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Finding Someone Who Does NOT Blog and is (Not In The Personals) AnyMore.

flitter'fly​(sub female){His}
8 months ago • Apr 12, 2024

Finding Someone Who Does NOT Blog and is (Not In The Persona

When looking for a fellow person.
No personals anymore.
And persons does NOT BLOG.

I personally (without looking like a total flake.)
Am wondering
Where do you find someone whom you use to speak with.
Yet because of unforseen circumstances do not have ther name or info anymore.
How do we find such a person?

Myself, I bow down ( asking for such a person to contact me. )

You did things in the right manner.
We're patient.
Asked questions.
And answered me with out bull.

You were willing as a sadist to look over my insecurity and Newby ways.

Coming here on the forum.
Head bowed, letting you know, that I see where I went wrong, and jumped without looking.

I see the value and the worth you held out for in me.
I see where and what, I threw away.
And I see why you did and do the things you do.

This is me putting myself out there to find you.
You know who you are.
Me putting myself out there, letting you know, I see what i did, and that I did things wrong, and that I see things in a way that has nagged at me since.

I am only asking that you contact me.
Even if only to dismiss me.
But hoping you see past my inability to wait and do things right.
Hopeing you see me with more than I see myself with. And give to me a second chance.
One done proper.

Anyway this is to me looking like the lost lamb I am.
And asking for one to see past my huge huge huge mess up.

Thank You

FlitterFly 🥰
DawnRobin 🤗

Damn if I am not putting myself out there on this.
I can hardly breath. Wow

Again I ask on bended knee
Thank You
Miki​(masochist female)
8 months ago • Apr 12, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 12, 2024
You probably can't change the title line but do try: Maybe Cage Staff can help, at the very least they can zap the post and you can (before they do) copy what you wrote and put it on a new thread) As is the topic header is confusing. You should put "I am trying to find someone I knew who doesn't..."

As is the line looks like you're trying to find any member in here who doesn't do Personals or have a blog. I clicked on it because I would not have been caught dead on the Personals, before they removed the feature that is, or would ever post on any Personals because I'm "retired" from the game-- and I can't stand reading walls of text-- Blogs-- let alone writing one so here I am..... But not what you were asking!!!


Other than that I take it you either don't recall the guy's screen name or he flew the coop from here.

I wish I could do better than "Wishing you luck in this decidedly not-merry chase"

.......but it's a tall order.

Many times if someone "makes a mistake" the other party washes their hands of the deal and moves on. Hope it's different for you.

MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account
8 months ago • Apr 13, 2024
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}Verified Account • Apr 13, 2024
if you contacted them, shouldn't you have the correspondence and a username?
Best of luck hope they reach out to you.
flitter'fly​(sub female){His}
8 months ago • Apr 13, 2024
Putting forth a better me.

I may have said things wrong in the heading.
And may never get the chance to apologize.

Finding one to humble myself and say how I have learned from this experience and am growing is a big deal for me.

Putting forth new expectations of myself is the only way to grow.

Even if I do not get the chance at saying and showing my growth to this individual personally.

In all fairness is Not the point.
As I would like to do that that.
It is not the ending result I wish to convey.

The point being made, is to show myself in a new light.
Humbling myself and learning from past mistakes.
Learning and growth in this lifestyle is key.

As for contacting them, all that was deleted and erased from my contacts.
All correspondence gone.

I thank you for your concerns, and suggestions.
In hoping to always humble myself for the growth and learning as a woman, as a submissive, and in this lifestyle.

Thank You
FlitterFly 🥰
Miki​(masochist female)
8 months ago • Apr 13, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 13, 2024
You should be fine.

Just remember in all things, don't sell yourself short. Always respect yourself. People, maybe even a future contact.. will see that.

Any dominant or partner who doesn't acknowledge your sense of self worth isn't worth his one-eyed snake.
    The most loved post in topic
flitter'fly​(sub female){His}
8 months ago • Apr 13, 2024
Miki wrote:
You should be fine.

Just remember in all things, don't sell yourself short. Always respect yourself. People, maybe even a future contact.. will see that.

Any dominant or partner who doesn't acknowledge your sense of self worth isn't worth his one-eyed snake.

Absolutely 💯 %

I do know my worth.
This for me, is just another step in putting myself out there.
Growing and learning.
Hopefully, others will see that in me being able to put myself out there in such a way.
That they to can also learn, grow, and put themselves in awkward situations and still be okay when all is said and done.
Always Learning always willing to humble thy self.
Be true to who I am.
Thank You 😊
flitter'fly​(sub female){His}
8 months ago • Apr 14, 2024
I want to thank you all for reading and sharing.
The one I seek has contacted me. icon_smile.gif
And is good enough to come to me and say hello.

Here's to bettering ones self.
Learning and growing.

Humbling ones self.

Thank You All Again
FlitterFly 🥰