NaivelyOptimistic wrote:
dollMaker wrote:
Safe words are sacred and must be honoured immediately with no consequences for it being called, used in regards for the sub, the person who used it. The top, dom etc having it called while that person is under their care, well there may well be consequences depending on how they deal with the situation, damaged trust, a hurt, infured sub, ruined relationship, destroyed reputation etc. Try very hard not to get to that point and if you do, do your very best to care for the person who called it, and learn from it and dont repeat the thing that caused it to be called. Own the mistake, and apologise.
This feels wild to me. That calling a safe word to simply end a scene where things feel out of control could result in all of this. I think that's why calling it feels so heavy and some subs are so reticent to do so. Like, I'm safe wording to get out of the scene, not out of the relationship or to ruin anything... right?
Also, I heard that some public play places/ dungeons have repercussions if someone safe words during a scene. That feels unreasonable, like it puts more pressure on the sub to not safe word if she feels the need because she's aware of what will happen, but maybe I'm missing something and these consequences are heavy, yes, but necessary?
Thanks for all these thoughts.
You misunderstand. Calling a safe word is fine and is not relationship ending, should not be with any reasonable, caring, ethical dom. However if the sub, bottom etc calls a safe word and the dom/top etc handles it badly, ignores it etc then there are consequences for that, not the sub using their safe word. It is that, that I am referring to when I say that could result in 'damaged trust, a hurt, infured sub, ruined relationship, destroyed reputation etc.' Of course if a dom ignores a safe word or says a sub can't have one then that in my view should be a relationship ender.
Any well run, ethical playspace, public/group dungeon will not under any circumstances do that if a sub safe words. However if a dom, top ignores a safe word called out in that venue, then often the dom who ignored the safe word will be asked to leave the venue, may well have goup/venue membership revoked and certainly no one will want to play with them. Ignorring a safe word will guarantee reputation distruction and in my view rightfully so. That rule regarding safe words and conseqences if ignored will be in most clubs/dungeons rules of conduct, event rules etc and by attending you agree to abide by them. Only dangerous, reckless abusers refuse and don't listen to safe words. People like that should not be allowed in public spaces, though sadly they do often manage to survive in online, private spaces.
I agree with Phanes, its a no brainer that anywhere that doesn't allow safe word use, and there are repercussion if one is used I would give that place, venue, party, group a wide birth, that sounds to me like an abusers charter.