a gift that I received and developed. And I think in a large part it's because I am a musician and go into a trance state when I play my cello. That's the best explanation I have for it.

Have I been perfect? Absolutely not. But I strive to do what's right.

One of the other arguments I hear against hypnosis is that I'm not a licensed professional… But the weird thing about that is with the other kinks they don't seek professional sex workers. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I don't think it has much to do with it,

I am a professional musician and have been for many many years, but I also play with people that aren't professionals and they are very very good. What makes somebody good at something is not if they are professional or not, but if they put in the time, care, and love into the Craft.

I also don't look down on anyone that plays music, but is not professional. That is a specific calling on someone's life to devote themselves to Music as a professional. Anyway, I'm rambling. I'm sorry.

I was on the cage for a while and then left for I don't know maybe a year and a half or so, and I knew satin dragon and talked to her. I love her and she is a wonderful wonderful person .

I feel that when people are asked about being a licensed professional it is more about their training then the aptitude. Its not so much about how skilled you are but that you arent going to take advantage of the said skills. Hypnosis is essentially messing with the mind and why wouldnt people look for assurances before allowing something like that to be done to them?
While any kink could be abused and subject to manipulation, the hypnosis kink is even more susceptible.
Cello Trance
4 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
Cello Trance • Feb 26, 2024
Absolutely. I agree. It takes a great deal of trust. And thank you for reiterating my point… It's not about the license. It's about the aptitude and ultimately it's about your care of the other person.

But most people don't say that when they say things against me or against hypnosis in general. They just say that I'm a bad person because I'm doing it without being a trained professional. I had someone recently that told me I should be arrested… Believe me, this kink gets a lot of shade. I didn't even know that until I started joining the community.

I have been practicing hypnosis not just within this lifestyle for over 25 years…
Sweet Escape​(sub female)
4 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
Sweet Escape​(sub female) • Feb 26, 2024
Cello Trance wrote:
Absolutely. I agree. It takes a great deal of trust. And thank you for reiterating my point… It's not about the license. It's about the aptitude and ultimately it's about your care of the other person.

But most people don't say that when they say things against me or against hypnosis in general. They just say that I'm a bad person because I'm doing it without being a trained professional. I had someone recently that told me I should be arrested… Believe me, this kink gets a lot of shade. I didn't even know that until I started joining the community.

I have been practicing hypnosis not just within this lifestyle for over 25 years…

I wasnt reiterating your point at all 😒. I was on the opposite side of the fence. That people absolutely should seek out trained professionals rather than randoms on the internet. There's a Dom who gave me unsolicited psychiatric advice on here and medication advice. I absolutely didn't listen to a word he said. That would be ridiculous. Of course trained professionals can still be "bad" or have underlying motives but the training gives a small layer of insurance and security doesnt it?

So who should decide if you are good or skilled at hypnosis? I think you will have a hard time convincing people that you have no agenda. I guess it all depends on the purpose of the hypnosis which as ultimately been vague 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Last edited by * on Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:31 am, edited 1 time in total
Cello Trance
4 months ago • Feb 26, 2024
Cello Trance • Feb 26, 2024
So, in your opinion, the hypnosis kink shouldn't be part of this lifestyle, is that correct?