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Question For Those Men Who Like Ladies Breasts

1 month ago • Aug 12, 2024

Question For Those Men Who Like Ladies Breasts

lambsone • Aug 12, 2024
I am intrigued by the reasons men who like ladies breasts are attracted to them. Is it visual, or tactile, taste, suckling, comfort of some kind, possessiveness?

What excites you about a woman's breasts? What type of actions or reactions do they produce in you? This is a mystery to me.
helpfulhints​(sub female)
1 month ago • Aug 13, 2024
helpfulhints​(sub female) • Aug 13, 2024
As a bi sexual it’s the softness and the reaction from the other person when you play with them. I know how much I like it when someone plays with mine. So I look out for those same reactions it turns me on no end knowing I’m able to do that for them
1 month ago • Aug 13, 2024
TwinkleEyes • Aug 13, 2024
helpfulhints wrote:
As a bi sexual it’s the softness and the reaction from the other person when you play with them. I know how much I like it when someone plays with mine. So I look out for those same reactions it turns me on no end knowing I’m able to do that for them

Agreed this question isn’t gender specific.

For myself I like the jiggle, something to grab onto while I’m fucking someone, nipple actions makes me drool (both done to me and doing to others, all different shapes and sizes, I like to take advantage of what is mine, I’ve found both female and male s types have enjoyed being nuzzled in as a place of comfort, and above all else their pleasure as you’ve mentioned. Visually they are not pleasing to the level of desire until I am mentally connected with someone. A body is just a body after all.

As animals the breasts denote fertility. Male brains see it as a fertile thing unconsciously.
Literate Lycan​(dom male)
1 month ago • Aug 13, 2024
Literate Lycan​(dom male) • Aug 13, 2024
Quite honestly, it's instinctual. From my father's father's forefathers, I have always enjoyed the feminine form to include the breasts in all their myriad shapes, sizes and whether they jiggle or not. It is all things: visual, tactile, the responses they elicit from my partner, the feel of the nipple on the roof of my mouth as I suckle or nibble, or pinch. What's not to like?

I don't think I've ever tried to look too deeply into why I enjoy breasts or any other aspect of the feminine form, obviously visually and then through touch.

Very much why I enjoy the rest of the female form: the eyes, the face, the neck, the shoulders, the hips and the legs. Man must not leave off the ass, as that would be a crime. And then of course, the heavenly delight where nirvana does reside.

But in response to your question: "Is it visual, or tactile, taste, suckling, comfort of some kind, possessiveness?" My answer is, "Yes!"
TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 month ago • Aug 13, 2024
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Aug 13, 2024
Don't look at me, I like feet better than I do tits. About the best thing I can say about them is the fun of biting and twisting nipples.

The thing I never got is tit fucking.
1 month ago • Aug 15, 2024
lambsone • Aug 15, 2024
I'm surprised that more men haven't contributed to the thread whether sub or Dom. I think I may have assumed that womens' breasts were popular among men. I may have assumed wrong.
GeoPat​(dom male)
1 month ago • Aug 15, 2024
GeoPat​(dom male) • Aug 15, 2024
I would say that it is an alluring unique feature of a woman, as is a vagina. They feel wonderful. Allowing a man to touch squeeze, knead, tweak the nipple, is a first step towards sexual intimacy.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
1 month ago • Aug 15, 2024
lambsone wrote:
I'm surprised that more men haven't contributed to the thread whether sub or Dom. I think I may have assumed that womens' breasts were popular among men. I may have assumed wrong.

I’m happy to see you’ve realized that this isn’t a gender specific issue because gender stereotyping is an important issue that often gets overlooked. It's so easy for people to fall into the trap of assuming certain roles, behaviors, or interests are tied to gender, but these assumptions can be both limiting and harmful.

When we assume something is gender-specific, we not only perpetuate stereotypes but also close off possibilities for people to explore their full potential. Gender is just one aspect of who we are, and it doesn't define our interests, capabilities, or desires.

I think it's vital that we continue to challenge outdated notions and encourage a more inclusive perspective. When we allow everyone to freely express themselves without the constraints of gender expectations, we create a richer and more diverse society.

We all should be advocating for a world where everyone can be themselves without being boxed in by gender stereotypes.
1 month ago • Aug 15, 2024
lambsone • Aug 15, 2024
This was a gender specific post. I am not bi so I was interested in the motivation and mind of a Dominant or sub male. In other words men only to understand how they think. Answers from bi-women does me no good as they aren't from a man's perspective unless someone shares what a man they know likes about women's breasts. I will never be interacting sexually with women.

I also don't believe every post someone makes should be taken to places that weren't intended. Every topic doesn't have to be inclusive. A person wouldn't turn in a research paper containing every bit of info they collected. They would narrow the field to the evidence that supports their hypothesis.

I allowed the deviation because we have had too many battles over this in the past and there's no need to start another one. I just wish those of you who "believe" opposite from me would respect the questions I ask and who I ask them from.

We are from different generations and thus have been taught differently. I personally try to stick to an OP's original questions or thoughts in order to be the most helpful for that person. I don't complain about what anyone writes about, nor do I criticize what they write, why they wrote it, or what they question, nor do I feel excluded if I don't have the experience that will contribute something to their concerns and therefore can't help them.

The only expanded knowledge I sought to discover from my questions was the inner workings of a man's mind and their sexual motivation. Men and women are not the same and since I am a woman, much of interacting with a man is a mystery to me.

So don't congratulate me for being open minded because I am not. This thread was very specific and to a specific group of people. Which is perfectly okay, even though some of you think it isn't. So with that said, I live my own lifestyle and I don't criticize the lifestyle of others. So don't try to make me into you.