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On the subject of jealousy

Lance1969​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 24, 2024

On the subject of jealousy

Lance1969​(dom male) • Jul 24, 2024
You do have to admit, the feeling of jealousy is both hurtful and soul searching in a way that can catch you off guard. I call myself a master/dom for lack of a better term and I have to tell you all, I was hit by a sub that completely threw my world apart before I knew what was going on. She lied to me in ways that seemed so improbable to be believed, but yet it all turned out to be a big fat lie. She fed me a whole lie about being sick with cancer and so sick. She fed on the fact that I was so generous and good natured, and took advantage of that. I will admit freely that I fell for a scam and person of terrible intentions. To put it bluntly, my good natured self fell into a trap from someone who was only out to be dishonest and terrible. I admit here that I put my trust out there only to be crushed. The good news is that I have recovered but with a wayward eye, so my question and ask is to tell your brief story here, hopefully just writing a few words here will let you get it off your chest and let you move on. Please message me if you want to keep it private as I can give some good advice after all I went through,
Please share your experience if you are able so that others can learn from. I am here to talk more about it,
your most humble,
master jason
TopekaDom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 24, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 24, 2024
It is a hard thing for a Dom/me to admit we have been lied to.

In our chosen roles, we have to ooze confidence and shine in leadership. But in the end, we are only human. We make mistakes. Sometimes we get told a falsehood and fall for it. In some cases, we lie to ourselves saying we can fix this and make the world right again.

I fell into the trap, many years ago. I met a slave online and thought we had fallen in love. I brought her out for what I thought was going to be a week. That week turned into a month. We scened and scened and fucked and made love. I was devastated when she had to leave. But we kept in touch and talked about her moving here in a full time basis.

So she came, so to speak, and with her came 2 daughters and a grandchild. Again, I thought I could make this work. So here I was with a family to support and tried to make it work.

But, of course, it didn't really.

Still I told myself I had a duty, since the slave was now my property. I supported them all and sold things to keep everyone fed and sheltered. In the end, the money ran out and so did they.

Things got better in time though. It just took a good deal of work.
    The most loved post in topic
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 25, 2024
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Jul 25, 2024
Before someone more aggressively points this out, where exactly are you going with your title and the first bit of the post? Where does jealousy come into the topic?

If you are jealous of Doms or folx in general who have not been scammed, you might as well be jealous of liminal spaces or the moon. I'd venture to say that anyone who is currently active in the dating scene and has been for more than an hour has fallen afoul of the scammers. They are legion. I have certainly been there and the worst kind of scammer is the one who preys on our compassion and humanity. Nothing quite like an emotional kick in the nuts to reinforce your faith in humankind.
Miki​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Jul 25, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • Jul 25, 2024
Indeed I have to point out as well, the initial post and the two that followed spoke of the hurt that comes with being snookered, (and I am glad both men came out of it OK and that much the wiser,) but none of those posts speak of jealousy.

"Jealous" and "jealousy" can refer to either covetousness-- jealous of someone because they have this or that thing or friend that they themselves cannot---- or pertain to relationships where it is a vacuous distrust of the partner.

The jealous partner is convinced the other is screwing around behind his/her back, be it flings at work or sneaking around town while the jealous one is at work themselves. It often includes a baseless need to have access to their phones or email accounts while often being reluctant (at best) to share their own.

I have lost count of the number of dudes (in my experience-- the door swings both ways) I have worked with or know from school days who have to hand over their phones at the end of the day to the jealous bride for examination, and any gaps in phone or email usage, to the jealous half of the deal, don't indicate inactivity, they indicate deleted naughty conversations.---- Aside from that such jealousy means a requirement for a full accounting of one's day, recording of vehicle odometer readings-- even (for those who can afford this) hiring a fucking gumshoe to follow the supposedly wayward partner around. The list can go on.

This type of jealousy is a cancer on not only the relationship but the well being of the one suspected of "running around". These relationships do not end well unless they are ended promptly, at the first signs of this form of paranoia, because the one with the baseless jealousy is unstable and potentially dangerous and there is no cure for this.


The original post requested experiences, but I have none that relate to its content.

Additionally I have zero direct experience with jealous partners as I have never had any (partners, jealous or otherwise) .
House Talion​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 25, 2024
House Talion​(dom male) • Jul 25, 2024
So we're you talking about my x wife or my recently removed 2 roommates? Beingbused is common where as being dominant and generous in the lifestyle is quite uncommon or everyone lies about what's on their profiles.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
2 months ago • Jul 25, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 25, 2024
Now while there does seem to be some disconnect between the title of thread and the original post, I think you all are making a bit much out of it.