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SweetCakeGirly​(sub female)
5 months ago • Apr 16, 2024



I have a question, I was wondering if there's a way or technique or something to get myself to squirt? I have managed to do it twice but I was wondering if I could get to do it at will.

Thank u!
flitter'fly​(sub female)
5 months ago • Apr 18, 2024
flitter'fly​(sub female) • Apr 18, 2024
Wow, so I am not at all able to tell you of a tecnic.
But I can tell you that after years of men letting me down and not being able to get off in a timely manner.
I had to learn to get off and quickly.

Quite the Opposite of what is taught here in our lifestyle.

So to say I have absolutely no concept of Not Cumming Till I'm Told.
Or Even Cumming on demand, is obsolete.

As for squirting, like anything.
If One works at it regularly eventually you should be able to find that reliece button.

The only other thing I tell women, that men don't seem to tell us.
Is that when you have that relentless urge to flood.
Just allow it to happen.

No you are NOT PISSING
It's impossible to piss when that turned on.

Its overwhelming, and makes one not want to let go.
This stops the process and only makes for frustrations.

Also, there are men who love to make a woman cum and are very good at this.
If he knows his stuff and cares enough to give.
Then you should have no problems squirting, or flooding, by his command or want of it.
Even if you are fighting against it.

As for anything, I wish you all the best and loads of fun trying. 🤗🥰

FlitterFly... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif
aPeepingMom​(sub female)
5 months ago • Apr 18, 2024
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Apr 18, 2024
FlitterFly wrote:
No you are NOT PISSING
It's impossible to piss when that turned on.

I'm going to adamantly disagree... recent studies show that squirting (which is a different level of orgasm, because one can still orgasm without squirting) IS urine mixed with female ejaculation. I think the constant statements of no, it's not piss actually hinders a woman's ability to squirt because in her head, she's often screaming internally "I can't let go because I'm going to pee! But I'm not supposed to pee because everyone tells me it's not piss! But I'm going to piss all over my bed and ruin my mattress!"

Once I accepted this fact, it made it much easier to release control and experience a whole new level of orgasms. So now, I empty my bladder first and then put a thick towel down, pull out my trusty vibe, and let myself goooooo. And yes, I still release urine. It's Piss. And it's 100% OK!

Now, to answer the original question by the OP:
SweetCakeGirly wrote:
if there's a way or technique or something to get myself to squirt? I have managed to do it twice but I was wondering if I could get to do it at will.

For me, the only way I have ever been able to squirt is through intense clitoral stimulation. Like I mentioned above, I put a towel down because that helps my brain accept the fact that I'm going to make a mess and it's ok, pull out my favorite vibe of the day, and stimulate my clit until my body wants to explode. And I've never been able to squirt in front of a partner because I'm still embarrassed by the bodily fluid (yes, urine). I don't think I'd ever be able to do it at will because I need the stimulation. Hope that helps!
flitter'fly​(sub female)
5 months ago • Apr 18, 2024
flitter'fly​(sub female) • Apr 18, 2024
aPeepingMom wrote:
FlitterFly wrote:
No you are NOT PISSING
It's impossible to piss when that turned on.

I'm going to adamantly disagree... recent studies show that squirting (which is a different level of orgasm, because one can still orgasm without squirting) IS urine mixed with female ejaculation. I think the constant statements of no, it's not piss actually hinders a woman's ability to squirt because in her head, she's often screaming internally "I can't let go because I'm going to pee! But I'm not supposed to pee because everyone tells me it's not piss! But I'm going to piss all over my bed and ruin my mattress!"

Once I accepted this fact, it made it much easier to release control and experience a whole new level of orgasms. So now, I empty my bladder first and then put a thick towel down, pull out my trusty vibe, and let myself goooooo. And yes, I still release urine. It's Piss. And it's 100% OK!

Now, to answer the original question by the OP:
SweetCakeGirly wrote:
if there's a way or technique or something to get myself to squirt? I have managed to do it twice but I was wondering if I could get to do it at will.

For me, the only way I have ever been able to squirt is through intense clitoral stimulation. Like I mentioned above, I put a towel down because that helps my brain accept the fact that I'm going to make a mess and it's ok, pull out my favorite vibe of the day, and stimulate my clit until my body wants to explode. And I've never been able to squirt in front of a partner because I'm still embarrassed by the bodily fluid (yes, urine). I don't think I'd ever be able to do it at will because I need the stimulation. Hope that helps!

It is controversy for sure on the many studdies of this.
One thing I can say for certain.
If you smell your squirt.

But hey its apart of eho I am.
So pee or not
I flood and it is definitely an amazing orgasim.
One I wish everyone could experience.

