Online now
Online now

Invisibility / status indicators

obsequiae​(dom male)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021

Invisibility / status indicators

obsequiae​(dom male) • Apr 13, 2021
First off i'd like to thank Miki for reminding me when I read one of her recent posts! I think it would be wonderful to at the very least if not having complete status indicators (online/DND(?)/offline or invisible), to have invisible or stealth mode so people have another layer of control when it comes to when & who we choose to interact with at any given time. This is a topic that has come up numerous times in private conversations with fellow members. If anyone has anything more to add feel free, but just thought i'd put this out there as a suggestion officially.
acquiesced​(sub male)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
acquiesced​(sub male) • Apr 13, 2021
This is a tough one. There are currently settings for who sees your online status, but it's tiered. It can lead to conflict (you were online but didn't answer my message). The developer has to tread carefully here.

DND is a good idea (although it triggers a whole lot of other possible features, like what happens if someone sends a message, does it get blocked?). Also, what happens in stealth mode when you make a forum or blog post? Does it bring you out of sm? Lots to think about.
GvS​(other male)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
GvS​(other male) • Apr 13, 2021
Re: forum/blog posts in stealth mode-
Those things are visible whether the poster is online or not. Granted, an immediate reply will clue readers in that you're online, but that's your call.
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 13, 2021
That was what I was getting at. If I come in to read/reply to PMs for example. Or at least read them and decide whether an immediate reply is necessary. For example a question should get an answer fairly quickly, but sometimes simple remarks like "Hello Slut!" (which does not offend me, by the way) can wait indefinitely.

I'd think replying to PMs wouldn't necessarily have the "Online Now" beacon pop up, but that is a matter of coding and what this forum platform is able to support. It is pretty basic compared to some they have out there.

Obviously to post to a thread or blog "announces" one's presence. That's a no-brainer.

A lot of times I pop in to check if there even are messages. If not, I sign right back out. "Bye bye freaks, catch ya later."

As it stands, it instantly shows I'm logged in, yet stays that way up to 5 minutes after I leave, which is a pain in my ass if someone does message me, thinking I'm online when I'm not, and that gives the appearance of me ignoring them.

That sucks the un-cut bent one in that I never ignore those who PM me yet it looks like it. It likely makes the message-writer feel like five dollars, and makes me look like a pile of dirty, smelly socks.

* * * *

Of course that's different from the original topic but falls under the "technical" category.

To rehash more succinctly: I would think that if it shows one as "Online Now" the very second they complete the login process, it should be able to show someone as "offline" just as instantaneously.

Additionally, logging out is kind of a 2 step process if one follows through rather than just closing the browser. First you check out, then a window comes up informing you of that with a "Continue" button. I'd think at the very least clicking that should signal the platform to show User X as "Offline".
SugarCookie​(sub female)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
SugarCookie​(sub female) • Apr 13, 2021
Totally agree we need an invisible/ offline option. I sometimes pop in to check messages. Or I just want to read blogs or write and then people see I'm on then I'm having to answer messages.
K y i v
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
K y i v • Apr 13, 2021
Yall do know in Preferences, Privacy you can choose to not show your detailed login info to anyone... It will be vague like "recently"

No to this hiding feature. It would be a stalker paradise.
ElizaEmma​(sub female){NotLooking}
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
SugarCookie wrote:
Totally agree we need an invisible/ offline option. I sometimes pop in to check messages. Or I just want to read blogs or write and then people see I'm on then I'm having to answer messages.

I used to feel that way, too, but recently learned to just ignore messages until I feel like answering them. People should not have the expectation that simply because you are online, you have to answer their messages right away!
    The most loved post in topic
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 13, 2021
Kiev wrote:
Yall do know in Preferences, Privacy you can choose to not show your detailed login info to anyone... It will be vague like "recently"

No to this hiding feature. It would be a stalker paradise.

The existing features are useless. It does not matter if they know I was here "recently" or 6 months ago. I don't want people to always know I'm in here NOW--until and unless I post something.

And as for stalkers using invisible to stalk, they can do that anyway by perusing threads without logging in. And if they do log in as invisible but make contact with someone they wish to stalk.. bingo they're not hiding any more.

Of course you're a man. I don't expect you to get what I mean. I highly doubt anyone blows up your inbox.

I want to be here and if I post nothing, that I am here is none of anyone's concern. "Keep moving, nothing to see here"

And as for the other post, "ignore messages" Kind of tough when the fucks blow up your inbox. Sooner or later you have to take out the trash.

Waste of time
K y i v
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
K y i v • Apr 13, 2021
Not gonna happen..
Miki​(masochist female)
3 years ago • Apr 13, 2021
Miki​(masochist female) • Apr 13, 2021
Of course not. Been asking them for 2 years or so. All I was talking about is the option.

Since it won't likely happen, like a lot of things like instant status "online" but delayed "offline" status notification. (ass-backwards IMO)

There's Plan B which I have been thinking about for quite some time.

Unwanted inboxing or posts to my Bond, depending on context (friendly, non-sexual convo always welcome of course) and the one who sends unwanted crap just because they see me Online-- gets the heave-ho from my personal space. Blocked; permanently.

Of course forum posts remain visible and though it has never happened involving the few I have blocked, "just in case" any harassment on forum threads from Blocked people gets a report.

* * * * *

Bear in mind, the written word makes me seem more pissed off than I intend to convey (only mildly miffed)-- One way or another I'll get a measure of control over my personal Cage experience that I believe everyone deserves... especially those who pay the monthly or annual fee to be Premium.

This is the only site I have this issue with.

Much-maligned as it is, I can say one good thing for Facebook. No Status Indicators at all! I can go to any page I like, read any post I like and no one knows I'm online unless I say something to them.