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Do you block or have you been blocked?

3 months ago • Mar 12, 2024
I'mME • Mar 12, 2024

SOME people have taken a VIRTUAL button and turned it into a virtual WEAPON...

I don't block. Why? I just scroll on, laugh, or do both.

Yes, I get blocked all the time. Here, there, everywhere. Most of the time, I don't even know I have been blocked unless they tell me, then that's because they want the LAST WORD.
Then there are those who are living their best life ever sitting behind a keyboard, making shit up, being a victim, or just writing things (crossing lines) that they would never in a million years say to someone's face...

As to those who use it because they can not remember whom they contacted, that's a shit reason. There is a previous conversation tab !!! Or you could get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. (Whatever floats your boat).

I hope someone purged themselves and feels better NOW.
milla​(sub female)
3 months ago • Mar 12, 2024
milla​(sub female) • Mar 12, 2024
Perhaps naive of me, but I try to treat online interactions as I would my everyday ones. A kind of counterweight for the social distancing going on, so no I havenā€™t used that button.

Iā€™m sure some have blocked me, but I think I can say with my whole heart thatā€™s probably not due to my actions. If someone feel the need to block, Iā€™m happy they find an outlet in a virtual button rather than a real life equivalence. ā˜ŗļø
aPeepingMom​(sub female)
3 months ago • Mar 12, 2024
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Mar 12, 2024
I'mME wrote:
As to those who use it because they can not remember whom they contacted, that's a shit reason. There is a previous conversation tab !!! Or you could get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. (Whatever floats your boat).

Plus, there's a handy dandy little "Notes" feature on profiles, so they can leave a note for themselves that they contacted that person and what the outcome was. Don't even need that paper & pen!
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
3 months ago • Mar 12, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Mar 12, 2024
aPeepingMom wrote:
I'mME wrote:
As to those who use it because they can not remember whom they contacted, that's a shit reason. There is a previous conversation tab !!! Or you could get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. (Whatever floats your boat).

Plus, there's a handy dandy little "Notes" feature on profiles, so they can leave a note for themselves that they contacted that person and what the outcome was. Don't even need that paper & pen!

Mine invariably say 'idiot/avoid/can't read/ poseur/little boy masquerading'. Oh, I'm lying. One says, 'oh puleeeease', and another, ' jesus h christ'.


And lest I sound irrevocably negative, you actually have to be a bit of a twat to merit the effort of my making a note (to ensure in the next round of approach from said individual I know to not engage... . Sadly the case that many twits (another fab English word) abound.
fluffypoppet​(sub female){Protected}
3 months ago • Mar 13, 2024
I have:
- blocked
- been blocked

A former Dom told me to block someone who was making me uncomfortable. I dont think Iā€™d have done it otherwise.

Iā€™ve blocked a few folks sinceā€¦ but my Protector taught me to respond with a progressive harshness if someone wouldnā€™t step back:
- ā€œIā€™m not interested in continuing our conversation. Best of luck on your journey.ā€
- ā€œplease leave me alone.ā€
It is better for me. It gives me space while honoring my commitment to communicating with clarity.

I hate blocking because it doesnā€™t generally provide much clarity on its own and an absence of clarity can be very destructive for me. In relationships no contact is a hard boundary. It triggers the demons in my soul and just rips me apart.

Everyone I know of who blocked me later unblocked me. Iā€™m not the same person before vs after Iā€™ve been blockedā€¦ people who block me donā€™t feel safe to me and I think they can tell I feel that way. šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • Mar 13, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Mar 13, 2024
fluffypoppet wrote:
I have:
- blocked
- been blocked
A former Dom told me to block someone who was making me uncomfortable. I dont think Iā€™d have done it otherwise.

Iā€™ve blocked a few folks sinceā€¦ but my Protector taught me to respond with a progressive harshness if someone wouldnā€™t step back:
- ā€œIā€™m not interested in continuing our conversation. Best of luck on your journey.ā€
- ā€œplease leave me alone.ā€
It is better for me. It gives me space while honoring my commitment to communicating with clarity.

I hate blocking because it doesnā€™t generally provide much clarity on its own and an absence of clarity can be very destructive for me. In relationships no contact is a hard boundary. It triggers the demons in my soul and just rips me apart.

(truncated to save digital paper.)

You handled the blocks, however distasteful, (I hate doing that, too and fortunately haven't had to in years. The horn dogs add 2+2 and go away on their own) --much more nicely than I would.


1) "I don't want to talk to you any more. You make me uncomfortable. Go away.
2) "I asked nicely once. You have a thick skull. Get lost! Hit the fucking bricks! Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!"

I'm usually very easy.. to get along with but I have my moments in face of the obtuse.
lifeofdom​(dom male)
3 months ago • Mar 13, 2024
lifeofdom​(dom male) • Mar 13, 2024
I have blocked when i feel i don't want to communicate with someone, and i have been blocked, when the person(or persons) that I blocked, found out i blocked them in the first place
3 months ago • Mar 13, 2024
bdsamworld • Mar 13, 2024
If someone is rude or already trying to "assert" themselves I will immediately block. If someone reaches out and I don't feel like talking I'll tell them simply "Hey. Sorry I'm not looking for anything, including friendship." Or a simple "No, thank you." If they reach out politely asking to talk. If that person continues to pursue after the no, it's an instant block. If someone can't understand in a conversation/chat that no means no, how will they respect the no when it comes to limits?

Also, after chatting with some people off the website (or an app) and if they say something very disturbing, I will block them on the website/app I met them and on whatever way we were chatting. But if ends up being not a good match I will just tell them that and move on. If they continue to pursue, they will be blocked.
3 months ago • Mar 13, 2024
bdsamworld • Mar 13, 2024
bdsamworld wrote:
If someone is rude or already trying to "assert" themselves I will immediately block. If someone reaches out and I don't feel like talking I'll tell them simply "Hey. Sorry I'm not looking for anything, including friendship." Or a simple "No, thank you." If they reach out politely asking to talk. If that person continues to pursue after the no, it's an instant block. If someone can't understand in a conversation/chat that no means no, how will they respect the no when it comes to limits?

Also, after chatting with some people off the website (or an app) and if they say something very disturbing, I will block them on the website/app I met them and on whatever way we were chatting. But if ends up being not a good match I will just tell them that and move on. If they continue to pursue, they will be blocked.

Also, it's perfectly fine to respond to someone with "Today is not the day, tomorrow doesn't look good either. And I'm not the one."
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • Mar 13, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Mar 13, 2024
lifeofdom wrote:
I have blocked when i feel i don't want to communicate with someone, and i have been blocked, when the person(or persons) that I blocked, found out i blocked them in the first place

I'd venture a guess it's their way of saying, "If you change your mind, screw you. I don't want to talk to you, either."


As for the post afterwards, (can't quote two different posts) When people, almost all are guys, reach out in a friendly manner, I will always reciprocate--- once I see the message. There are days or bunches of days I don't log in here--- It doesn't hurt me to engage in friendly talk, and if they steer the convo in a more twisted direction I steer it back. As I posted before, the vast majority who write, hoping to change my mind and be physically active again, well sooner or later they figure out that that ship has sailed and disappear on their own. That never affects my feelings one way or another. No skin off my ass as I often write.

But that's just me.