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Experimental obedience

slvtonc​(sub male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024

Experimental obedience

slvtonc​(sub male) • Aug 21, 2024
Hello everyone.
I describe myself as a male slave for Men but sometimes I found the need to describe myself as a submissive faggot and wanna try a real life experience about serving and show obedience to Men in general without them knowing.
Can anyone give me some ideas or examples on how to practice on being obedient with Men I encounter in my life, either be in work, on the street etc Men in general?
Thank you.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
3 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024
I think this is an area where you need to consider consent. Consent is often spoken of regarding the consent of a submissive but consent of the dominant is equally as important. You are also talking about taking your kink into the vanilla world without their knowledge or consent. I don’t think you are intentionally ignoring this issue at this point, but it’s definitely something you should consider. Do you have the right to serve when your service hasn’t been sought out?
slvtonc​(sub male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024
slvtonc​(sub male) • Aug 21, 2024
@Sweetly I get your point and you are right, I didn’t meant in a way where I do harm. I meant about small things that will keep my mind submissive, will give you an example, the other day as walking from work a young man asked me for a cigarette and offered to pay me for that cigarette, as I gave him the cigarette, my submissiveness got a boost and declined the money and said it’s ok was my pleasure. So was only a small act that did no harm, but worked as servile experience for me. From here the thought to try experience more of the same.
Sweetlydepraved​(masochist female){Owned}
3 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024
At this point I don’t feel like I have any insight as to how you could do that, other than what Topeka said. But I can tell you that as a submissive seeking to deepen the feelings of submission you might be interested in the concept of “self collaring”. This is where you set protocols and standards for yourself. It could look like setting rules for yourself, creating a manta that you say daily, worship of your own body (because you’re taking care of it for your future D type), or even creating a ritual. Some subs team up to serve as dominants for each other in a platonic way too. I think I also recall someone mentioning “obedience app” but I’m not too sure about that.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
3 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • Aug 21, 2024
I understand where you are coming from with this. It is something I try to do too, to exercise my submissive facet when I don't have a dominant in my life. Whilst there is certainly some truth to the fact that 'it isn't service if it isn't recognised as such, by the right person', I think you can do any number of things to make yourself FEEL submissive and that you are serving, without it being overt to another. And without it doing or being anything that requires consent.

Some thoughts:

-holding open a door for someone
-saying Sir/Ma'am to someone(thank you to an uber driver/the person behind the service counter at a shop)
-offering/preparing a drink or food
-asking if you can do something to help
-a polite smile with eyes lowered (think as if you were shy, not something that's 'affected')
- practice active listening and acknowledging
-some kind of voluntary service, where your are giving of your time to help others
-buying donuts/other desired treat for fellow workers
-assisting someone if you see they are struggling
-adopting a 'secret' habit that makes your acutely aware of your submissive facet (I'm talking subtle here, mine is quietly clasping my left wrist in my right, something a dominant trained me to do years ago)

I do think the consent point is important , and that this is about what's going on in your head, and twisting everyday things to feel what you wish to feel, without impinging in any way negatively or weirdly on others. 💜
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slvtonc​(sub male)
3 weeks ago • Aug 21, 2024
slvtonc​(sub male) • Aug 21, 2024
Thank you a lot Sirs and fellow subs for all the help. this really helped Thank you.