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Clingy Subs

moll​(other female){owned slav}
4 months ago • Jun 11, 2024
WhatamIfightingfor wrote:
I know many confused dedication for clingy, and confuse it with negative co dependence.

Dedication is correct.

Too many people out there calling themselves a dominant and not wanting to put in the work it takes for any type of relationship. They just want convenience.
horny Mike​(dom male)
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
horny Mike​(dom male) • Jun 15, 2024
I agree wholeheartedly
I am different in many ways I'm also passionate and romantic
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
juliankay • Jun 15, 2024
For me as a sensual Dominant I do enjoy the company of a clingy submissive woman because she fosters a deep emotional bond and offers a sense of intimacy that can makes our relationship feel profoundly meaningful. Not just sexually but emotionally - again to me her constant display of affection and attention not only validates and reassures me but also satisfies my nurturing instincts, allowing me to feel needed and valued in her life as well as HER in mine. Again this is NOT the stifling emotionally choaking kind of ' clinginess' ( due to past Tramas) yet the dynamic of her seeking my guidance and reassurance enhances my sense of control and responsibility, creating a harmonious balance between us. This heightened level of physical and emotional closeness intensifies our connection, making every moment together deeply fulfilling and satisfying....and that is what I myself am seeking here.
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Jun 15, 2024
A very beautiful picture of a healthy relationship Juliakay. Thank you for sharing what you enjoy in a relationship as a Dom with a sub.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 15, 2024
Addressing the initial post way back:

By "clingy" I assume you mean beyond the usual subby behavior. There are "cling-ons" all over the place, not just in BDSM dynamics, and they all should be handled the same way. Communicate to the person that their excess dependence is not going over well. It's a form of possessiveness that more than a few times goes hand in hand with jealousy. Not a good foundation.

If they can't or won't tone it down, well, as with all relationships, "It's no good if you gotta force it." and consider giving said sub their walking papers. (Much kinder and gentler than the Bum's Rush)


That having been said, still hoping to see a companion thread: "Dastardly Doms"--- those (usually) dudes who are too heavy handed and domineering. Over the Top kind of happy-crappy

As I do not initiate threads, I'll simply supply a very straightforward response to such a thread:

"Subs handle dicky doms as doms handle sticky subs"


Now of course there are more threads about imperfect doms than a guy can shake a dick at, but not really any that I have seen anyway that are great companions to this one.

However, I'm not one to dig back too far into the Cage crypt.
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • Jun 15, 2024
Thank you for your contribution Miki. As always very insightful.
moll​(other female){owned slav}
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki wrote:
Addressing the initial post way back:

By "clingy" I assume you mean beyond the usual subby behavior. There are "cling-ons" all over the place, not just in BDSM dynamics, and they all should be handled the same way. Communicate to the person that their excess dependence is not going over well. It's a form of possessiveness that more than a few times goes hand in hand with jealousy. Not a good foundation.

If they can't or won't tone it down, well, as with all relationships, "It's no good if you gotta force it." and consider giving said sub their walking papers. (Much kinder and gentler than the Bum's Rush)


That having been said, still hoping to see a companion thread: "Dastardly Doms"--- those (usually) dudes who are too heavy handed and domineering. Over the Top kind of happy-crappy

As I do not initiate threads, I'll simply supply a very straightforward response to such a thread:

"Subs handle dicky doms as doms handle sticky subs"


Now of course there are more threads about imperfect doms than a guy can shake a dick at, but not really any that I have seen anyway that are great companions to this one.

However, I'm not one to dig back too far into the Cage crypt.

You do always have an interesting perspective MikiMikiMiki.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 15, 2024

Thank you but my perspective on this isn't all tht new or interesting-- or it shouldn't be.

If something's not working, try and address it, and if nothing changes, it's a good idea to set the other free.

In the long run, it'll be good for both.
moll​(other female){owned slav}
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki wrote:

Thank you but my perspective on this isn't all tht new or interesting-- or it shouldn't be.

If something's not working, try and address it, and if nothing changes, it's a good idea to set the other free.

In the long run, it'll be good for both.

Well...a lot of your "advise," in the past at least, has been to tear down people who's dynamics you don't like. I'm hoping you stopped doing that.

Be well and safe.
Miki​(masochist female)
4 months ago • Jun 15, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jun 15, 2024
Hmm.. First negative feedback I got--- or that anyone had the stones to share.

Then again I seldom revisit threads I have posted to.

I am who I am and I speak my mind.

However I do not recall assailing anyone's particular dynamic. Only in general terms. An "if the rubber fits" kind of thing. Never done any perrsonal attacks on any specific dynamic that I know of except maybe ones that are already sinking ships and one party or the other has yet to figure that out.

I can do that from an "outside looking in" perspective as I have not and will not be in a dynamic. That and relationships. I'm the solitary type, as many can tell.

If someone takes exception to whatever I write, they can feel free to drop me a line. I don't bite.

Or simply ignore me and move on. There are even more candid people in here.

I'll never stop being me.