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What makes a porn picture great?

Nuts Milk
3 months ago • May 10, 2024

What makes a porn picture great?

Nuts Milk • May 10, 2024
Some say it is compostion, others think it is close-up; l consider it is point-of-view, but you don't have to agree with me.
So, what is your opinion? What makes a porn picture great?
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • May 11, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 11, 2024
Having watched a fair number of those... POV, full view (dude's face is usually blanked but only one head matters) sound effects of course don't apply to me...

What screws up a porn video is some of the dumb-ass "back stories" they try to weave into those like "horny cop" "horny nurse" shit. Total turn off....

....For me anyway. Others' results may vary.
MissBonnie​(dom female){oz}
3 months ago • May 11, 2024
I'm a Domme into Femdom so I want to see the sub! It annoys me no end that the stereo typical leather clad Domme is always in the damn way! "Move" is often heard when I did watch that kind of porn. I know, I know I get it porn is predominantly made for males as they are the larger consumer in this niche. Porn styling always leans to the biggest spender. Although they are getting better with Female made porn for a female audience but its still a very small selection.
Now days I've found gay male porn works better for me ...I get eye candy on both sides of the whip! Problem solved.
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Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • May 11, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 11, 2024
MissBonnie wrote:
I'm a Domme into Femdom so I want to see the sub! It annoys me no end that the stereo typical leather clad Domme is always in the damn way! "Move" is often heard when I did watch that kind of porn. I know, I know I get it porn is predominantly made for males as they are the larger consumer in this niche. Porn styling always leans to the biggest spender. Although they are getting better with Female made porn for a female audience but its still a very small selection.
Now days I've found gay male porn works better for me ...I get eye candy on both sides of the whip! Problem solved.

Hmm.. well as one who likes all sorts for the most part, the above-mentioned male on male stuff not so much-- but what's confusing is the "consumer" angle. So much of that stuff is free.

Oh there are ads and pop-ups that "pay" for it I guess but I have a pretty damned good ad blocker and pop-up stopper so it's completely free for me to see.
But of course, after a while they do start looking the same.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
3 months ago • May 13, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • May 13, 2024
Are we talking British picture, or American picture? Ie photograph or film?

I read the OP as photograph....

For me, the capture of intent, focus, emotion, or mood. And Real. Couldn't really give a stuff about the size or appearance of body parts and individuals. Also, anything that is genuinely great art, eg use of light, composition, humour etc.

Of course an argument that I'm mistaking erotica for porn....
3 months ago • May 16, 2024
InATimelyFashion • May 16, 2024
Classy B&W semi erotica sheer with shadow's.