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Dominus Blakesley​(dom male){Amaris Anc}
5 years ago • Nov 30, 2018


Now, I am an open-minded Dominant (I'd like to think so, anyway), so through the last few years, I'd say I've picked up many things since my first Contract. There were great times, down times, happy and anger-filled times alike, sure, but *never* before have I been so conflicted as to what to feel about my bratty submissive's latest move on the chess board.

We were having a session in the car today, and everything played out well and controlled as normal. Now, giving oral in particular is something she would rather only do in the bedroom (her condition about oral play), but should the time be... passionate, she can easily and happily take me in.

So, I am getting close and, as moderately skilled as she was, her enthusiasm was far greater, which put my mental awareness and acuity to the test. I was not *out of it*, per se, but my mental processing was lacking enough that I did not fully register her words when she told me, in the middle of our play, "You're going to take it in."

Her words only processed after I came, with her taking it all in before meeting her lips with mine... Then cum-swapping with me before I could do anything.

.. I was at a loss. Should I be angry, for the rather bold and testy maneuver she pulled? Or should I be proud and impressed that my brat pulled a great fast one on me?

...At least male ejaculate did not nearly taste as bad or bitter as people made it out to be. At least, not mine.
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HuntertheYeenQueen​(dom femme){Allie Kat}
5 years ago • Nov 30, 2018
I dont deal with punishments in my relationship as we just dont take it as serious as others. So I cant exactly speak on the punishment aspect Haha. So in my mind...

Are you /okay/ with what she did? If so, maybe dont worry about it. No need to reprimand, imo.

Is it something you /arent/ okay with, and might limit? If so, then you need to talk to her and tell her that from now on, that is unacceptable and will not be done. And then possibly punish if you find it appropriate for doing something without having been discussed.
Dominus Blakesley​(dom male){Amaris Anc}
5 years ago • Nov 30, 2018

Re: Dark Fox

Oh, no, no, I apologize if I somehow misdirected my intention with that post, but what I posted was generally more food for thought for those with brats. A planted seed, if you will, that spreads. As it stands now, I've found that what my lover pulled was amusing in hindsight, and not so much punishment worthy. Truly, her punishments are only incurred whenever she says or does something that harms herself or endanger her wellbeing in general... and the occasional disrespect sent my way if I decide not to take her brat-ting for that moment. But thank you for your comment in any case, I happen to enjoy bouncing ideas, concepts and the like back and forth.
NaivelyOptimistic​(sub female)
5 years ago • Nov 30, 2018

Re: Dark Fox

As a very sassy bottom/sub who has recently had a run-in with a potential Dom who *did not* enjoy it, I really appreciate this bit of what you wrote:

Dominus Blakesley wrote:
Truly, her punishments are only incurred whenever she says or does something that harms herself or endanger her wellbeing in general... and the occasional disrespect sent my way if I decide not to take her brat-ting for that moment.
Onlinedomguy​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
Onlinedomguy​(dom male) • Dec 6, 2018
I have a few different reactions. I do not mind bratty subs at all. I tend to be able to find ways to stop the behavior that I find annoying. I do like the spirit and i have no problem being pushed. I feel like I can become a better Dom when I have different personalities and all to deal with. If if had been me, my response would really be based on our relationship and all. If it did not bother me and would not if repeated, then I would laugh and tell her what ever I needed to in order for her to know it's alright.

If I did not want it repeated, we would talk about it. I am not sure i would see it as something requiring consequences. It all depends on the relationship I have with the sub and what other kinds of things she does.

If I felt like this was another example of her being presumptious, I likely would give her consequences of some sort.

These things always depend on not just the specific moment I think, but more the overall state of play between you guys.

I think it was great what she did though...I would kiss her
Onlinedomguy​(dom male)
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
Onlinedomguy​(dom male) • Dec 6, 2018
I have a few different reactions. I do not mind bratty subs at all. I tend to be able to find ways to stop the behavior that I find annoying. I do like the spirit and i have no problem being pushed. I feel like I can become a better Dom when I have different personalities and all to deal with. If if had been me, my response would really be based on our relationship and all. If it did not bother me and would not if repeated, then I would laugh and tell her what ever I needed to in order for her to know it's alright.

If I did not want it repeated, we would talk about it. I am not sure i would see it as something requiring consequences. It all depends on the relationship I have with the sub and what other kinds of things she does.

If I felt like this was another example of her being presumptious, I likely would give her consequences of some sort.

These things always depend on not just the specific moment I think, but more the overall state of play between you guys.

I think it was great what she did though...I would kiss her
Dominus Blakesley​(dom male){Amaris Anc}
5 years ago • Dec 6, 2018
Oh, trust me, while it was initially a surprise for me and all, I, in fact, *did* kiss her right afterwards and applauded her confidence even. It is particularly amusing at this period of time due to what happened, actually. I find that there is a sort of "balance" when it comes to interacting with her brat side. Between letting some of her brattiness slip through, and putting down the rest, her little swap with me completely tipped the scale towards the latter.

Naturally, it is time for me to reign her in.
Miki​(masochist female)
5 years ago • Dec 7, 2018

Re: Conflictions...

Miki​(masochist female) • Dec 7, 2018
Dominus Blakesley wrote:
Now, I am an open-minded Dominant (I'd like to think so, anyway), so through the last few years, I'd say I've picked up many things since my first Contract. There were great times, down times, happy and anger-filled times alike, sure, but *never* before have I been so conflicted as to what to feel about my bratty submissive's latest move on the chess board.

We were having a session in the car today, and everything played out well and controlled as normal. Now, giving oral in particular is something she would rather only do in the bedroom (her condition about oral play), but should the time be... passionate, she can easily and happily take me in.

So, I am getting close and, as moderately skilled as she was, her enthusiasm was far greater, which put my mental awareness and acuity to the test. I was not *out of it*, per se, but my mental processing was lacking enough that I did not fully register her words when she told me, in the middle of our play, "You're going to take it in."

Her words only processed after I came, with her taking it all in before meeting her lips with mine... Then cum-swapping with me before I could do anything.

.. I was at a loss. Should I be angry, for the rather bold and testy maneuver she pulled? Or should I be proud and impressed that my brat pulled a great fast one on me?

...At least male ejaculate did not nearly taste as bad or bitter as people made it out to be. At least, not mine.

Well that was fun to read. As for in the car I can identify. Unless you're out in the woods, it is a bad scene to get caught or reported. I've read/heard news items about couples banging out in the clear blue and Little Bobby happens to see it and runs home to Mommy who promptly calls the police. In they go to the station house under arrest for a variety of sexual offences, none of which anyone wants to have on their record (some places will require one of both to register as low level sex offenders.. but then you get your name and address posted at the cop shop for wherever burg you live in--and that most likely makes your neighborhood quite unfriendly)

But aside from that, well, you know she is a brat sub. While her "warning" came (no pun) at a time you were least able to process it.. since she doesn't have a schlong, well, there will only be one thing to "take in".

As for the taste of "MANnaise" (jizzum, spunk, baby batter, etc.) -- it was an acquired taste. I started giving head at a young age. Quick and convenient way to properly round out a date.. Before I even got into spankings and stuff-- But for quite some time now, I won't swap. I like how it slides down my throat.

TMI? Sorry but that's the balls-game in here for some, including me. icon_razz.gif

However if so, I'll tone it down next time.