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Dominant Profile Names

3 months ago • May 30, 2024

Dominant Profile Names

lambsone{countrySir} • May 30, 2024
I'm curious about whether a Dominant's Profile name factors into a sub's choice of a Dom? I find myself being attracted to or repulsed by a Dom's Profile name. I know it seems silly but it seems to me as though it is an indication of their personality or maturity. I check out the Profile of course after I see the name but some names seem to endear themselves to me or stick in my craw for some reason.
Sincorrigible​(sub female)
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
Sincorrigible​(sub female) • May 30, 2024
This is true for me too. I'm much less likely to look at/respond to/be open to interaction with someone whose name is an ick to me. Doesn't mean I won't engage, but there are certainly names or styles of names which immediately put me off.

Neutral names don't worry me. Doesn't have to be clever or play on words or anything. But things like 'AlphaMaster', 'Getonyourknees', 'YourLord' etc are a turn off.
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Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 30, 2024
There are a few doozies in here, but when I respond to messages I do not invest a lot of thought in screen / profile names. They're handles and some like to be creative.

Personally I was in FB mode when I opened this account .. well exactly 6 1/2 years ago and used my first name.

I realize they can be changed once a month but I've been in this place so long (though not as long as others who are still around) I don't see the point in changing it.

In the end, screen names, profile pics (or avatars) ... all a matter of individual choice.

However if some dominant were to deploy monikers such as "itchy-ass" or "fart-breath" -- the latter not likely allowed in terms of service but it's just an example... I'd respond to the individual if only to find out why they chose such a screen name..

Slake the curiosity I guess...
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • May 30, 2024
I agree with both of you. I liked both my Doms Profile Names here and still do.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
Miki​(masochist female) • May 30, 2024
I should have adjusted "doozies in here"-- that is over the years. Now there are some "interesting" ones but not the whoppers I had seen before.

and not "those" whoppers..
vv V vv​(sadist male)
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • May 30, 2024
“What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet. - Wild William
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • May 30, 2024
Over the years vv V vv I have discovered that what people are named are usually how they act.

My own name for instance that my mother gave me because she liked a character in Gone With Wind, means blackness. And so for most of my life I have been depressed. But I also have the good qualities of that character and I think that's what my mother was going for.

I chose my youngest brother's name which means Keeper Of The Sword. (I was 14 at the time and everyone liked it, so we named him that). Beside my father, my brother was the only one out of 4 siblings who entered military service and spent 10 years in the Army, serving in Desert Storm when that war was going on. He wanted to make the military his career but kept getting bypassed for promotions until he finally just retired.

In my personal experience the name Michael seems to be associated with romance and promises but little follow through of them. The Michael's I've known have been great promisers but not dependable when needed. I know that may not be everyone's experience but it has been mine.

The Bible speaks of Jacob having the meaning of supplanted. It's not a surprise that he fooled his blind father to trick him into giving him the birthright that would have gone to his older brother Esau.

So yes, I see importance in names.
vv V vv​(sadist male)
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
vv V vv​(sadist male) • May 30, 2024
Michael is repeatedly depicted as the “great captain,” the leader of the heavenly hosts, and the warrior helping the children of Israel.
He is also known for being like god.
3 months ago • May 30, 2024
lambsone{countrySir} • May 30, 2024
Yes the Archangel Michael. Sadly I haven't found his character replicated in the Michael's I've known. Perhaps because he is not a human being maybe?