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Q for female subs - Which punishment?

chattel​(sub female)
1 month ago • Dec 28, 2024
chattel​(sub female) • Dec 28, 2024
Any dynamic has or should have a limit for physical punishments. A masochist would clearly opt for the beating. My own boundaries likely would make the beating acceptable but the wording is vague in the OP. Extreme pain is a hard limit for me and this may or may not be over that boundary.

The way the OP is written it's unclear if the beating described is within the boundaries of a dynamic..if not, walk away, that's abuse
EarlOfGrey​(dom male)
1 month ago • Jan 1, 2025
EarlOfGrey​(dom male) • Jan 1, 2025
A punishment should be exactly that. A consequence for bad behaviour, disrespect, disobedience, dissatisfaction with a task or performance of a duty including petulance and down right laziness including carelessness or lack of attention when the task or command was given

The punishment itself shall be suited to the crime

Non acceptance of a punishment in a D/s arrangement where rules have been mutually agreed shall cancel that agreement forthwith

(Spanking shall not necessarily be a punishment but a pleasure)
1 month ago • Jan 2, 2025
Babybunz • Jan 2, 2025
As someone who has been told to make that choice.
Bruises and cut will heal. Emotional pain we cant deal with. We can deal with the punches and slaps, the name calling, the degrading, we build walls and shove them up when this happens. We block it out. We bow our heads. We say "yes sir I am sorry. I was wrong. Please forgive me."

Even if we know we did nothing wrong. The person presenting that choice has made us co-dependent on them. We no longer believe we can survive without them. So, yes we choose the beatings (because there is never just one), we take every slap, and we cry ourselves to sleep after they are done.
Miki​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jan 2, 2025
Miki​(masochist female) • Jan 2, 2025
chattel wrote:
The way the OP is written it's unclear if the beating described is within the boundaries of a dynamic..if not, walk away, that's abuse

(quote truncated)

Unfortunately by now it's been observed that the O P flew the coop--- outta here--- "Profile Does Not Exist" ---So beyond what he may have written on previous pages (I never really got 'round to reading every post on this thread) we'll never know what else he might have wanted to add.

But as you wrote, whatever is discussed and is "OK" with both ends of a dynamic then rock on.. If not, as in "If someone gets carried away" to put it mildly-- it's time to beat feet while you (rhet) can still use them.
SirenSoul​(masochist female)
1 month ago • Jan 3, 2025
If they going to be slapped .do it right on the cheeks sides, little hard soft not enough to damage them more like they do in tv they never do it to hurt they have a method. Just saying then needs to be agreed down out of love and pain but done right. She needs to feel good about herself. What she wears is sexy that you cherish her by taking her own but making her wear a bullet toy inside her cunt and a fine collar but more for outside. You gotta get the "Arouse my mind and soul and tease her mind to get to the warm drip tenciles she cums a river you whisper naughty things to her as he cums in her paint. But you take her out to dinner to warm her up to love having your wine and food. Prepare yourself, you want a pain slut you must be willing to care and cherish her for life protect her not break her. But as she is in pain she is willing to be an obedient wife 24/7 as property. To keep her you she is everything you wanted so ask to marry her and turn on those toys let her know her place is what she is getting into of lifetime as a sex slave of pleasure. This get her enough to surrender herself to you. After dinner you touch her squeeze her tips and tell her what going to be done and romance dark with her and pitch her nipples hard telling her your ass will be ravage tonight she drips and faints into your arms you take up stairs and restrain her to the bed blind fold her and slap her softly hard tell her you are forever mine and take all her holes and punish her that she begs to submit to you fully you give her your seed she knows she going to have carry the seed of punishment be like cow be milked daily til she starts showing a swollen belly she will be paddled and cunt paddled and teased sadist seduction. A slave/sub needs a Owner that keep their word willing to show the blueprints and effect not just some fantasy this is real the bond love trust art that you bring someone into your world that gets and respects it. I can tell so many ways but she is going to be screaming your name and moaning and begging for more that this kind of thing gets more into pain why she is turning into 24/7. So you better be willing to hire a maid and a nanny to keep your sub/slave their many huge responsibilities. She needs little help around the house and caring for things if you want her to be full 24/7 property as she is mentally sane as you are. Growth and Responsibility together don't ask a sub how many figures they name you want then to work be ready to support them and guide them or get yourself in use. Not about the figures if you can do together it does matter what you make can survive be stable work it out. I know you want this but don't chase a fantasy. Want one that wants to stay home full time you're going to have to be the soul provider. Being a slave/sub is a lot of work and care they need after care and medical and dental mold them and care but never change them but agree on things. Ask them how they feel holding her daily. You love her, she will love you back. To meet someone you truly want you have to meet out of your comfort zone work on yourself if you really want this stop questioning yourself ask what you believe and take the guidance it will lead in the path start saying good things about your self start your day saying its lovely day I am sexy , get in to routine of mastering yourself. Fix the things need to be fixed know ones perfect if you have anger make peace with it cut all cords that have bothered you listen to the song that helps you let go music and dance good for you let go in to the new era rumi would think so to.
rsparks​(sub female)
2 weeks ago • Jan 28, 2025
rsparks​(sub female) • Jan 28, 2025
I don't think either of these options are appropriate. And as someone else said, for a true submissive, to be found to be disappointing is the worst punishment.
VaDaddy​(dom male)
1 week ago • Feb 3, 2025
VaDaddy​(dom male) • Feb 3, 2025
I agree with what is being said in this thread though I find it very interesting that ghosting especially by women even submission women has become such a common practice. Part of it being they don't want to face the conflict, but the other part because they know how much it hurts their partner. I definitely don't recommend ending a relationship as a punishment. If the relationship is over, there should be if at all possible an in person discussion and if the the two cannot come together on a way to move forward then a parting of the ways!
Leenaa​(sub female)
1 week ago • Feb 3, 2025
Leenaa​(sub female) • Feb 3, 2025
Beaten or left? As somebody new to this that is a little concerning. Feels like there should be another option icon_sad.gif
caliraised​(dom male)
4 days ago • Feb 6, 2025
caliraised​(dom male) • Feb 6, 2025
My thought would be, if the “beating” isn’t within the dynamics/ limits, run.
If those are the only two options you are considering, you have failed from how it is written.
From how I am reading this, you take my beating to what limit I say or I leave you.
If punishment are within the dynamic and “beatings” are not a limit, then what is the beating supposed to solve?

Is this a repeated failure? Have you communicated the failure and understand why the failure/ failures happened?
dryfte​(sub female)
4 days ago • Feb 6, 2025

Re: Q for female subs - Which punishment?

dryfte​(sub female) • Feb 6, 2025
LoveMaster wrote:
Question for submissive females.

Let's say you have an important relationship, and you do something terrible, which reaction do you prefer from your Man:
- To be beaten, slapped in the face, ending in tears
- To be dumped for good and lose Him

I am curious, because in general I dislike violence, but by experience I know the most terrible pain you can give to a woman is to break her heart.

If those are the only two options available, it suggests to me there's not much of a D/s dynamic happening.