Thank You
FlitterFly... icon_smile.gificon_smile.gificon_smile.gif
readytosubmittoyou​(sub female)
4 months ago • Apr 22, 2024
To squirt is to be relaxed enough and stimulated enough to release without judgement, therefore it is easier when you have a trusted mature enough partner/ freely soak away with, all over their body, face and surface! icon_smile.gif
DelightfullyDominant​(dom male)
4 months ago • Apr 23, 2024
‘To pee or not to pee’/ that is not the question when squirting. Just relax, surrender to the sensations, and channel your inner Idina Menzel and be loud and ‘let it go’ icon_wink.gif.
    The most loved post in topic
shebakesalot​(sub female)
4 months ago • Apr 23, 2024
shebakesalot​(sub female) • Apr 23, 2024
readytosubmittoyou wrote:
To squirt is to be relaxed enough and stimulated enough to release without judgement

This!!! Also rehydrate afterwards!!! 🤣
flitter'fly​(sub female)
4 months ago • Apr 23, 2024
flitter'fly​(sub female) • Apr 23, 2024
shebakesalot wrote:
readytosubmittoyou wrote:
To squirt is to be relaxed enough and stimulated enough to release without judgement

This!!! Also rehydrate afterwards!!! 🤣

Especially rehydrate. That's alot of fluids. Roflmbo
MypetsLord​(dom male)
4 months ago • Apr 23, 2024
MypetsLord​(dom male) • Apr 23, 2024
Great topic!!
Ok, I'll be honest, I say that because it's something I'm interested in for sure, but honestly it's information that all women should know. And unfortunately they are never taught, by anybody.

But wow ladies! LOL
I believe this conversation really explains the exact reason that squirting is tough for many people, or sometimes orgasms even for that matter.
Everybody needs to relax about sex in and out of the bedroom. (Unless I missed something that was absolutely not true)
Everything that everybody wrote above is correct enough. The ejaculate that comes out when you squirt is not just pee. It is actually female ejaculate that comes out of a gland and yes it does have a a very small amount of urine mixed into it. I mean it's coming out of the same region that urine flows through so... ?? But the bottom line is, don't trip on it, it's not enough to matter. By the way, it tastes sweet, which I'm pretty certain urine would not.
Also, no need to ruin any linen or beds or whatever, get a puppy pad. Or as I have done, several hospital grade multiple layer fluid catching bed mats. They hold like six pints of fluid or something, so you're safe to cum all you want for the next 2 hours. LoL Amazon has them.
Anyway, as everybody knows, or I would at least hope the people on this site know, woman's orgasms come from their head, first and foremost.
So either your mind has to be really in it, or completely out of it and just relaxed, enjoying the sensations you're receiving. Or maybe some mysterious combination of those factors or some other factor unique to them.
Again everybody's different, so sometimes you have to play around with it to figure out the exact formula, but that is step one.
Step two is to do whatever it takes to make you orgasm, the easiest and most intensely. For most people that's clitoral stimulation, but not for everybody.
Which is why I'm not going to say this is a one size fits all, how to squirt formula.
These are just my own personal opinions, gained over about 25 years of intensely studying the female orgasm. With a focus on how to make it happen easily (ex. on command, without simulation), consistently, and with much more intensity.
Squirting happens just like having an orgasm does, it is just much more intense. The technique it takes to squirt is doing exactly the same things you do to have an orgasm, just more intensity.
That is why many women complain that they've had very few, though they may orgasm often. Either themselves, or their partner, stops before the intensity reaches a high enough point to cause the squirt to happen.
In my experience squirting happens most often after several high-intensity orgasms with no break in between. Each orgasm ramps up the intensity and the sensitivity. No break to recover, does not allow it to go back down.
Keep doing it = squirting.
Keep doing it more = subspace.
Yes, you can totally reach subspace by having orgasms.
And of course there's nothing better at delivering very intense clitoral stimulation than a wand.
As Flitterfly pointed out, If your partner is concerned about your pleasure as well, squirting is bound to happen.

Unless you're the kind of lady that has an orgasm and then you have to take a 10-minute break, "Oh it's just too sensitive to touch right now", sorry to say it but you will never squirt. LoL
What you can do is stop being that kind of lady. Because like everything surrounding sex for a woman, it's all about your mind.
The whole female sexual dynamic between body and mind is simply amazing.
As is the fact that it can be trained to do just about anything.

Personal observations..
It usually takes me a day. Two or three tops, to have somebody new cumming on command, without any form of stimulation.
The orgasm duration, the total period of time that you feel it from the very beginning to the end of the sensation completely, can be greatly increased for everybody, but usually in the range of 5 min up to almost 10 min.
Refractory period, the time period between the end of one orgasm and the next one beginning, can be reduced to about 10 to 15 seconds usually.
Multiple orgasms, having more than one orgasm without stopping, well My usual goal for somebody in good physical condition, is 60 Non-Stop. And I've had a few ladies go to 100. Yes, it does take a long time, even doing quick ones.
And yes, you can choose to have a long, intense orgasm, or several in a row.
Or you can choose to have a quick, far less intense one, or again several of them in a row.
Or you can choose to pretty much have anything in between, whatever your mind, or even more preferably you're Dom, desires.
All true btw. Feel free to DM me if you have questions. I have long ago embraced the role of a trainer and educator, it's something I enjoy very much. And info I feel everybody should have.
Or even if you don't believe what I have said and want to challenge it. Those conversations are usually fun as well. LMFAO