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Emotional Availability

6 months ago • Aug 28, 2024
I'mME • Aug 28, 2024
Having emotions does not make a person weak. In a authority exchange relationship a submissive should be able to express how they feel and a Dom should be able to express how they feel. It's a give and take and Doms are supposed to accept all of a submissive, not just the parts they want to.

They can't fix all the problems in the world, but people want to be seen which just means they want to be heard. And that includes emotionally.

Some subs don't want vulnerability from a Dom. How sad, because this is yet another way to bring intimacy.
6 months ago • Aug 29, 2024
MountaintopMaster • Aug 29, 2024
Certain jobs seem to *require* people who "love too much" because in order to do the job effectively, you have to care a lot. This is unfortunate, but it's also how innumerable lives are saved, whether human medicine, or veterinary, etc. These fields are filled with people who truly care so much that it hurts.

The job is not for everybody, that's for sure. And also, the toll the job takes should be recognized and not taken lightly. Just remember that the people who enter your life love you because you have such a big heart. Most tof the time, they are more than happy to help you bear the burdens and side effects of that enormous heart of yours. In fact, the really good ones will actually love you more as you open up to them. They know what they're signing up for, and they gladly do it because you are a light shining in a dark place, and the world needs more people like you.

If I had a magic wand that could control the salary and retirement of any job in the world, my absolute first order of business would be to pay people like you VERY well, and also, more importantly, fund an early and generous retirement. Because the jobs that take a toll on your very heart and soul ought to never be allowed to fully drain you.

In the meantime, continue to open up to whoever is in your life and is strong enough to help emotionally support you. A good dominant is often an excellent source of resilience in terms of needing a place to safely vent, or just a shoulder to cry on. It is innate in their persona, to desire to lighten the load of others whenever possible, whether in a dynamic or not. Not all have the energy to spare, of course, but there will always be some who step up to the plate.

Open up. Or simply start by asking for permission to open up, with a disclaimer that you're going through something heavy and you just need a little support. Especially in the years to come, human interaction may become incredibly valuable to us all, and I think we will all do well to practice good communication, especially about emotional subjects.

I hope my rambling is appropriate; my apologies if it's out of place or odd...
ABob​(dom male)Verified Account
ABob​(dom male)Verified Account
5 months ago • Sep 28, 2024
ABob​(dom male)Verified Account • Sep 28, 2024
Hi there

I'm finding my professional mode triggered here. As someone working with kids in that context, do you have supervision? By supervision I don't mean someone watching what your are doing, but someone who you can officially and confidentially talk to, rant to, bounce ideas off and offload? Clinical supervision in these roles is critical and if it's not provided for you there are online services you could tap into.

I'm glad 'your' Dom is working out and provides you with support. Be well.