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Tasks vs Rules

aPeepingMom​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jun 30, 2023

Tasks vs Rules

aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Jun 30, 2023
I started to post this question on another forum post, but would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on the question:

To you, what is the difference between a TASK and a RULE?

I have what I like to call “written rules”, which are very specific things that my Sir has told me I must do. Then there are “unwritten rules”, which are things he has mentioned, or things he has asked me to do without formally declaring it “a rule.” (And I’ll be honest, I fail to remember unwritten rules #4 & #5 more often than not.)

So… what would you label a “rule”? What would you label a “task”? And what is the difference?

My Written Rules:
1. I will use “Sir” often, when appropriate and natural, as a show of service and respect.
2. I will tell, and where possible show, Sir every time I put on or remove my panties.
3. I will make Sir the first and last thing I think of each day. A "good morning" and "good night" message are required.
4. This body, this cunt, do not belong to me. They are His. I will not use either for sexual pleasure without His permission or direction.
5. Don't apologize. “I'm sorry” is for when I have done wrong, caused hurt. Most often, “Yes Sir” is enough.

My Unwritten Rules:
1. I will keep Sir’s cunt bare and smooth for his pleasure.
2. I will lick my fingers clean anytime I touch myself sexually, whether I cum or not.
3. I will thank Sir during and after my orgasm for allowing me to cum for him.
4. I will prepare to take Sir’s cock deep in my throat by training my gag reflex every day.
5. I will search for and share naughty/kinky/sexy photos with Sir every day to better understand his likes and dislikes.

Also: where the fuck should I categorize this forum post? Why are there so many? General? Beginner? Lifestyle? Gahhhhhh!!!
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Little Vixie​(sub female){Mgh30}
1 year ago • Jul 1, 2023
First: I think this might be a lifestyle question just due to the nature of yalls dynamic.

For me: a rule is something that is set in place for structure
A task is a temporary set of work that is to be completed

My dom and I have rules for when we are in play. He respects my desire to not do 24/7 tpe and I know that he finds that it tends to be alot mentally for him.
Written rules during play:
1. I will address him as Sir at all times during play.
2. I will direct my gaze to the floor unless given permission
3. When enacted, I will not speak unless given permission
4. I will wear no clothing except what is picked out by Sir during play
5. I will bring whatever items Sir requests before each meet up and if forgotten I will recieve a punishment from the punishment wheel.
6. I will use the stop light safe word phrases if needed
7. Breaks will be given accordingly
8. If an emergency occurs (family) then all play will cease

Unwritten Rules:
1. We will discuss those that wish to play with me. I will be open and honest about how that person has treated me in the past and currently. Sir gets to decide if they end up on the no go list until they either correct themselves or if I decide that I do not wish to talk to them further
2. I will be open about my feelings. I have difficulty not shutting down when I am upset and it helps me to slowly break that
3. I will tell him when I need to get off. He will decide if I get to or not
4. Work and play are completely seperate
5. I will better myself when possible
EpicParker​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jul 1, 2023
EpicParker​(sub female) • Jul 1, 2023
A task is an order of work essentially. You are being delegated to do something. Rules are guidelines that you adhere to for safety and structure.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 year ago • Jul 1, 2023
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 1, 2023
Each is what I say it is when I set up a given relationship.

What is a task for one, may be a rule for another.

Or may be forbidden in a third.
aPeepingMom​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Jul 2, 2023
TopekaDom wrote:
Each is what I say it is when I set up a given relationship.

What is a task for one, may be a rule for another.

Or may be forbidden in a third.

I’m not sure why, but this actually makes the most sense to me. 😂

It’s very much a “Because I said so” reason.
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
autisticbarbie • Jul 2, 2023
The word cunt makes me want to hang myself. But I understand in the UK or what not, that's a normal word. I have no problem being called a bitch. Lot's of people hate that too. Tomato tomatoe. Just like the rules v. protocol definition in my humble opinion.
TopekaDom​(dom male)
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
TopekaDom​(dom male) • Jul 2, 2023
aPeepingMom wrote:
[quote=I’m not sure why, but this actually makes the most sense to me. 😂

It’s very much a “Because I said so” reason.

The thing is, a given rule or task may apply to s type a but not to s type b.
The only thing that carries over to each relationship is being barefooted (due to my incredible foot fetish), everything else is dependent on the who and why the type is looking to work with me.
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
I'mME • Jul 2, 2023
EpicParker wrote:
A task is an order of work essentially. You are being delegated to do something. Rules are guidelines that you adhere to for safety and structure.

A task can be a rule and vice versa.
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
I'mME • Jul 2, 2023
submissivejewishgirl wrote:
The word cunt makes me want to hang myself. But I understand in the UK or what not, that's a normal word. I have no problem being called a bitch. Lot's of people hate that too. Tomato tomatoe. Just like the rules v. protocol definition in my humble opinion.


I used to be a dirty cunt. 😁
aPeepingMom​(sub female)
1 year ago • Jul 2, 2023
aPeepingMom​(sub female) • Jul 2, 2023
TopekaDom wrote:
The thing is, a given rule or task may apply to s type a but not to s type b.
The only thing that carries over to each relationship is being barefooted (due to my incredible foot fetish), everything else is dependent on the who and why the type is looking to work with me.

As much as I try to put everything into very black and white boxes, it seems like this is the only thing that’s consistent: nothing is consistent. 😉

I’ve seen and heard so many things used interchangeably, I get confused sometimes. And I care less about the item itself (I only listed my rules as examples), but more in identifying the difference between a task and a rule.

Maybe I should ask this instead:
Is it fair to say that rules are things outlined that always remain in place, day to day, unless otherwise stated: whereas tasks are things that may vary day-to-day?

Like, my panty rule. It’s something I must do daily, no exceptions. So that’s a rule. But a task would be if told to wear white, lace panties every day this week.

Sometimes I just need to talk it out for it to make sense.