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being a sensitive submissive can be very hard

tictackid​(sub female)
2 months ago • Nov 23, 2024

being a sensitive submissive can be very hard

tictackid​(sub female) • Nov 23, 2024
Just wanted to post this to possibly have some discussions about the challenges of being an emotional submissive, and caring alot. At most times all I want to do is take care of others, please, and help people and there’s either not enough opportunities or people don’t want my help so it really beats me down and makes me sad, and would take any advice on how to not be so affected by it.
2 months ago • Nov 23, 2024
I'mME • Nov 23, 2024


Emotions are a part of life. I'm not, suppressing them is not healthy. Maybe you could explain a little more by what you mean when you say there is not enough to do, people don't want want your help.

Do you mean your Dom?


I ask because I noticed you have written several forum posts asking about ways to be better, improve, etc as a sub .
MisterAshmodai​(dom male)
2 months ago • Nov 24, 2024
MisterAshmodai​(dom male) • Nov 24, 2024
People are naturally designed to care for one another. We are social creatures, and find the most fulfilment in emotional connection.

Despite this, many of us buck against the drive to establish emotional relationships for a variety of reasons; fear of commitment, toxic social stereotyping, a primal sense of competition that is largely unnecessary in this modern age of reason and plenty. Sometimes, it is as simple as having differing ideas of how we should care for one another. It can be a counterproductive way of thinking, and considering its nonsensical prevalence, it can be especially frustrating to those of us who are experienced and comfortable with sharing our emotional selves.

Unfortunately, there is no efficient path to success. The only thing I can suggest is that you keep looking. Do your work to understand exactly what you want as much as you can and try to help others see your authentic self. There are people out there who want a partner, sub, Dom, or even just a friend who cares about them. Try to remain aware of who you invest your time in. We are capable of helping one another grow emotionally, but if someone does not wish to change, you are not going to change them. Stay optimistic, but do your best to learn when it is time to move on.

Just keep looking and you will start to find those who appreciate what you are trying to share.
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That Berry Lover​(sub female)​{Owned}
2 months ago • Nov 24, 2024
There's nothing wrong with caring unless it is a form of self-harm and you are ignoring your needs. Caring is natural, as long as you are looking after yourself. People also receive care in different ways. In that case, you cannot force anyone to accept your care. It's still not a bad thing that you care. However, sometimes a desperate need to care for others can make one not listen to how the recipient wants to be helped. Sometimes people need space when they are in trouble.

I am a person who cares deeply and it hasn't always worked out for me in ways that I expected. It wasn't until I needed help that I understood that just because someone is available to help, it doesn't mean that they know how to help. It might not be their fault, but the disconnect is still disappointing.

On the other hand, if someone is not communicating how they want to be helped, you can't do anything about it. If it is disturbing your peace, for example, if the person takes out their frustration on you but isn't telling you what's wrong, you need to decide if that's the type of person that you want to be around.

But don't let anyone ever make you feel bad for caring or having emotions.

Maybe you need to direct the energy into something like volunteering.
2 months ago • Nov 24, 2024
Bunnie • Nov 24, 2024
Posted before I read the beautiful response above icon_smile.gif, so just wanted to edit and agree.
2 months ago • Nov 24, 2024
Ingénue​{VK} • Nov 24, 2024
There's loads of opportunities and so many ways to help people. Volunteer, fund raise help in your community or ask your dominant partner (if you have one) for ideas.
Softnote​(masochist female)
2 months ago • Dec 1, 2024
Emotional, nurturing, intuitive, sensitive, feel everything center like water sign cancer many people have you don't have to be born with the sign because everyone also has a sun rising sign and moon rising or it comes some were else. It's a trait that is sincere your honest but takes the right kind to understand that as that trait can never be changed. Mission in life you want to save the world but truly you don't need to save everyone you only need to be a beacon of light share the love and light not really anyone job to fix everyone not everyone can be fixed they have to be willing but can not talk but you may come to time you may have to heal others with flow in time you may have path of healing others on your own time. You can be their for people be a friend and help the wounds to heal. Would think of its like spiritual awaking like some feel they need to heal everyone but you can only do so much but you need to take care yourself first make time for yourself when you done doing you the then the rest of the world can wait. You have to set boundaries your know ones care taker but you can be helper like study healing and energy healing with natural things but do on your own terms whatever it is. But if leads you to career being a nurse or doing hair its should be something you being rewarded back to make own income having time for yourself. I was young I use to take care of everyone but are these people willing to do this back for you I know that as you get older trust is a big thing you see who your real friends and family are sometimes your real family is your friends does matter how many friends you have. But people can mistaken sensitive don't let anyone fool you or try to use you just come around when they want you to that not love or friendship that a game. Working in helping people in professional respected manner. You gotta do your life figure what you want fully your nature is not for all only those that align with you . Everything needs to be trust exchange of energy that was earned but also protecting your light.But also say no when its not the same wish the the best. You wish people love and light as well. Sensitive ones are cherub in soul but still human here but in the earth angel book. Some good book you some in favor for these not that you need to learn but discover for you own self : Earth Angels: A Pocket Guide for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpeople, Walk-Ins, and Wizards. Hands of Light , Psychic Intelligence: Tune In and Discover the Power of Your Intuition. The Book of Chakra Healing.

Earth angels
Old Soul
Bloom and balance.